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red chamber dream
it's [hidden].
Club 27 Goals
oh <.<
Edit history:
ryu: 2010-06-21 03:58:39 pm
This has been my desk since febuary and I even made this screen back then to post on forums. Dunno why I never posted it here, though.

Club 27 Goals
Oh hey I recognize that chick with the purple goggles.
Quote from ryu:
This has been my desk since febuary and I even made this screen back then to post on forums.

"February" has a silent r there.  It's an odd word.
red chamber dream
the worst part is that it originally wasn't silent and is still defined as such in many dictionaries. oh well.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I've always pronounced the 'R'.  We all differ again, it seems. Very Happy  This is very similar to library, in which I pronounce the 'R's, but frequently hear it pronounced as Li-bree.
red chamber dream
wild. never heard that in my entire life.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I think the Li-bree is more of a Brit thing.  Libree book, Libree card. laugh new
Club 27 Goals
I've heard February pronounced both ways, but I've never heard of the Libree thing :P
i hear february pronounced that way sometimes when people are spelling it. same way people say "wed-nes-day" when they're spelling wednesday.
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
Quote from ryu:
This has been my desk since febuary and I even made this screen back then to post on forums.

"February" has a silent r there.  It's an odd word.

Thanks, i had a feeling I was wrong there.

Literally changed letters on that word a dozen times. >:(
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I always see people like Ryu speaking a second language so fluently, and it makes me realise just how ignorant British people are, because hardly anybody speaks anything but their version of English. aiwebs_027
certainly the world would be a better place if everyone spoke my version of english.
Edit history:
ryu: 2010-06-22 07:34:55 am
ryu: 2010-06-22 07:34:33 am
ryu: 2010-06-22 07:32:54 am
Quote from Quietus:
I always see people like Ryu speaking a second language so fluently, and it makes me realise just how ignorant British people are, because hardly anybody speaks anything but their version of English. aiwebs_027

Well, it's not like the majority brits have much of a reason to know more than their own language. Also considering it's the most widespread language on the planet, you are pretty much forced into contact with it as long as you have connections to modern technology. That's why you see many foreign people speaking good english on the internet.

Quote from nate:
certainly the world would be a better place if everyone spoke my version of english.

"hai i am nate-san, nice to get to know you. yoroshiku! you are pretty, kawaii~ ne? ^-~"

I'm not too sure about that. :(
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from ryu:
Well, it's not like the majority brits have much of a reason to know more than their own language. Also considering it's the most widespread language on the planet, you are pretty much forced into contact with it as long as you have connections to modern technology. That's why you see many foreign people speaking good english on the internet.

For the most part, I agree, but I think from my side of things I see it as more of an attitude thing.  Most Brits make no effort at all, even when on a foreign holiday, which I think is disgraceful.  On my recent trip to Greece I found this particularly prevalent.  All of the locals had even begun catering for it, providing football, fry-ups, and all sorts.  I even had one guy, when we were walking through the main town on the island, approach us and say "All right geezer?  'ow you doin'?", and he explained (after I cringed, and laughingly said "You can't say that; you're Greek") that it was what most of the visitors he saw wanted to hear.  Shocking.

Like I say, hoping everyone will speak English is OK, but expecting them to / assuming they should is very ignorant.
Edit history:
nate: 2010-06-22 08:33:16 am
wonder how he could tell you were english and it was ok to call you a geezer. means something pretty different over here.
I always knew 'geezer' to be derogatory slang for an old person.

I take it it's obvious I don't like clutter. ;)
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
'Geezer' is used almost exclusively in London, and is part of the hard-to-understand slang.  I guess the closets thing to you guys would be something like 'sup, dude / bro'.  Either way, nobody with two brain cells to rub together would say it. Razz

Also, I couldn't find a decent wallpaer for the game, so I used my onethreethreeseven skills to add text to this image instead:

Edit history:
windy: 2010-06-23 06:24:32 pm
gyrotechnic lollipop
i love posting screenshots of my desktop.

@ fork that mugi picture is one of my favs. and you have great names for all your stuff (isabel etc)

red chamber dream
Quote from windy:
and you have great names for all your stuff (isabel etc)

heh thanks -- appealing girl names ftw.

Quote from BioSpark:
how many other pictures are in your k-on folder?

my k-on! folder has 24. my k-on!! folder (second season - the one i'm using atm) has 62.
plode that shit.
red chamber dream
no thanks? go look on /w/.
Club 27 Goals
Or just search for it on 4walled. That's all I use now :/