Two words: the backlight screen and lithium battery are the greatest things added to Game Boy since Gunpei Yokoi.
That's not two words. :P
And yes, a backlight is more than a big enough redeeming feature for me. I was trying to see if the old GBA had any redeeming features at all. Apparantly, there are none that really matter.
Two words: A LIGHT. Rechargable batteries that last 15 hours with the light on and recharge in three hours. Foldable for even more travel compactivityness..........yea. Who care about headphones? There is a volume control on the side... In conclusion, the SP is well worth the extra 30 simoleans.
Nope. I've never had issues with the ergonomics of the SP. I was a little worried when I first saw it, especially about the shoulder buttons, but I get at least as good control as I do from my old GBA (better, if you count the fact I can see what I'm doing).
i think the sp is too short length-wise. my fingers have to curve at unnatural angles to touch the r and l buttons. then again, i have larger hands than most of the people on the planet.
i don't hit the L/R with the tips of my fingers... ::turns on gameboy, realizes its Harvest Moon:FOMT in there, turns it off before he loses 5 more hours to it...damn addicting as hell game...:: well, i hit the buttons more near the first joint of the finger, my hands kinda curl around the back, (overlapping eachother) and my 2 index fingers are just kinda resting on the 2 buttons I got used to it though, all those runs through with metroid fusion did the trick... i just wish the thing had stereo, cause im to lazy to go out and buy a headphone adapter, or a pair of headphones for that matter.
*Hugs Metroid: Zero Mission, the only GBA game worth playing since Metroid Fusion and A Link to the Past*
Hey, you missed SMA4. Of course, that's already been released like twice, but still, you can't deny SMB3. You just can't. And it's the only game so far that actually uses the e-reader for something other than a gimmick.
EDIT: Oooh, and Wario Ware. Wario Ware kicks your ass.
o_o I play a lot of games for GBA. I think there's far more out for the GBA than just the Metroid games. Wario Ware, Castlevania, Advance Wars, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. I could go on and on but it's pointless, and my games are all the way over there. Lazy is me.
On topic: I don't really care for the SP myself. I still use my normal GBA in which I installed an afterburner back light. Been fine for me all this time. I am fetching myself a Game Boy Player this week though :D
On topic: I don't really care for the SP myself. I still use my normal GBA in which I installed an afterburner back light. Been fine for me all this time.
o_o I play a lot of games for GBA. I think there's far more out for the GBA than just the Metroid games. Wario Ware, Castlevania, Advance Wars, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.