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One shall stand, one shall ball.
I wish I had a good gif of that bit, she just looked so bored with being dragged around.

Quote from DavidMMSM:
Ponies are getting out of hand, they're taking over everything that I know and love.

They do not take, they Embrace. Let them become what you know and love, Embrace The Pony and The Pony would Embrace you with Friendship.

Friendship Is Magic
Caption: "Rarity is not amused". Alternatively "Rarity is not willing to put up with your shit". There's a few gifs of it on ponibooru.

Also, this is a theory I've already pitched on TVTropes and ponibooru (yeah, yeah, I know), but: I strongly got the impression that the rock farmer couple wasn't Pinkie's real parents, partly due to her colour being in the wrong chromatic area (Twilight's parents were blue and white, and she became purple - the rock farmers were pale orange and grey), the way they treated her (closing the door shot before having even given her a chance to come in, and the looks they gave her before they closed the door) and that I find it implausible that Grannie Pie, who taught Pinkie all about laughing, would be the parent of either of the rock farmers.

Thus, my theory is that Pinkie was orphaned while very young, and at first raised by her grandmother. However, she was old already, and thus passed away, at which point Pinkie was taken in by the rock farmers - likely to have been distant relatives of the Pie family, and Pinkie's only known living relatives at the time, thus they didn't have much of a choice. Life on the farm was very gray and boring, and she wasn't treated all that well, so all the joy and laughter Grannie Pie had taught her got suppressed. Until she saw the sonic rainboom, making all those feelings resurface, and that's how Equestria was made.
Club 27 Goals
That's the most adorable and heart touching theory I've heard about pinkie pie. It makes a lot of sense. I love pinkie pie more now.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
She probably deserved it tbh.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from KennyMan666:
There's a few gifs of it on ponibooru.

Too bad so many of them had stupid captions stuck on them. Neutral

Oh well, at least I found one.

Club 27 Goals
okay this is awesome and this guy deserves some recognition for balls of steel. HOWEVER, he also deserves some sort of slap across the face for calling fluttershy and rarity the two worst ponies.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Would have been better if he could have kept a straight face.

Quote from Poision Envy:
HOWEVER, he also deserves some sort of slap across the face for calling fluttershy and rarity the two worst ponies.

This is an outrage. I hope he did get shit thrown at him, how do you get to be his age without learning the word "best".
Club 27 Goals
I'm pretty disappointed that I left my highschool when I did. I've been seeing what kind of oral reports and stuff my friends have been needing to do and there are looooots of great ways to throw in ponies or base the whole thing off of ponies (government oral final could be about the structure and method of the government that runs Equestria. I could easily make a half hour oral presentation about how their government and system works). I swear I totally would have done something like that too since I knew everyone pretty well and wouldn't really care about being judged or whatever. Sadly though that won't be the case when college rolls around, but hopefully by then I won't want to publicly show my love of ponies as much as I do now.

Also, I want this picture, on my wall, in my room, so every time I have to wake up each morning I'd be about 20% less depressed, because fluttershy is awesome like that.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Too soon after the outrage of that video, it's no happy zone. Enacting countermeasures.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Oh goddammit. You win. No happy zone over.

That was me when I first saw that movie. Like exactly. Fucking Hot Rod.
Club 27 Goals
okay so I was rewatching the newest episode in glorious 1080p when I noticed that little filly derpy actually pops up :O (This is during twilight's story, just before the part where she talks about seeing Celestia raise the sun)

Club 27 Goals
The first thing that comes to mind when I saw this gif was that Daft Punk "around the world" song. idk why.

Oh and Derpy Hooves appears in the newest episode twice actually. Once as a filly, and once as an adult. She appears in Rarity's audience (before she finds the rock).

One shall stand, one shall ball.
My mind goes to weird places at around four in the morning when I'm trying to get to sleep. So this whole bowl of nonsense has been bouncing around my head since around 5 AM yesterday, and if I don't drop it all somewhere I will lose my mind. So...

ExclamationWarning, incoming lameExclamation:

During the whole sleep deprived mess, it occurred to me that Rarity might be the most "complete" character on the show. As a rule, the characters pretty much stay defined by their basic archetypes: Pinkie throws parties and is 'fun', Fluttershy's quiet and kind of a wimp, Rainbow's a cocky asshole, and so on. There isn't much more to them than that if there's anything, though we can assume that Rainbow is as she is to cover for some rather crippling insecurities if Sonic Rainboom is any indication. That was a good episode for Dashy.

