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Use \ before commas in usernames
yourname.metroid2002.com is no longer a valid link. please use metroid2002.com/yourname instead. thank you for your attention in this matter.
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Found that out today.  It's not too much of a hassle though.
Strategy Guide Writer
Just out of personal curiosity, what benefits does a sub-domain have over a sub-folder on the same server?

Why would movies.samus.co.uk be any better than samus.co.uk/movies/ ?
The dot is closer to the center of the keyboard than the /
So, less chance of getting RSI

right?  :?
not that it matters a great deal, but this will break some of the links on the echoes wiki, as I remember linking a bunch of movies as grenola.m2k2.com.

I may fix them if I can be bothered.
*bothers grenola*