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Armor Guardian
I found <strike>Jaba the Hutt's</strike> Jabu Jabu's Belly to be very easy. Th Water Temple made my logic circuits burn. I'm still paying that $1 billion bill for the replacement parts. I have trouble remembering buying the parts but as I come to think about it I realized I was scamed. That is one of the reasons I hate OoT with unholy passion.
red chamber dream
Meh, the Water Temple wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of people made it out to be; you just have to a have a good memory to "solve" it. And you hate OoT just because one of its dungeons is hard? I thought challenge was a good thing in games.
I did too. I remember in late `04 when I was still trying to beat WW, I was at the Wind Temple. I found that dungeon to be HARD! I didn't know what to do :( But then suddenly, I found out what to do to get the hookshot. After that the dungeon got easy, until that last room. I tried multiple things, then finally found out what to do. After I beat the boss, I exited the dungeon and was proud of myself.
Quote from Arkarian:
And you hate OoT just because one of its dungeons is hard?

Quote from RT-55J:
That is one of the reasons I hate OoT with unholy passion.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from gleepdiddly:
After I beat the boss, I exited the dungeon and was proud of myself.
Good job. Now do a three-heart challenge!
Too many fangirls to count
I never have/will do that/
red chamber dream
Beat the game enough times, and it won't be ALL that hard. Still challenging though, but nowhere near impossible.
Too many fangirls to count
I beat it about 6 times.
I've beaten some late dungeons losing only about 4 hearts, so I guess I could do it with a little more practice.
soaking through
Games that are hard because either a) they have annoyingly hard and long puzzles (example:  OoT) or b) because they have crap controls (example:  Metroid 1) are not better because they are harder, IMHO.  However, if a game is hard because of good AI and stuff like that, like F-Zero GX, challenge is a good thing.
Izo has a point. I completely stopped playing metroid 1 because it was so hard, but on other metroid games, it can be hard to beat your old time, an example of challenge being a good thing.
Armor Guardian
I find Metroid 1 to be pretty easy. It gets MUCH easier when you get the screw attack.
Well still, *coughzebetitesandmotherbraincough*
Quote from Izo:
...they have annoyingly hard and long puzzles (example:  OoT)...

I never even found the puzzles to be all that hard.  Just very, very long.  The Water Temple is not exceptionally hard, it just takes forever because you have to run around and change the water level, check what rooms are currently accessible with your current keys and such, change water level again, check rooms again, etc. about 15 times.  Which gets really annoying.
soaking through
Hence the second adjective in that phrase.  Most puzzles in Zelda games aren't that hard, I agree, and they're only annoying because of the sheer length of them.
Quote from Random Zelda Person:
it just takes forever because you have to run around and change the water level, check what rooms are currently accessible with your current keys and such, change water level again, check rooms again, etc. about 15 times.  Which gets really annoying.

That took me - and this is no joke, I actually was stuck for that long - two years. Or, almost. I got OoT for Christmas 1998, and in 2001 (I think) I finished the Water Temple.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from KennyMan666:
That took me - and this is no joke, I actually was stuck for that long - two years. Or, almost. I got OoT for Christmas 1998, and in 2001 (I think) I finished the Water Temple.

That's not too bad; my sister never beats any of the games she starts
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
That's not bad at all.  I got stuck at Dodongo's Cavern for the same length of time.  I sucked that bad.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
That place did get confusing, but even I didn't get stuck there for long, I feel special now.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Water Temple or Dodongo's Cavern?  Because if you feel special that you didn't get stuck in DC, you probably shouldn't.
everybody knows it's true
Whilst it takes you people years to beat, it only took months for most of my family and I 8) .
Too many fangirls to count
It took me a 3 flickerbat weeks to beat that game <i>without</i> help.
Dodongo's Cavern in Master Quest is weird. I can't find any way to solve it.
Master quest in general is wierd. A tip: When all else fails, use Din's fire
Quote from Dragonfangs:
Master quest in general is wierd. A tip: When all else fails, use Din's fire

That, or look in ridiculous places for switches.

Oh, and cruelty to cows is good.  </crypticness>