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Which do you prefer:
MZM (Different/more enemies, less ammo/energy) (12)
MP (Tougher enemies, same ammo) (2)
Which type of hard mode do you like better? MZM has enemies which do more damage, tanks that give you less ammo and in some places, more enemies. Prime's hard has the same enemies and ammo, but the enemies have double life and attack power. Which is better? Or, would you prefer something else entirely?
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Not impossible
just highly unlikely
MZM had the best hard mode I've seen in a while.
Ready and willing.
Ooh, don't forget reduced escape times!
I like timeSplitters 2's Harder modes in that the levels get longer and you have more to do.

This won't 'quite' work with Prime but it could do something like

To get the Morph Ball: You fight against TWO of those big horned borrow thingys

Could be a mix between tougher, stronger enemies and simply more of them.

Could also change some of the doors to require different opening methods.

Like I said they probably wouldn't work too well in Prime since it would disrupt the main order you're supposed to go.
pfft, hence the "REMIX" difficulty setting.

oh, wait... that only exists in my mind.

i didn't say anything at all.
Hmm, I hate the way enemies have double life in hard mode in Prime, it makes the wave troopers INCREDIBLY annoying. Also, it makes the boss battles long and boring. So better not go with that. Faster enemies, enemies that do more damage and have new abilities, and perhaps more enemies, yes (for example every security bot in the game is cloaked). More enemy life, no. Please, no. Don't  give me wave troopers that take 6 charged shots to kill each.