Man if it was way more self serious that movie would be the best. A dumb b movie that treats itself one is no fun.
It's like all the dumb spoof movies that try to follow Airplane. Airplane is amazing because nobody appears to realize it's a joke, if they were all haha check it out that old lady's talking jive it would have been shit. Or like those old monster movies where the monster is a gila monster filmed on a miniature set or a dude in a cheesy suit.
You can't have them all laughing at the moon nazis, they have to be fucking mortified at the thought of nazis in flying saucers. No matter how dumb it is.
Stop getting dumb movies wrong you assholes, they used to be fun.
Think most people missed the point of Snakes on a Plane, tried to look at it as a film and not a dumb thing you'd watch at midnight with a bunch of drunk idiots/friends and have a good time. It also got a lot of hype and I guess people thought it was for reasons besides "Gonna be fucking dumb."
"In comical scenes zoo keepers and police at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo battled with the giant papier mâché rhinoceros as part of an animal escape drill in the aftermath of an earthquake."
yeah okay.
Stil, the top rated comment is great. "The Japanese are fucked if a real rhino gets out", haha.
I'd probably be more worried about the rhino, a grizzly gets you you might survive largely intact, rhino gets you and you're pretty well fucked. They're faster than they look.
I've always said that if there was any animal intent on doing me harm, I'd like it to be anything than a shark. My example has always been that if you're on the plains, and a lion decides it's going to eat you, there's at least some chance (however slim) that you might get to safety before you are eaten, but nobody stands a chance of outswimming a shark.
If anyone gets attacked by a shark, or any kind of ocean-dwelling animal, they get NO sympathy from me. Do you have gills? Do you have fins? NO you don't, stay out of the ocean, humans aren't meant to be there, dumbass.