Only two ponies are really seen to have much going on outside of the adventure of the week, Applejack's got her apple farm and Rarity with her dress shop, I guess Rainbow has the weather to take care of but that seems more of a pegasus thing rather than wholly Rainbow's job. Pinkie's supposed to work at the bakery, I think, but I refuse to believe anypony would allow Pinkie to do anything besides throwing a party unsupervised so for my current purposes I won't count it. Rarity and Applejack have responsibilities unique to them, events regarding them will occasionally involve some sort of effect on their respective businesses. These effects seem to be a bit more dramatic in Rarity's case, in some part due to her tendency toward the dramatic, and partially because success in her case involves a bit more than a pony wanting something to eat. Also notable is that when things get in the way of her business there's really just her to deal with it, granted it was well demonstrated that tending the apple farm alone is a bit too much for even the most dependable of ponies, but still just about anypony can apple buck, at best Fluttershy might be able to help Rarity out.

What really separates the two is that Applejack's talent seems to be some affinity for apples, most of what the ponies do is tied pretty well to whatever their talent is supposed to be. Rarity is a little different in that her talent seems to more about finding buried treasure rather than just making dresses, she could have been a great pirate, or jeweler or that sort of thing. But instead of going into field based on a talent, she uses her talent to pursue a particular interest, that being sticking shiny rocks on articles of clothing. Working out a way to take something you want to do and applying your natural skill set to it in a way that would make it marketable with any kind of success isn't always easy, but here we have the character that the others figured would be terrified of dirt, is certainly overly fussy about things, and in any other show would also be a complete airhead seems to have pulled it off quite well.

She clearly had to work up to that to that point, though, she created a specific image and reputation that she projects and will take great pains to uphold. Outside the show, her accent is not a natural one, there's no region where everyone just talks like they fell out of a movie from the forties. You have to learn that accent, fancy people adopted it because Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn spoke that way so it was obviously the most classy and proper form of speech. The most recent episode pretty much confirmed that its nature is the same in the show as it is outside, after moving in with her her aunt and uncle filly Applejack speaks about how you'd expect filly Rarity to speak. Rarity on the other hand doesn't sound much like her older self at all, and her accent does drop from time to time when she gets irritated or otherwise stressed. This isn't to say she's 'fake', everyone tries to maintain a certain image and emphasize certain aspects of their personalities. She's not turning around and kicking puppies when she's alone.

She's not without flaws, one nice thing about the show is that no pony is, as expected from her kind of character her ego can run way out of control, she can be vain, is a bit OCD about things being pretty, and similarly is overly interested in pretty things. The latter came back to bite everyone in a big way in the dragon episode as she came closest of all the ponies to actually getting the dragon out of there but just could not resist all the sparklies and ruined everything. Those same qualities are can be very helpful in her line of work, though, when tasked to make pretty things having an (obsessive) eye for the details of what makes a nice thing a spectacular thing and the certainty to act on it can't hurt. And the ego isn't entirely unwarranted in any case, she could just do a better job of reining it in. Of course that didn't work so great either in the dress making episode, but that goes to show that her priorities are in good order if only because she didn't just start slapping everypony.

I really can't think of a whole lot to go on with other characters, Fluttershy's amazing but there's just not much to say beyond, timid, nice, good with animals, disgustingly cute, and has a freaky knowledge of sewing. I couldn't tell you a thing about Pinkie. With Rarity you have these background things going on, which is funny since despite being in so many episodes she doesn't seem to do as much as the others. But despite Applejack being the stubborn independent type, Rarity seems to be the most self reliant and is successful at being so. She also apparently makes time to hangout with her bff Fluttershy like all the time which is +50 cool points that Rainbow Dash can't make up. Not bad for a character that only exists because the network bosses wanted a fashion element, a pretty nice subversion of the archetype really.

And that's why I'm a tremendous faggot.
Club 27 Goals
Don't worry, your tremendous amounts of faggotry are safe in here. Seriously though, yeah Rarity is pretty awesome. I was thinking earlier about how her special talent is just jewels and not actually dress making. It'd make more sense if she had a rare talent for being able to find jewels and gems, but as Twilight showed it wouldn't be hard for any other unicorn pony to learn the spell (of course though Twilight has shown that she's much more powerful than other unicorn ponies (and the newest episode kinda reinforces my theory that she might become a princess later on)).

