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i don't know if this belongs here or elsewhere, but if it doesn't, feel free to move. this topic will document my very first 1% run, and may give you some confidence to try it out yourself. i don't have a capture card, but if i can send in my VHS to Nate, he can capture it and i can use it in this documentation. anyway, let's begin.

Update 1.0
Ok, officially started the 1% run after a few days of refreshing my fusion skills (i haven't played in 3 months). I slapped my fusion cartrige into my Game Boy Player, turned on my TV, grabed my controller, and made the file. Currently going through the beginning cutscene...Samus is now being attacked by the X. Another update when I actually start playing. TiberiumPhazon

Update 2.0
I'm finally in control. Currently in the Quardraint (however it's spelled) bay, and just killed the toad. Currently returning to Navigation Room to get my next update from Adam...Ok, now he's telling me about absorbing the X. Now, he's telling me to get the missiles. Currently on my way. TiberiumPhazon

Update 3.0
Sweet! I have the missiles. Making my way through the poorly-lit area, and got past the missile tank and the energy tank. Now fighting Arachnis. TiberiumPhazon

Update 4.0
Currently in Sector 1 (SRX). I saved the game and turned it off...that's a little too much work for me. I will continue as soon as possible, but right now I'm resting my Gamecube...it's served me well these 4 hours. TiberiumPhazon

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more 1% updates.
Thread title: 
Wouldn't the Technical Demonstration on the site serve the same purpose, only more concisely? The confidence part, I mean.  Sounds like you're using this thread as a blog/diary. Details like turning on the TV and making the file are only going to be of interest to yourself (although I suppose it might be more interesting if you skipped turning on the TV).  This reads like you're telling a friend on the phone what's going on.

Why not start a blog for this and put the link in your sig?
Quote from Chanoire:
Wouldn't the Technical Demonstration on the site serve the same purpose, only more concisely?
Except Sess vanished off the face of the earth and left it unfinished.
Quote from LifeMega:
Quote from Chanoire:
Wouldn't the Technical Demonstration on the site serve the same purpose, only more concisely?
Except Sess vanished off the face of the earth and left it unfinished.

He didnt vanish, Ekardarif got him uberly pissed off when he insulted the nintendo fanboy side of Sess. After that he told us all that he would be leaving this forum and never returning.

At least, thats how i remember those two posts anyhow.
soaking through
I'm pretty sure it was Scarlet more than anyone else, after she said something along the lines of "Nintendo isn't God".
Thanks again for putting words into my mouth. I really appreciate it.
HAHAHA. ekarderif scaring off sess. that's a good one.

... unless they are actually the same person ...
I have some questions for TiberiumPhazon:

How good are you? And you said your gamecube served you well for 4 hours. How long is your run so far?
I think we're all a little scared of Ek.
soaking through
Psh.  There's nothing to be scared of.  He's just grumpy.
I'm telling you, the cancer got to Sess. I had nothing to do with it.
Cook of the Sea
I like the "Eka is Sess" line of thinking.
red chamber dream
Quote from Izo:
Psh.  There's nothing to be scared of.  He's just grumpy.

Naw, he's fucking hilarious. You just have to learn to not take many of the things he says seriously.
All this talk of Ek reminds me...

Ek! Update the Emu-Rape!
in the name of justice!
Quote from LifeMega:
I think we're all a little scared of Ek.

Meh, he's not any scarier than Toozin.

I loved Sess's vid so much...almost makes me want to play Fusion.  Even if no-damage is the most unbelievable thing ever.
red chamber dream
Quote from LifeMega:
Ek! Update the Emu-Rape!

The next update is up; it's just not linked to yet. Should be here soon.
Soon isn't fast enough =P
Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from LifeMega:
Ek! Update the Emu-Rape!

The next update is up; it's just not linked to yet. Should be here soon.

twenty eight fifty
i love it; a topic about fusion has become a zero mission haven.

Quote from transience:
i love it; a topic about fusion has become a zero mission haven.

Fusion has been overshadowed by its superior GBA twin. But its all Ekard's fault for not updating the Emu Rape soon enough. And Nintendo's for making Fusion.
It's more that a lame topic has been overshadowed by less lame topics.  Sort of.
soaking through
I prefer Fusion.


Seriously though, shouldn't this topic like die now or something?  >_>
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Threads tend to die quicker when people don't keep posting random comments in them.
red chamber dream
Threads tend to die now.