it looks like they're going to be airing new episodes every friday again just like the first season, so hopefully as long as they continue to do it at 10:30am I should have juuuust enough time to watch a new episode and then go straight to work on fridays.
Oh and 3 or 4 dudes got together on a message board and wrote 31 beatle parodies AND sung them all in less than a week. Some are pretty cool actually (and I don't even care for the beatles much)
The way the season two premiere's title is worded, it makes me think that "Harmony" will turn out to be a sentient character somehow, rather than the title just referring to the Elements of Harmony. Especially since they're using a villain named "Discord." Seems like it would make a certain amount of sense.
Anyway, just a thought that struck me. If it turns out to be right, maybe I'll have to stay up until half past three in the morning more often.
There was another rumor floating around that the synopsis for Episode 2 got leaked, and that Discord was only defeated after a seventh element was found. Of course this totally reaked of someone trying to just spread a rumor and get attention, but if "Harmony" itself is some sort of THING like you think, perhaps harmony itself is an element or something? :P
So have any of you guys seen that new gender-bending episode of Adventure Time? They originally made the ep because the switched-gender thing got really really popular in their fanbase on the internet so they decided to do a whole episode about it. Of course the fans totally hyped it up like crazy, and well... if you guys haven't seen the episode yet I don't want to spoil anything, but it's hilarious how they end it, and the fanbase flipped their shit and got really mad :P
Pretty much it'd be like if the MLP people made an ENTIRE episode just for Derpy.
Don't think I'll ever understand this obsession a lot of the fanbase seems to have with background ponies.
it's because the fans create all these huge backstories to them, and then more and more content is created for them and what they're like, totally outside of the show's grip. It's actually really amazing how their personalities can be just as established as any main character, and yet it's hardly shown in the show at all. Same thing goes with their names, like somehow everyone jsut agreed that they'd be called Lyra and Derpy Hooves and things like that. Dinky being Derpy's kid, what they look like and how they act, etc. It's just something you don't see done well in other fanbases
kinda missed the point, it's not just fanfics. I've never read any fanfic about a background pony, I was just using that as one of the examples that background ponies get established with and how their somehow universally established personality is brought out.
Lyra being with bonbon, derpy loving muffins and being goofy, dinky being derpy's totally normal (and usually smart) unicorn child, Octavia having played the bass/cello since she was little and being a very prime and proper pony, Berry Punch being the goofy drunken pony, etc
kinda missed the point, it's not just fanfics. I've never read any fanfic about a background pony, I was just using that as one of the examples that background ponies get established with and how their somehow universally established personality is brought out.
Lyra being with bonbon, derpy loving muffins and being goofy, dinky being derpy's totally normal (and usually smart) unicorn child, Octavia having played the bass/cello since she was little and being a very prime and proper pony, Berry Punch being the goofy drunken pony, etc
Maybe I'm just being a gigantic grouch about the whole thing, I dunno.
I just don't care all that much about background ponies.
it's certainly something that I think most people just don't care about so you aren't in the minority there or anything. The whole thing with background ponies getting personalities and attention is because people get bored and make things of or about them :P