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Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
OMG I love this:

[noembed] http://www.flickr.com/photos/60053005@N00/2739725976/ [/noembed]
red chamber dream
Were you not supposed to be able to tell it's a snake? Snake is the first thing I thought.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
It makes most people jump. 
Successor of L

This video leaves me speechless.......
Edit history:
detonator300: 2008-08-19 09:09:50 am
Are you ready for some underwear music?
I laughed my ass off while watching this.
Edit: Whoops, the guy who made that video has prevented embedding and I don't know how to make it into just a link but you can find it if you search for "Metroid Prime Catasthrope 2: Hunters".
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2008-08-18 02:01:57 pm
Hated by all
Makes 7 embedded vids:

The barfing skit from Family Guy. Classic.

And detonator, just do [*noembed]site name[*/noembed], just take off the asterisks.
Are you ready for some underwear music?
Ok, I'll do that. Thanks.
Hated by all
Cloud8745 screaming a lot against Mecha Birdo in I Wanna Be The Guy

me and my friend making vinegar explosions =D (for some reason a mod removed my old thread... T.T

red chamber dream
Actually, it was moved to the social topic, but it probably works better here anyway, so I've deleted the original post.
Quote from Arkarian:
Actually, it was moved to the social topic, but it probably works better here anyway, so I've deleted the original post.

oo ok, I jsut refreshed the page while I had it opened and it said it didnt exist and I was so sad T.T
Successor of L

I am REALLY looking forward to this!
Hated by all
All aboard the soul train
I don't know if these have already been posted, and I'm too lazy to check. Ah well.

Final Spaghetti

Final Spaghetti II Part One

Final Spaghetti II Part Two
Are you ready for some underwear music?
That's Final Fantasy, you... OH, that's a completely different story. :)
All aboard the soul train
Quote from detonator300:
That's Final Fantasy, you... OH, that's a completely different story. :)

Final Spaghetti sounds a little more appetizing... I hope in Final Spaghetti IV, we get some Lunarian Spaghetti :D
YTP (youtube poops) are the BEST.
All aboard the soul train
Quote from iiiiiiiii:
YTP (youtube poops) are the BEST.

Some of them are bad, but some of the make me laugh hard... like Final Spaghetti. :)
[noembed][url= Is Spaghetti[/url][/noembed] is much better, though. JeffLindblom is win.
red chamber dream
rotfl, nice.
hahaha good find
All aboard the soul train
I lol'd HARD. XD
Hated by all
Wow, that's hella funny.
All aboard the soul train
This topic should be stickied. That's what I think.