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Cook of the Sea
I have now read every single file that was on that desktop. 
Hated by all
Got mine from deviantART.

And a question: How do you take snapshots of your desktops?

red chamber dream
Windows: press the print screen button ("PrtScn" at the upper left on most keyboards). Paste into MS Paint, then save.

OS X: press ⌘+Shift+3. The image will appear on your desktop.
Quote from Arkarian:
("PrtScn" at the upper left on most keyboards)

Really?  On all the keyboards I've seen, it's been to the right of F12, above Insert, and to the left of Scroll Lock.  It also says

Edit history:
arkarian: 2008-05-18 07:12:05 pm
red chamber dream
Er, sorry, I meant right.

My current desktop cycles between this:

and this:

Can see my dock in the second one. Marimite ftw.
Hated by all
*face meets desk*

Damn, my pure desktop snap takes a lot of memory. What's the best format in terms of lowest memory?
red chamber dream
Should be able to just save as a .jpg or .png and be fine, unless your wallpaper is some superdense image.
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2008-05-17 10:30:15 pm
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Here's a chop 248 Kilobyte JPEG image of my desktop (PNG is 2.78 Megabytes, BitMap is 3.75)

It's from a Japanese game called "Suguri: A little war in brand-new earth". The English patches I get for that game crash on me.

red chamber dream
So... what's the problem? That .png size is about average.
Hated by all
Quote from Arkarian:
So... what's the problem? That .png size is about average.

As far as I know, my attachment limit is 10240 Kilos. I suppose I'm crapshacked (no Photo Bucket/Image Shack account)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Last I checked Imageshack doesn't need an account.
red chamber dream
ImageShack has a 1.53 MB limit, though. I use the limit-free 2Shared for anything larger (such as the second image in my above post). It also seems to upload faster.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well, the page itself loads up faster than imageshack, if nothing else. I'll have to keep that one in mind.
red chamber dream
Definitely. And it's not just for images; I use it to share music all the time.
Quote from Arkarian:
(the second image in my above post)

Which for some reason doesn't show up for me.
red chamber dream
Should work now. For some reason I think 2Shared changed the file's url... weird. That means it probably won't work by tomorrow, but oh well.
It already doesn't show up for me.
red chamber dream
Screw it, then. Don't feel like putting it back up on ImageShack.
This is my

You know, you can hit the Print Screen key and paste it into MS Paint or something.  That way, we get to keep our vision.
Devonodev: Other D

heres my messy desktop! :D
Oh, it's that guy

Thar be my New Laptop's desktop there
You guys haves amazing picture quality. Shocked
Quote from MASTER-88:
You guys haves amazing picture quality. Shocked


Morcant, why did you block out the name of that thing on the top left (obviously, you didn't want people to see it, but why?)?
red chamber dream
...because he doesn't want people to see it. It's obviously none of your business.

And it's probably his porn directory. :P