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One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Poision Envy:
nah the pinkie one is the one after this one

Oh, that's what I meant. Should have said next "week" instead of next "one". I really have my doubts about Pinkie's ability to carry a whole episode, so I'm hoping this owl one will be entertaining enough that the next one doesn't seem like a total waste. Ideally the Pinkie one would have been this week because anything would seem like a disappointment compared to the last couple, would soften the blow.
Edit history:
Poision Envy: 2011-04-22 07:19:10 pm
Club 27 Goals
I dunno if you follow EqD, but recently a new pony flash game came out on hubworld.com. It's jsut a simple "Find the differences" game, BUT, it has one level per episode, including episodes that haven't aired yet.

I'll spoiler what the last one is a caption of, in case you don't know what it's about already:
It shows the ponies eating dinner with Celestia at the grand galloping gala in their fancy dresses Rarity made. BUT, Pinkie Pie isn't there. All of their hair is really messed up, like frazzled and messy.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Poision Envy:
It shows the ponies eating dinner with Celestia at the grand galloping gala in their fancy dresses Rarity made. BUT, Pinkie Pie isn't there. All of their hair is really messed up, like frazzled and messy.

They seemed pretty happy about it though. Maybe she exploded!
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Yeah, that episode was pretty ok, nothing really special. Owloysius is a p cool guy though.
Club 27 Goals
I think people are spelling his name like "delicious" but with "owl" at the front "owlicious". He seemed like a p. cool pet though. I wish Gummi would make some more appearances again :[
Club 27 Goals
The guy making these needs to stop being so awesome. I asked him if he planned on doing a LotR poster and he said he hadn't thought of that, but he thought it was a great idea so he was going to see about giving it a shot.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
That file name is tragic, that's clearly Temple of Friendship. Not Raiders. It's still pretty rad though, even if Temple is second only to Indy 4 in crappyness.

Quote from Poision Envy:
I think people are spelling his name like "delicious" but with "owl" at the front "owlicious".

Well as far as I know that's not how you spell Aloysius. Not talking I mean I guess you could if you wanted.

Gummi does need to make a comeback, though I agree.
Club 27 Goals
well I guess this settles the whole name thing.

Figured this was relevant.


not dirty or anything (like the url implies), just a funny wiki page edit.
Club 27 Goals
Johnjoseco, my most favorite pony artist, was doing a bunch of requests and he did my "gangster dash" request :3


He does the free requests really fast so he doesn't spend too much time on detail, so looking at this normal gallery would better show off what he can really do. He's really creative in the stuff he makes (like all those pony jedi pictures).

And just for the hell of it, here's three other request pictures he's done recently (none of which are nearly as awesome as gangster Dash)

One shall stand, one shall ball.
I would vote for President Fluttershy.
Club 27 Goals
It just seems so opposite for her to be president, but he captured her nervous face and the whole "why am I doing this why am I here" look.

the deadpool pinkie kinda scares me. I'm surprised at how much art/comics have been popping up of those two combined or together.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Deadpool is super popular with nerds > this show is super internet popular > the internet is a great big collection of nerds > people love the hell out of Pinkie Pie for god knows why > Pinkie Pool everywhere.

Quote from Poision Envy:
It just seems so opposite for her to be president, but he captured her nervous face and the whole "why am I doing this why am I here" look.

teach Madame President, how do plan to address the current economic situation?
Oh. Um. It's fine. please stop asking me that.
It's far less complicated than that.

Deadpool is aware of the fourth wall. Pinkie Pie seems to be aware of the fourth wall. Conclusion: Pinkie Pool!
Club 27 Goals
My grandparents gave me $20 for Easter and told me to use it to buy something that I'd actually use and like, so I bought this: http://shirtsbyshift.spreadshirt.com/cooler-from-the-front-hw-A7228897/customize/color/2

Can't wait for it to get here :3

Oh and tomorrow's episode is going to be awesome and will probably make Pinkie Pie not be at the bottom of my "best ponies" list.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Poision Envy:
Oh and tomorrow's episode is going to be awesome lame and will probably make Pinkie Pie not be stay at the bottom of my "best ponies" list.

Pinkie does not get benefit of the doubt. Never. Not talking
Club 27 Goals
okay that episode was actually really awesome. SO MANY GOOD FACES
Club 27 Goals
it didn't make me like Pinkie more, but overall it was a funny good episode
Club 27 Goals
oh yeah, if you guys happen to come across any good macros and/or gifs for this ep please post them. I've been way too busy all day and will be busy until next Tuesday so I won't have time to lurk ponychan to try and find anything good :[

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Oh shit, Gummi sighting! That's a good start at least.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well that turned out to be pretty good actually, mostly because of all the goofy faces and all the Not Pinkies being weird, but to give credit where its due Creepytown Pinkie was pretty good. Non standard Pinkie Pie humor's nice, but still seems kinda unsustainable, Pinkie acting crazy in a slightly different way is still Pinkie being crazy and still only works in bits. I'm consistently impressed with this show's restraint with Pinkie use, feels like most shows would have run her into the ground so hard her scenes would take place in China.

Gummi owns forever though.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Also huge credit to Pinkie's VA, she fucking killed it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Also this:

Club 27 Goals
gummi gifs below because he's awesome.

oh and I hope everyone has seen this video by now, because everyone should have seen this video by now.

Pinkie Pie: Master of Disguise