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...doesn't hurt to give it a try. :P I'm looking for someone with decent knowledge of the japanese language to please translate something for me:

Since this is a screenshot taken from a handheld game, I didn't know if this was supposed to be here or at the Handheld Gaming forum. But if you guys think it should be moved, Tooz and Nate, you're welcome to do so. :) Thanks in advance. :)
Thread title: 
wOOt!  Megaman zero!!!

Too bad I dont know japanese
But I could just grab my copy of either zero 1 or 2 =p
And match up the english with the japanese...

Too bad I'm not with my games at the moment.  =(
But you're missing a section of it aren't you?
The bottom?  Or is this... Shocked A NEW Megaman zero?!
Anyway according to memory the third to ladt is how many elves used...  second from top is time it took you...  That's alli can remember =\
Heh... Not just Rockman Zero... That screen comes from Rockman Zero 3. ;) Don't ask where I got it. :P
I was RIght!??!  Shocked  Shocked I wanna ask!!!  I want to!

Crying or Very sad I never get anything special
That's why some day I swear to join the megaman team and design my very own game  :(  Well I can dream =\

By the way I added my memory guesses to two of the lines of thingys i my first post up there

And uhhh...  You wouldn't uhhh  Embarassed  Happen to uhh...  Know the story behind this new game would you?  Because I'm really wondering why they seem to be reaching the zero series with the X series...  But also seem to make more Zero series than X

One more thing...  I thnk this does belong here but is hard to tell what it is about so you might not get as many people helping because of the title you know?  Most people don't go into a thread because they're confused but rather becaus they know.

Curse you  not thinking on your toes, me!  Also your uhhh  avatar isn't from zero 3 is it?  If it is...  Is it gonna go into detail about how he was altered?  If he was altered at all from original.