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I was looking at the SM page and I noticed there hasn't been an update in about a year, but some things (new and old) aren't covered.  Is there an update planned?  Here are the things I was thinking of:

-Charge Beam/Powerbomb combo.  It's mentioned in the botwoon quick kill section, but since Crystal Flash has it's own section why doesn't this?

-X-ray Climbing.

-Getting stuck in doors.

-Kej's alternate bluesuit.
Thread title: 
red chamber dream
Are there proper videos for each trick?
I would also recommend adding Kejardon's alternate Blue Suit method to the page.  As for videos, you could use ZSNES/SNES9x to film the tricks, or film the tricks on an actual console if you want.  But from what I learned about designing videos for this site, emulators have much better quality than videos filmed with an actual camera.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Phazar:
I would also recommend adding Kejardon's alternate Blue Suit method to the page.

Quote from Xaggoth:
-Kej's alternate bluesuit.

Read better.

Quote from Phazar:
But from what I learned about designing videos for this site, emulators have much better quality than videos filmed with an actual camera.

You mean pointing a camera at a television produces crappy videos? Shocking.
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Phazar:
I would also recommend adding Kejardon's alternate Blue Suit method to the page.

Quote from Xaggoth:
-Kej's alternate bluesuit.

Read better.

Sorry, I skimmed over that part a little bit.
What about the PB/charge beam combos do you think should be on the site?  Because the combos themselves are just part of the game, not speed tricks.  I'd expect that the x-ray climbing and perhaps getting stuck in doors aren't there because of being out of bounds
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
That's probably the main reason nobody's bothered asking about it before, at least. As for Kej's oob travels specifically, they pretty much take too long to have a video for it hosted on the main site. Zero Mission, on the other hand, has a couple things it definitely needs to see updated. I'm probably not going to get around to recording anything myself, so it's probably going to have to be dragonfangs or interdpth or someone.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
[noembed]There's always [url= video for the alternate blue suit[/noembed]
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
There's also the grapple trick where you morph and unmorph reall quickly after grappling to fly huge distances.

Used to silly extremes here:

That's an interesting trick there.  However, make sure the video on the site is made in the real Super Metroid, anyone can tell that the video you just posted is from a hack.
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from Phazar:
I would also recommend adding Kejardon's alternate Blue Suit method to the page.  As for videos, you could use ZSNES/SNES9x to film the tricks, or film the tricks on an actual console if you want.  But from what I learned about designing videos for this site, emulators have much better quality than videos filmed with an actual camera.

Phazar, when you're playing on a console attached to a television, you can use a VCR or DVD recorder to record, it's not over the air, the quality is fine, etc.
We use an emulator on the DS because there is no reasonable alternative. (And, as you noticed, it can be more difficult to perform tricks on an emulator due to clunky controls, unless you use savestates and other emulator tools). Emulators are often being used for video, but keep in mind that with consoles, there are more options than there are on handhelds.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Phazar:
That's an interesting trick there.  However, make sure the video on the site is made in the real Super Metroid, anyone can tell that the video you just posted is from a hack.

It was used simply to provide an example of the trick, Phazar.  Calm down. Very Happy

All tricks on Metroid 2002 are for the original games only, but can also be applied to hacks.  Any video added to the site would therefore obviously have to be for the original game.  I am sure that the staff here are capable of adding the / a correct video once it's available, but that would depend more on the trick being used somewhere that actually saves time, and by a player with better abilities than myself. Wink  Also, this trick will probably not make the site now that I think about it, as most of the tricks that are actually detailed here appear to be aimed more at console runs, rather than TAS's, which this particular trick pretty much requires to be used to good effect.