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Ready and willing.
Found this on the back of a computer game from '99...

In using this CD-ROM, you may choose to use the Internet. You acknowledge that Hasbro Interactive is not responsible for the Internet or whether it should continue to exist in its present form or whether or not a government or governmental agency, either foreign or domestic, will control, regulate or disband the Internet.
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Ha, ha... wow.

Of course Hasbro Interactive isn't responsible for the Internet... Al Gore is.  Heh, heh.
Hehe ^__^

I saw a mouse mat in a Game store, and on the package it said "Compatible with all mice".
what game is that, im not sure if i should dig out my RCT disk and check to see if its there...
Ready and willing.
It was Parker Brothers Card Games. Don't know if that'll tell you anything.

And in more randomness, here's proof positive that The Onion rocks.  :P
Yes. Here's more.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
And you thought Steel Mill workers had it tough!