Yeah, those are the games I play the most. I also play the third and fourth Myst games frequently, but I never made an icon for them...don't ask me why.
Wow, Sarah, talk about minimalist... bravo. Though personally I wouldn't prefer such an empty background...
I prefer as little flash as possible. I don't really need things to be pretty in order for them to do the things I want them to do. Which is a bit contradictory since I do use StyleXP to make things look a little more to my liking.
I like to pretend that most of everything after Mechanical Animals didn't happen. Parts of The Golden Age of Grotesque were fair, but Holy Wood was a dud on all fronts for me aside from Coma Black.
Isn't "The Love Song" the worst song ever written? Like, ever? Especially those lyrics...ugh :\
I agree. Portrait is my favorite album too followed by Antichrist Superstar then Mechanical Animals. I don't count Smells like Children becuase it's more of an EP and I'm not a big fan of remixes.