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lol they couldn't get away with that these days, what with all the non-asian radical leftists going on about how racist it is.
Hehe, it was probably broadcast over here in the 70 or early 80's by the looks of it. Anyhow the Karate master featured in the video is a true legend. I've read up all about him. He was one of the group of young masters dispatched from japan to set up clubs all around the world in the 1960's. He was sent to Great Britain and taught here for around 40 years before his passing in 2003. He was apparently extremely intense and very scary, and was credited with having the strongest punch in Japan. He always demanded the best from his students. Also he has ancient samurai lineage in his blood line Cool
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Opium: 2011-12-12 10:04:20 pm
Japan?  I thought kung fu was chinese? (and karate, too)
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Behemoth: 2011-12-12 10:09:24 pm
lol yeah it is, but the commercial just used the term Kung fu (or kung feuyRazz) presumably because at that time more people had just heard of kung fu or it's simply a more recognizable term. Also they might not have had a Chinese master to come in and do the commercial so just asked him instead.

Karate is Japanese yeah. More specifically it's roots are found in the Okinawan islands located south of Japan.
I guess they just figure that the silly round-eye people don't know the difference anyways.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Trippy O_O
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
That's pretty cool.  I thought the building morphing parts were the best.
Club 27 Goals
Clearly the person that set it up only did it for attention and recognition to compensate for a small penis, right Opium?
red chamber dream
lol poision ;(
Club 27 Goals
I like turtles.
God, I miss that show.
Quote from Poision Envy:
Clearly the person that set it up only did it for attention and recognition to compensate for a small penis, right Opium?

No, they were paid to do it.
Quote from Turtle:
God, I miss that show.

Yeah, I miss the only good show Lauren Faust worked on, too.

...and the ponyfags and Foster's fans start raging.
Oh fuck, didn't mean that double post.
red chamber dream
Could've sworn you could delete posts on TF... Oh well...
red chamber dream
i don't think normal users can if it's not the last post in the thread but i got ya bro
I like turtles.
red chamber dream
red chamber dream
he's such an entertaining live performer
Club 27 Goals
yeah you saw him live not too long ago didn't you?

totally jelly
red chamber dream
hell yeah dude

saw wiz and snoop dogg the other night too haha
daivd letterman