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Do you think im telling the truth?
Heck no, you have no credibility (17)
I will judge you after I see the video (8)
About time somebody pulled it off (8)
I have actually been working on a variles magmoor run for months and have done it a number of times. But now that I have the technology to capture video I took the time to try to get the
best possible run for you guys. The best so far is 37health left over. Enjoy the video. 

I emailed my video to Jahnke

+Health ratios taking the Tallon entrance to Magmoore+

- Room with morph ball track and lava snake: ( exited with 3boxes 45)
  Best to L jump through - touching lava sparingly and getting to next room Is better than rolling along the track.
- Room with lava snake and boxes: ( exited with 2boxes 52)
  Rocketed the boxes in mid flight to land on the health orbs. If you time it right you can also
  scan jump off the lava snake and land on the patch of dirt to your left and save some health.
  The downside is you would have to pause to blow up the boxes around the corner.
- Ice spreader room: ( exited with 2boxes 05)
  I morph balled through and bombed the door, I have also L jumped through
  but they seem the same
- Control Room: ( exited with 81 )
  Rocket the two front turrets quickly then rocket the boxes and charge up to gather
  The health from both the boxes and turrets.
  It might be faster to go around the back of the tower and jump up onto the bridge from the pipe
  But I went left and blew up the side turret. Could have saved some health but im not consistant
- Morph Ball Tunnel: ( exited the heat with 37 )

With it all said and done I think if If I collect an extra 5 spot in life, loose
at least two of my lava hops, and exit control room via pipe jump.
It might be possible to make it through not only with 37 in life but a possibility of 50,80+!

Next on my list is shoot through with only two boxes of health... all i need is a couple more months
and a truckload of Mt.Dew.
Thread title: 
Ready and willing.
Errr..... nate, you wanna field this one?
I'm aweful at speed running and doing just about any trick in Prime accuratly, but I can consistantly get half-way on that route, so I have no doubts it's possible. The video should prove very interesting.
Yeah.  Always wanted to see a video of this.

Er, an attempt at it.  We'll see if you're telling the truth once the video is up.  It's easy to tell if it's spliced together.

judge for yourself.


my best try to date. note the double damage rate.
That's interesting.  I'm trying to figure out how the damage rate is different in Hobo's video.  Don't think there are any AR codes for that.  This is fishy.  On a note, I haven't really tried it without Varia except with AR.
Hmm, the clip doesn't appear to have been edited, at least not obviously. Nate definatly takes damage MUCH faster, though. What versions were each of these recorded on?
mine is recorded on the na player's choice version, because p.hobo said he got his game "like two weeks ago." the damage rate is identical in the other two versions i have, though (original na and original pal).
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Well, the damage rate in PseudoHobo's video is way too slow, so this is clearly cheated. Although I must confess I have no idea how he cheated.
Ready and willing.

Shown at #metroid, this tzyr with the gravity and phazon but without varia (Action Replay). He forgot to check the suits at the end, tho.
Notice the damage rate in Tzyr's video with Gravity and Phazon suits is the same as Sodo's video?  Coincedence?  I think not.  Sodo = cheater
You do know what we do to cheaters in these parts, right psuedo?
lol no way
He doesn't need to check suits, you can tell he has the Phazon suit cause it says 'Phazon Beam' in the lower right.
I think I know what the punchline to this one is: "I never said I wasn't using AR..."

Or maybe that's what "the technology to capture video" means.  Wink
I find it funny how you guys label me a "cheater" when all I said was I made it through magmoor. There are no strings attached to that... so in the video I made it through. I promised a video of a viariles run and that’s what I gave you. I’m an entertainer. BOOYA!
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
You know Pseudo, I thought for a while that you really were trying to change from your old "2XBJ" days. Too bad I was wrong.

Samus Lauren
That was harsh, Toozin. So very harsh... Must you be so harsh!?

... Not that i don't think he deserved it... I'll be a good girl now and shutup...
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
PseudoHobo (or SodoHobo if you prefer) has a long and torrid history of being a stupid-head. This was simply the last straw. If you want to know how much of a fucker he is, feel free to click on this right here.
Samus Lauren
Waitaminnit... is his website called Metroid Prime Discoveries?!?!
I thought that was your website name once!
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Now you begin to understand.
Ready and willing.
Wait... it's not just that he's on Geocities?  :P
Quote from Yoshi348:
Wait... it's not just that he's on Geocities?  :P

man, if you could just get 2 more energy tanks............ :P
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from RoboBlob:
man, if you could just get 2 more energy tanks............ :P

Just one more would be enough, actually. But it's not gonna happen.  :(