wwe isn't wrestling; it's a soap opera. and i love it, or did when i followed it at least.
I haven't watched it since the days of Bret Hart, Mr Perfect, Razor Ramon, Tatanka, Ted Debiase, et cetera. Although the one that made me laugh the most by just coming on stage into the ring, was Psycho Sid.
We managed to get in contact with Lucas Gilbertson, the voice actor behind the voice of Zero in the three latest MegaMan X games (Maverick Hunter X for PSP, and MegaMan X8 and Command Mission for PS2) and he agreed to do a few recordings welcoming people to Rockman Perfect Memories (the site I currently work for as a co-admin) on the front page.
I think I came a little when he said yes, and I came a little more when I actually got the complete recording, of which I cropped out and uploaded three clips. =D
EDIT: So very sorry for the mispost. Meant this to go in the social topic. XD Correcting now.
Of course, it won't beat actually giving it up, but I know it can be tough. I guess this is certainly better than continuing to smoke. Good luck, either way!
I'm seriously considering getting myself one of these. Chainsmoking for 10 years is taking it's toll on my body.
go for it! I cant tell you what a difference it has made for my health since I quit several years ago. I still chew the nicotine gum here and there, but my lungs are pink and clean, my teeth are white, and I can run like the wind.
Opium, Doesn't the tar STAY in your lungs? So once you've smoked for 5 years and you quit, you still have 5 years worth of tar and stuff in your lungs.
Unless it's just another lie they told us in health class... kinda like how they said pot is bad and very addictive.