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Would IBBF still work since early sj is possible?

I'm guessing it does. I've tried it out but since you can only use one bomb in secret worlds, I wasn't able to make it all the way. Actually IBBF would eliminate the treck to ice beam after wave so the invisible block on the track in furnace wouldn't mess up the route.

For the GTH bars did you try it using the new spring bomb jump?  Maybe it just requires a bit more hieght.

I tried the new spring bomb jump there but I really think they just blocked off the little hole you would squeeze through.
I seriously need to buy this game. I could do IBBF so easily.
Edit history:
Zyborggian: 2009-08-26 09:51:44 pm
Disguzting homosapienz!...
I had to figure out the hard way about the invisible wall preventing early ice >____>  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad
I mean were nearly back to square one with sequence breaking in the wii version now it seems D:

at least bsj still WORKS in this game lol (even though we havent found any uses for it).
It doesnt work at all in the new prime 3 :(

Also T3 I tried the bomb jump and got it to work twice.
Could you post of a video of getting early sj, though?
Baby sheegoth seems confused as to which rock youre jumping from and a visual is in many cases VERY helpful for understanding sequence breaking tricks (I NEEDED a visual to learn how to ubj lol)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Zyborggian:
I mean were nearly back to square one with sequence breaking in the wii version now it seems D:

Quote from Zyborggian:
Baby sheegoth seems confused as to which rock youre jumping from and a visual is in many cases VERY helpful for understanding sequence breaking tricks (I NEEDED a visual to learn how to ubj lol)

I know which one he's talking about, I'm just surprised because I've never managed it with a UBJ.
I seriously need to buy this game. I could do IBBF so easily.

Moving around in secret worlds is harder now because there's no L button. It's not as easy as you might think.

Also T3 I tried the bomb jump and got it to work twice.
Could you post of a video of getting early sj, though?

I actually tried making a video but I couldn't get it when I was filming. Just keep practicing the bomb jump. It needs to be perfect to make the jump. The bomb jump also works in prime 2 but i'm not very familiar with that game so I don't know if it would be useful.

I know which one he's talking about, I'm just surprised because I've never managed it with a UBJ.

That's very surprising, I really didn't find it hard at all. It's much harder when you're beside the rock.
Quote from T3:
Moving around in secret worlds is harder now because there's no L button. It's not as easy as you might think.

Didn't use the L button much in the first place.
Edit history:
T3: 2009-08-27 04:37:39 am
Didn't use the L button much in the first place.

Lol. That's why in your ibbf video you hold down the L button almost the entire time.
red chamber dream
you know the l button makes you move faster right? hold it while jumping.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
oh shit. i thought the no early ice beam comment in my youtube vid was wrong info but it seems they really stopped it with a cheap invisible wall. sucks a lot.

also, reading opium's comments and impressions it seems that they did add JP/EU changes to the US version. ridley's fight sounded like the jp fight i had (check my vid  on first page and tell me if he moved like that), the ammo seems to have the EU/JP variants and if flaahgra's music is different, it means they fixed it for our version.
also, how does the missile counter look?

btw, i feel i somehow screwed up sequence breaking for everyone since i made all those vids and posted all those impressions with possible SBs and someone at retro might have used the data to add those weird fixes. sorry guys.

hopefully they didn't tamper with abandoned base in mp2...
Quote from T3:
Lol. That's why in your ibbf video you hold down the L button almost the entire time.

That's a speedrun of IBBF, I can do it without. It is more difficult but MP1T has a Lock View button which enabled strafing in midair which is all I need it for, if I need it.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
the functionality of the L button is still in the wii version (Z button here)

the one that was taken away was R but you don't really need that for SW traveling.
Yep, I don't need distance or the ability to strafe really, it just makes it easier.
Well I beat it in 7:12 with 100% last night.  I loved the wii controls for the game.  They made all the fighting feel more strategic because you could now fire freely and with the wave beam, you could fire from behind cover.  The Ridley fight was especially engaging and I found myself using a lot of different tricks on him than I've used in the past.  Same thing with Omega Pirate.  I even used Flamethrower on him using the wii controls to aim it while running backwards! :P

The wii controls do make certain parts of the game harder though, especially near the beginning of the game where a lot of enemies are smaller.  You really have to be careful when aiming since you can't rely on the lockon to hit them.  This made War Wasps and Shriekbats harder if you didn't hit them before they came out of hives/dropped down.  I also found grappling harder than before, falling in many places I shouldn't have.  Reason being that the gun goes away while grappling, but your view is still moving.  So when you release the grapple, your view could be somewhere you didn't want it accidentally.

There's a technique I'm going to have to look into more and see if I can replicate it on the GC version but basically it was a midair side dash.  I ended up doing it by jumping normally and then hitting B then left/right with very quick succession.  It moved me about as far as a normal dash jump but in the air.  If I can replicate this in GC it could be useful since the longer dash jump would still be in the game.

