Here's an old but really awesome vid I found on YouTube. It's from when Ozzy wasn't an old stuttering fool. Watch Randy Rhoads' fingers fly on that guitar! Also, the part where Ozzy's voice messes up on live TV is pretty funny, you can tell he's pissed. God i wish I could play this song on guitar hero.
Can use noembed tags ([noembed][/noembed]) in the future.
This should probably be automatic anyway, as embedding makes it troublesome to retrieve the actual YT link on top of the bandwidth annoyance. It's not gonna kill people to open a new tab or hit back when they're done viewing.
I agree in this case, but the feature was originally intended to be useful in Sequence Breaking topics (where only very short clips would be posted), not borderline spam threads such as this one.
I agree in this case, but the feature was originally intended to be useful in Sequence Breaking topics (where only very short clips would be posted), not borderline spam threads such as this one.
To that end, there is a Greasemonkey script out there that can auto-embed YouTube links, which would take the burden off of the administration:
It only does YT and Google, but that's really all we would need in this case AFAIK (and I'm probably somehow wrong on that, but that's not stopping me from making the suggestion). It was also only intended for GameFAQs and LUELinks, but a quick test shows that as long as the link is there in pure text and not linked like this (assume I used URL tags), it will work.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're assuming all the users who want embedded vids are using Firefox, which is not a safe assumption. I don't see the auto–embedding feature going away, as the benefits outweigh the annoyances in this particular community.
Also, to get the YouTube link, you can just click the bottom–right icon to reveal it in the embedded part. It's a bit more of a hassle than an actual link, but I don't think that warrants removing the auto–embed.