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Use \ before commas in usernames
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Okay, the list was lost in the unintentional pruning, and I guess this is something people actually want to know, so I'll just post here more or less what I posted in another thread:

Metroid Larva (0 posts)
Alpha Metroid (25 posts)
Gamma Metroid (50 posts)
Zeta Metroid (100 posts)
Omega Metroid (200 posts)
Metroid Prime (500 posts)
Metroid Queen (1000 posts)
Mother Brain (2000 posts)
Custom title (Mod or Admin ONLY)

Going out of your way to get these or bashing people on the basis of rank are very serious offences and will have drastic reprocutions, including bans and in extreme cases revoking all non-custom ranks. So use them responsibly.
Thread title: 
I have a confession;

I was trying to become an alpha metroid so fast that I was over posting on purpose. I apologise for breaking the rules earlier.

I also want to apologise for creating problems by posting with all of my text in color. I am very sorry if I made anyone Upset  while I was doing that.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
To clarify, user ranks give NO benefits and are just there for asthetic purposes. And if anyone hastles you on the basis of rank, they WILL be reprimanded. So trying for higher ones is completely pointless.

Pulse, as long as you keep the pointless posting down, you're fine.
Now I am relieved.(I thought I would be in big Trouble.
If trying to reach a higher rank encourages more thoughtful posting, I'd call that a good thing. And Pulse, I highly doubt you're the only one to try to get off the lowest rank as fast as possible.

As for the point of user ranks, I always thought of them as an at-a-glance way of telling who doesn't know when to shut up. The only ranks I really pay attention to are the custom ones.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Light of Day:
If trying to reach a higher rank encourages more thoughtful posting, I'd call that a good thing.

Thoughtful posting is fine. But people who are trying to increase their ranks tend not to be thoughtful.
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from Light of Day:
If trying to reach a higher rank encourages more thoughtful posting, I'd call that a good thing.

Thoughtful posting is fine. But people who are trying to increase their ranks tend not to be thoughtful.

Which is exactly why I specified thoughtful. I see your point, though. Someone might read that and get the wrong idea. Or they might read that and notice my large post count. I suppose I should have know better than to post something like that about what can be a somewhat touchy subject. Sorry.
Nate. What does "double sequal sequence breaker" mean.
I'm going to guess that he sequence breaked in two games twice :P... I've been wondering that too though. Same with the other one he had.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion had a simotanious launch. They are the double sequals.
Oh, I never knew that, I thought Metroid Prime came out before Fusion, since Fusion is the last in the series. (For now anyway.)

Oh, Toozin, I've been wondering this for quite awhile now. But, everytime that I load or refreash a page, your avatar changes... Is it something you set?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
It's because I'm too awesome for just one avatar. They keep exploding unless I rotate them.

It's actually done with a php script. Thanks to Hive Mecha for it.
Neat, I never heard of that either. Jeeze, I got read news more often at Gamefaqs and other boards :P
I like your new avatar phazon!  If only you were an omega...
I made it for him. :P Had to say that...
Quote from RoboBlob:
I like your new avatar phazon!  If only you were an omega...

Oh, but I will be soon. But I'm not rushing to get it or anything. I also credited MMclean in my sig. That way people won't think I'm stealing his ideas. :P
Quote from Wassup Dawgs:
Nate. What does "double sequal sequence breaker" mean.

one of my epithets ... i am the double sequel (prime/fusion) sequence breaker who ran the site that was 'the home of double sequel sequence breaking.'

now the site is far larger, though, so i guess it's just nostalgia more than anything.