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I've saw it at one point. It was technically an area that was not power-bombed enough. If the person power-bombed agian, he would've seen another room to get a power-bomb expansion.
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I like Big Butts and I can not lie
It's a glitch.

You shouldn't be able to morph
There's no ladder to cling onto
Even if you could cling the ladder, you can't climb down it and not fall off
Theres a ladder above it. It thinks that the ladder was broken when you slightly broken part of the power bomb tiles, so yes it's a glitch in some ways, but it's not really that bad. All you need to do is power-bomb the rest.

I think technically, that tile is called as a ladder tile, which is probably why it thinks you were only a ladder at that point.

I went through that are about 3 minutes ago, and it all could be power-bombed. If you power-bombed near it, you could probably find the other room.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
That's a ladder end tile, which means that you would fall off of it when reach it. That's why it's a glitch, you shouldn't be able to climb onto it.
Let's see if I can explain this considering I found the glitch. I don't know how samus can grab it, apparently she grabs the corner or something. It seems that when you grab the rungs (or any rungs), samus' position is moved up slightly. When you reach the top of rungs or a platform, it checks for a solid block two above and one to the right/left of samus. Possibly it mistakes samus being at the top of the rungs when she is up in the wall. That's my guess.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Also, considering the very nature of this site, I'm confident that many of its users have at some point gotten that tank; especially the ones that have done 100% speedruns. For future reference, nobody here considers "bombing a limited set out of a group of bombable blocks" a glitch, so it's safe to assume that is NOT the intended focus of any given page.