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How about Computer Enhanced Demonstrations, then? :P
l'appel du vide
What're you guys discussing?  What you want to call it?  Or what you want them to call it?  Because they've registered, ya know...
Quote from DominicanZero:
How about Computer Enhanced Demonstrations, then? :P

Apparently, isn't that much more vague than "tool-assisted speedrun"? :P
The whole idea of the "tool-assisted speedrun" name revolves around the matter of "assistance", since it is obvious that the usual speedruns -- the events that are about competition and trying to overcome human limitations -- must be "unassisted" as well as, like, sport competitions. It may be not obvious to determine what a "tool" really is concerning video games, but on the abstract level, the "tool-assisted" prefix is as clear and exact as it could possibly be.
I know, but personally, I'm just trying to bring about a compromise between Nate and the TAS community, that's all. For all I care, tool-assisted speedruns is perfectly fine, but he doesn't think so, so I just want to bring both ends to meet and play it nice with each other.

Personally, I thought that, albeit jokingly (and not counting the fact that it indeed sounded a little derogative), the old joke name used here (emu-rape) was actually dead on, but that's besides the point.
I wouldn't call a speedrun done on a computer Computer Assisted, because the computer doesnt assist you in any way, you do all the work. The only thing that the computer does is translate your input into gameplay in real time.

Quote from 13M13:
Because they've registered, ya know...

I would be completely willing to buy for them for a year if they would change the term to Computer Assisted Speedrun, and they expanded their intro 4-6 seconds.
Quote from StarmanHaxor:
I wouldn't call a speedrun done on a computer Computer Assisted, because the computer doesnt assist you in any way, you do all the work.

What I mean is that "tool-assisted" is an abstract concept. If you'll try to replace it with something specific, you're bound to failure. In both ways, it's the man who does all the work, not a computer. It's the work that differs.
And it is a program (the emulator) that actually helps a man to do the work, not the computer itself. Imagine such a scenario:

-- This is an unassisted Doom speedrun,... and this one is computer-assisted.
-- Computer-assisted? What do you mean by that? Weren't both of them played on a computer? :\
-- ...

That kind of "nitpicking" is unavoidable if you choose to transfer an abstract concept into the concrete world. You just can't make it accurate enough without ruining the term or transforming it into something incomprehensible.

Quote from StarmanHaxor:
The only thing that the computer does is translate your input into gameplay in real time.

Apparently, every emulator does essentially the same, just not necessarily in the realtime -- but in any case, the name doesn't specify that at all.

Thank you for your offer, but, anyway, it's up to Bisqwit to decide.
i agree that cas is only one step further from tas in abstraction, which, ironically, makes it easier for the majority audience to understand. however, the difference is only incremental, and at this point (as 13 suggests) i'd better take what i have and run with it. when the sda knowledge base opens, all the world will know what tas means.
twenty eight fifty
i propose that emulation-assisted supercyborghuman uberhyperplay speed demonstration be the new term. EASUSD has a nice ring to it.

just what i need ... more competition. ;-[
twenty eight fifty
sorry dude, but it's bound to happen. just you wait, i'll be easusding zaxxon with the mad quickness and your silly little sites will be reduced to nothing.
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from nate:
just what i need ... more competition. ;-[

Although surely competition is a good thing no? Helps keep you on your toes and improve what you already offer...
humor is a messenger of intuition. ;)