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One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well I suppose the turning to sludge part is pretty show accurate, but I will be forever disappointed that real worms were not used. Melted gummy worm is hardly worm at all. 'course actual worms could possibly have melted too, I guess. Still!

Not sure if turning raising the oven temp is actually the best idea, that will often result in a cooked outside and not very cooked inside, not that there's anyone who'd really be willing to experiment enough to figure out what works best.
Club 27 Goals
apparently the guy that came up with the recipe experimented a few times with different stuff, but yeah the amount of time it takes and all the ingredients used could have been used for making something more tasty instead. Like chocolate muffins.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Clearly chocolate baked bads are the necessary next step.

I actually gave a little thought to the idea of reducing the amount of flour added/removing it entirely, which might fix the density issue, as the chips would fill largely the same role provided I haven't forgotten everything I kinda sorta knew about baking (I probably have), but then I realized something and my thought process switched to "Why the hell am I thinking about this?"
Club 27 Goals
cutting the flour and chips in half would probably fix everything wrong with this recipe. the chip flavor is very strong.. Throwing in some chocolate chips would probably make these taste pretty good. They are sweet, but the salt chip flavor over powers everything else, and once it's in your mouth it resembles peanut butter so it makes you gag.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Surprising that the chips were overpowering, I haven't had just plain Lays chips in a long time but I really don't remember them being that salty, but then my preferred chip is salt and vinegar so its possible I'm fundamentally broken with regard to salty things. Coke is fairly salty for soda though, so that might have had an effect on that, though, Pepsi might have been a better choice for the first time in history.

I doubt there's much to be done about the peanut buttery-ness, I think that's a consequence of using chips and soda. Halving the entire recipe as suggested in the video would probably make the biggest difference. Goddammit I'm still thinking about how to improve something that is supposed to be bad. I don't think my brain's gonna let this go. Neutral
Club 27 Goals
haha, well if you do come up with something you should certainly try making a very small amount and let me know how it turns out. I'm thinking about experimenting again sometime, only using a quarter of the recipe to make six of them.

One of my friends has a party at his house every holiday, and he always asks people to bring food... Perhaps I can get them to test out a better recipe

Oh and here's a funny Lyra face someone found, just because.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Double the recipe for the party! :v
Club 27 Goals
It would be quite hilarious, but a majority of the people that usually go are bronies, and most of them would have seen the baked bads video so it might not work. Of course that means it would be funny for those that do know and watch as the unsuspecting people eat them.
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2011-04-17 02:21:15 pm
And Scootaloo once again proves she has no idea what a cutie mark actually means.


"Not in public, Pinkie!"
Club 27 Goals
all of my out-of-context screenshots are pretty lame :(

For the record though, I don't go back and try to find them or anything, just ones that have popped up.

The face fluttershy is making in the last one almost makes me wonder if the animator purposefully snuck this in.

Oh and for the first one, it kinda looks like aj is checkin out dash's ass.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from KennyMan666:
And Scootaloo once again proves she has no idea what a cutie mark actually means.

Obviously she just knows that if it's not cool as hell it ain't worth shit.
Club 27 Goals
Scootaloo's cutie mark is probably the most obvious too (hurdur scooter). I don't know what Sweetie Bell's would/is going to be though.

Oh and I've had this theory in my head for awhile now. I'll spoiler it just because I don't know if it's going to actually happen or not, but I just want to have it written down so if it DOES happen I can say "HA, I totally called it!"
Okay, so, we all know Twilight's name (Twilight Sparkle) right? And how she's the MOST TRUSTED pupil of Celestia riiiight? Well, what time of the day comes between night and day? twilight. Twillight Sparkle is going to be the next princess. Or possibly, Celestia and Luna will take on the title of Queens (why aren't the queens right now?), and then Twilight will become a princess.

It just makes a lot of sense in my head. The name and everything fits too well.
None of the crusaders are actually new ponies, they existed in previous generations - Applebloom's cutie mark was a heart-shaped apple slice, Sweetie Belle had a heart with some sparkles around it and Scootaloo had a butterfly, of all things. And most ponies based on older ponies have cutie marks that at least look like their previous generation incarnations. Twilight Sparkle was based on G1 pony Twilight and G3 pony Twilight Twinkle - in fact, except for Applejack, all of the main cast ponies are pretty much fusions of a G1 and a G3 pony, and their cutie marks tend to follow this pattern too. Rainbow Dash is pretty much the most blatant about it - G1 Firefly had lightning bolts, G3 Rainbow Dash had two clouds with a rainbow between them.