Also, was anyone else surprised by the FISSION METROIDS in the Phazon Mines?  There were at least four rooms I found them in: Metroid Quarantine B (the dark one), the room right after that one with the invisible Bombus, Elite Quarters (Omega Pirate's room, not sure if I got the name right) and the large room at the very end of the mines that leads to the elevator to Magmoor (not the one with grapple points, the one right before it).  All I knew is that I was traveling back to get the 12th artifact after beating Omega Pirate and all of a sudden Fission Metroids.  I did a holy shit and turned around to get my bearings.  Were these in any of the other versions?  I haven't kept track of all the version differences.

All in all, I think that Trilogy definitely provided one of the more fun experiences I've had with the game despite the lack of sequence breaking.  It was fun to go through the game normally again.  In fact, the whole game felt new to me once more with the controls.  Next up is Prime 2.  I hope that'll hold up as well as this one did!
The Fission Metroids in the mines sounds familiar, but I can't remember which version did that. I haven't played any except the original NA version (At this point) so I couldn't tell you.
North American was the only version that DID NOT include Fissions.
How come? They're really cool.
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
btw, i feel i somehow screwed up sequence breaking for everyone since i made all those vids and posted all those impressions with possible SBs and someone at retro might have used the data to add those weird fixes. sorry guys.

I doubt you're findings in the Japanese version prompted the changes, as they had playtested this ages before release. The SB's they've fixed were documented from just a few weeks/months into the games GC life, so they've had a TON of time to really work on fixing them. At least the Gathering Hall (SW17) still works, so IBBF is still possible, making Ice w/o Spider viable. Shame about them changing the geometry in the GTH though, that SB was mine!  Sad
Disguzting homosapienz!...
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
oh shit. i thought the no early ice beam comment in my youtube vid was wrong info but it seems they really stopped it with a cheap invisible wall. sucks a lot.

also, reading opium's comments and impressions it seems that they did add JP/EU changes to the US version. ridley's fight sounded like the jp fight i had (check my vid  on first page and tell me if he moved like that), the ammo seems to have the EU/JP variants and if flaahgra's music is different, it means they fixed it for our version.
also, how does the missile counter look?

btw, i feel i somehow screwed up sequence breaking for everyone since i made all those vids and posted all those impressions with possible SBs and someone at retro might have used the data to add those weird fixes. sorry guys.

hopefully they didn't tamper with abandoned base in mp2...

Uhh you do realize that I was the one who made that comment on ur video right???? lol I probably should have added (in the trilogy version) onto the end of it.
Flaaghra music is The better version! :D YAAAAAAAY
missile counter uses the PAL number system... >_> which I find weird
However I DID like the ability to see the percent of items and scans u have in the menu ALOT.
I dont think its likely that someone at retro saw those videos..... it only got over 1000 views.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
How come? They're really cool.

Theyre cool but mostly ANNOYING!!!!!!!
you have to waste one power bomb to kill them the easy way and trying to kill them the HARD way (using beams) makes them about as big of a vexation as resbits from mp2.

I seriously have trouble understanding ibbf.
I cant even make it into the next room!
I always fall way down even after dumping the previous room.... >__>
and It reeeeally stinks that I actually had a chance to go to (when the site was still working) to try and learn how to do it but I didnt.
went a couple days later and BAM the site is GONE
Quote from Zyborggian:
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
How come? They're really cool.

Theyre cool but mostly ANNOYING!!!!!!!
you have to waste one power bomb to kill them the easy way and trying to kill them the HARD way (using beams) makes them about as big of a vexation as resbits from mp2.

Not if you kill them the intended way. They're colour-coded for a reason.
I'm going out to buy MPT, in the meantime T3 if you could send me your early spacejump file so I could get on IBBF that'd be absolutely great. Thanks, and see you all at ice beam.
also, reading opium's comments and impressions it seems that they did add JP/EU changes to the US version.

I've also realized this game is a lot more like the eu gc version than the north american one.

the functionality of the L button is still in the wii version (Z button here)

the one that was taken away was R but you don't really need that for SW traveling.

Well, yes, there is the Z button but it isn't like the L button. It doesn't help when landing on ledges so you still kind of move around.

I'm going out to buy MPT, in the meantime T3 if you could send me your early spacejump file so I could get on IBBF that'd be absolutely great. Thanks, and see you all at ice beam.

I can never seem to get early space jump when recording. I'll try again today so there can finally be video proof.
I meant if you could upload your early SpaceJump gamesave or just send it to me so I could get started with IBBF right away, that'd be great.
Well, I thought I did ibbf. I had warped into hote like usual, took out the ghost and activated the bomb slots, until I realised I didn't have wave beam. I then realised with a good enough bomb jump I could do the bomb jump up to the morph ball tunnel. I got in then deactivated the force field and made my way to reflecting pool. I jumped on the stone toad and then I froze. I remembered you can't jump off of stone toads in this version. I jumped in the pool drained it and remembered I didn't have boost ball. Well now i'm standing in reflecting pool not being able to grab ice beam which is right above me. Damn, I just had to find out the hard way.
Jagger ftw
I can't IS, is IS blocked?