I think Applejack does deserve more credit than what people generally give her. She was the only one who wasn't just thinking of herself during the Gala episode, and instead only wanted to go to help out her family. It seems to be pretty common knowledge now that AJ's parents are dead, which might explain why she's so concerned with keeping the family business up and running smoothly. The element of honesty doesn't actually seem to suit her all that well really. Generosity would suit her better, but one could also argue that she's also greedy in a way in that she's so concerned with sales, but in the end she's only concerned with the sales because she wants to keep everyone happy, and not just get money for herself.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. It's certainly not as well-thought-out as yours but I've got too much on my mind for the time being to really sit down and think about this. On the topic of Rarity, have some Rarity pictures.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
I am totally down with Rarity being Mace Windu. In fact I am totally down with the Star Wars prequels being redone with ponies. Oh lol I just noticed the jewels on the lightsaber.

Quote from Poision Envy:
Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. It's certainly not as well-thought-out as yours but I've got too much on my mind for the time being to really sit down and think about this.

Lol I'm not sure how well thought anything I posted was, I reworked things to make it seem coherent outside of my head, but the ideas are all a product of being incredibly tired and maybe a little dehydrated. Razz It was fucking hot for 4-5in the morning.

Quote from Poision Envy:
I think Applejack does deserve more credit than what people generally give her.

This is probably true. I did try to come up with things for the other characters, but it seems I can't ramble quite as well about ponies when I actually intend to. I think I need to be half crazed to do it. The filly everyone episode was pretty good for her as well as Rarity, she's a family first pony. Also really the only one that has a family apparently. I mean, there's Rarity's sister too, but that's kind of it. Weird.

As for the elemental affinity, honesty seems to fit about as well as generosity would, she doesn't usually give things away but isn't really greedy. She doesn't bullshit the others really and doesn't take dishonesty to well (Rainbow's cheating in the race), she did get the element in a pretty contrived way though, "Hey, they'll catch you." might have been a better than "It's fine, go ahead and drop a billion feet.". They probably should have worked out something like courage or selflessness or some equally cheesy concept which would fit better.
Club 27 Goals
Here's the rest of the Star Wars things he's done (in case you didn't have them already). He's taking requests tomorrow, so if there's anything specific you want to see let me or him know :P

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Those battle droids are pretty rad.
Club 27 Goals
The director of MLP is asking Weird Al to do a guest appearance, since Weird Al recently posted a link to that youtube video some guy made with his song (lucky bastard)

If Weird Al does do a guest appearance for this show, then it will be super easy to not sound like a manchild when saying you like the show "but, Weird Al was in it! Yeah it's totally actually good!"

Then again Jack Black was in Sesame street... oh wow, if Jack Black did a guest appearance for MLP, I could probably die very happily after that.
Club 27 Goals
Okay I seriously came up with the greatest idea ever, and I actually messaged Lauren about it because it's totally awesome.

What if
Jack Black
Guest-starred on MLP
To teach the CMC how to ROCK?

it would fit SO WELL, and he's guest-starred on sesame street before so it wouldn't be unlike him to do an appearance on a kid's show.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well I can't stand Jack Black so I have to disagree that it's the best idea ever. :v

But then I don't particularly care for the CMC either, so they probably deserve him. A conundrum.

Quote from Poision Envy:
then it will be super easy to not sound like a manchild when saying you like the show "but, Weird Al was in it! Yeah it's totally actually good!"

I have my doubts about that, maybe it's because I grew up with Weird Al. Is he popular now? He sort of fades in and out. I mean I'm totally cool with him appearing on the show anyway, but I don't know if that'd 'legitimize' my watching it.
Club 27 Goals
I haven't heard him mention anything or anyone mention him since middleschool :/

It is a pretty big name though, so at least with adults they would think "oh, some well-known-guy was on a kid's cartoon? Well maybe it's not THAT bad". But then again sesame street had JB and I certainly wouldn't use that as an excuse to watch it, but still.
Club 27 Goals
welp, today's episode was a decent pallet-cleansing episode compared to last weeks fantastically awesome episode.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Haven't seen it yet, but seems like it'd be hard to really live up to the last two weeks, in any case. The next one's a Pinkie episode, right? I hope this one's just good enough to make me ok with that.
Club 27 Goals
nah the pinkie one is the one after this one, this one is called "owls well that ends well", so I don't think it would spoil much if I told you its mostly about an owl. The first minute well explain the entire episode ofc.