Also, Celestia being a princess is entirely due to executive meddling - Lauren Faust wanted to make her Queen Celestia, but was vetoed because due to Disney movies and stuff, queens are associated with evil and princesses are associated with good in children's cartoons these days. This is also essentially why the Celestia toy is pink rather than white.
Club 27 Goals
Quote from KennyMan666:
None of the crusaders are actually new ponies, they existed in previous generations - Applebloom's cutie mark was a heart-shaped apple slice, Sweetie Belle had a heart with some sparkles around it and Scootaloo had a butterfly, of all things. And most ponies based on older ponies have cutie marks that at least look like their previous generation incarnations. Twilight Sparkle was based on G1 pony Twilight and G3 pony Twilight Twinkle - in fact, except for Applejack, all of the main cast ponies are pretty much fusions of a G1 and a G3 pony, and their cutie marks tend to follow this pattern too. Rainbow Dash is pretty much the most blatant about it - G1 Firefly had lightning bolts, G3 Rainbow Dash had two clouds with a rainbow between them.

Picture attached related.

Quote from KennyMan666:
Also, Celestia being a princess is entirely due to executive meddling - Lauren Faust wanted to make her Queen Celestia, but was vetoed because due to Disney movies and stuff, queens are associated with evil and princesses are associated with good in children's cartoons these days. This is also essentially why the Celestia toy is pink rather than white.

Lauren recently posted this on her dA, which might be interesting to read:

I don't like defining things that are not featured in episodes--- sometimes you have a vague idea of something at the beginning of a project and come up with a better idea later.

I had mentioned before that there are no parents to be Queen or King over the two Princesses, but I meant that as the current situation. I always imagined that they had parents, but we've not put any thought into where they are now.

For all I know, these concepts could be turned on their head someday, so I am reluctant to define anything like this outside the show.

Yeah, that was my reference picture, too. Just saying that the Cutie Mark Crusader's eventual cutie marks are probably going to be similar to the marks of the previous versions of them. Not that Applebloom's cutie mark being something apple-related would surprise anyone. In fact, it not being something apple-related would be a huge surprise. And now that I look at that big picture again, Scootaloo's cutie mark was almost identical to G3 Flutterhy's. Interesting. And G3 Applejack might actually have been part of the inspiration for Big Macintosh...

Also, picture related.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Good god I forgot how terrifying the original ponies were. It's like the artist shrunk down a horse but tried to make it cute by, like, squishing its nose back into the rest of its head and just fucked up it all up in the worst way. Weird fat balloon heads on fat horse bodies. I would fight that thing if it approached me.
Club 27 Goals
lol tbob I've been trying to think about what makes them look so damn weird, and I think you hit the nail right on the head. The heads and bodies are just so... weird looking. It's kinda scary hearing about college-age people who say they were into mlp before G4... (no offense if either of ya'll were, it's just kinda creepy to me)

and honestly scootaloo needs a scoooooter cutie mark, it just makes so much more sense...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Poision Envy:
It's kinda scary hearing about college-age people who say they were into mlp before G4... (no offense if either of ya'll were, it's just kinda creepy to me)

Contrary to what many people will tell you, lots of older cartoons were in fact ugly as shit. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, most cartoons of that era were actually bad but when you're a kid you really don't notice that it sucks because kids don't care.

I mean, I can still watch G1 Transformers today even though I recognize that it really isn't very good, partially because fuck yeah robots turning into jets and shooting lasers, partially because holy shit that is goofy as hell, and mostly because that shit was the best thing ever when I was five.

Seriously, look at just about any Hanna Barbera cartoon that was popular in its time, it will look really bad but you will find someone who remembers it as a great show, animation quality has actually increased significantly since the 80s, the old MLP was pretty par for the course animation wise. We like to say otherwise because our favorite cartoon as a kids was obviously way better than this new tripe kids are so terrible these days and could never appreciate it properly.

Quote from Poision Envy:
lol tbob I've been trying to think about what makes them look so damn weird, and I think you hit the nail right on the head. The heads and bodies are just so... weird looking.

I probably could have summed it up better by just calling it the uncanny valley with horses. I wasn't even kidding, that legitimately weirds me out. How parents allowed their kids to watch that is a mystery.
Keep looking at this picture with What is Love playing in the background. That is all.

One shall stand, one shall ball.

Club 27 Goals
Twilight's cutie mark story was seriously the best story. I totally thought she killed her parents at first, it was great
One shall stand, one shall ball.
It was easily the one that'd be the most fun to tell, "So I hatched a dragon egg. And then I exploded."

Also that little dance. But Haddaway parents might be the best thing to come out of it.
Club 27 Goals
I actually laughed pretty hard at the Rarity part too. Her cute little voice and expressions through the whole thing were fantastic, she's really raised as one of my favorite characters.

Ponies are getting out of hand, they're taking over everything that I know and love.
Club 27 Goals
Taking over? Now now, good sir, the ponies do not 'take over', they simply create more.

Unless you're talking about lives. The Ponies can take over lives, that's for sure.