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Thats actually how I've been getting up there... although I've tried doing it with both bombs and just the spring ball (eventually realized springing was faster and easier to control) ... the result is the same despite the method though (that... block on top)... back to trying.
I know what you mean. They placed an invisible block on top of the track. You can bsj onto it but once you go in morphball your actually higher than the whole and can't go in. This really, really sucks. I haven't tested but it probably goes away once you get spider ball.
Yeah, I've done a ton of messing around, you can bump your head on it and not jump high enough to get to the tunnel, you can stand on top of it, you can collide with the sides of it... it also comes out really far on all sides. I tried spring balling off the back end of it and boosting towards the opening, but you completely collide with this "block" and just bounce off. I'm curious and wonder if they didn't put in an invisible extension on the tunnel that curves downward or if its just a big solid block that will disappear after getting the Spider Ball.

Later tonight I'll run though and get the sb and come back - try getting in without using the spider ball and see if that is what it is. I'm sorely disappointed in this attempt to stop sequence breaking =/
Is the rock spire in geo core for grapple skip in trilogy or is it like the Japanese version?
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T3: 2009-08-25 09:33:27 pm
Later tonight I'll run though and get the sb and come back - try getting in without using the spider ball and see if that is what it is.

I tested it out and once you get spider ball the invisible block disapears. A big detour but you can get spider by going through the back way, so you don't have to pick up super missiles and thermal visor until later in the game.

Is the rock spire in geo core for grapple skip in trilogy or is it like the Japanese version?

It's like the Japanese version, it's gone. Luckily you can still skip grapple with a trick involving the puddle spore.

I've got some really bad news. I haven't been able to hop over the GTH bars. I can usually get it in a few tries but i've been trying for 10 min and I haven't been able to make it. Hopefully it's just me sucking but I don't think it's possible. We might need to go through the crashed frigate.
Can't dashjump?
Disguzting homosapienz!...
Quote from T3:
Ok, i've done early space jump. This time without the extended unmorph that space jump gives. Surprisingly, this only took like 10min worth of attempts. I was on my way to getting space jump and decided to give it a shot. I tried for 10min and got it. The bomb jump really has to be perfect though but i've pretty well mastered this new bomb jump so it wasn't that hard.

T3 I require a full detailed description of this bomb jump.
You still did it from the back of the ship right? Where the original early space jump was used?
Can't dashjump?

There are no dash jumps except for the freez dash which gives only a little more distance than a normal jump.

T3 I require a full detailed description of this bomb jump.
You still did it from the back of the ship right? Where the original early space jump was used?

No, I did not do it from the back of the ship. I'm bomb jumping from a little rock onto the ledge you would dash to for sjf. Ok, to do the bomb jump you need to spring ball right as bombs 1 and 2 explode. Just think of a double bomb jump but your spring balling right as the bombs on the ground explode. The bomb jump is really hard and it just takes alot of practice to be able to spring ball at the perfect times. I swear, to get early space jump, the bomb jump needs to be absolutely perfect and it's going to be something a lot of people won't be able to do.
Jesus, you mean to say that this gives you more height than a HBJ? O_O A well done HBJ won't make it from that rock onto the ledge.
I've only gotten as far as thermal visor, and I've noticed several strange differences.  The music during the Flaaghra battle was different.  Also, the first metroid you encounter is in a slightly different place.  I'm talking about the one in the containment tank where there is a cutscene.  In the GCN version, the metroid is located in the nearest of the two containment tanks on the platform, in the wii version it is in the second tank.  Not sure what the reason for that might be, it's seemingly insignificant.  Also, missile ammo refills look strange when viewed through the thermal visor.  They seem to take on a different shape. The addition of spring ball really increases the speed in which you can advance through certain rooms.

So far I'm really loving it.  For every thing that I miss about the original controls, there is something positive about the wii controls that washes with it.  Too early for me to compare in terms of preference at this point.

ALSO - has anyone been reading the lore scans?  I've been acquiring them all but not studying them for any differences.
Quote from Opium:
The music during the Flaaghra battle was different.

Quote from Opium:
Also, the first metroid you encounter is in a slightly different place.  I'm talking about the one in the containment tank where there is a cutscene.  In the GCN version, the metroid is located in the nearest of the two containment tanks on the platform, in the wii version it is in the second tank.

No it's not... In all versions it's in the furthest tank...

Quote from Opium:
Not sure what the reason for that might be, it's seemingly insignificant.  Also, missile ammo refills look strange when viewed through the thermal visor.  They seem to take on a different shape.

Quote from Opium:
ALSO - has anyone been reading the lore scans?  I've been acquiring them all but not studying them for any differences.

There's a difference in the PAL/JAP versions. Probably in this too.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Quote from Opium:
The music during the Flaaghra battle was different.

Quote from Opium:
Also, the first metroid you encounter is in a slightly different place.  I'm talking about the one in the containment tank where there is a cutscene.  In the GCN version, the metroid is located in the nearest of the two containment tanks on the platform, in the wii version it is in the second tank.

No it's not... In all versions it's in the furthest tank...

I shit you not that it is indeed in the first tank on my GCN disc.  I know it is because I usually scan the metroid before the cutscene.
Jesus, you mean to say that this gives you more height than a HBJ? O_O A well done HBJ won't make it from that rock onto the ledge.

I really don't know what rock you're thinking of because I can make it really easily with an hbj. Infact I can make it when i'm standing beside the rock. Also, it doesn't go as high as an hbj but high enough to make bomb jumps that are impossible with a dbj.
Quote from Opium:
I shit you not that it is indeed in the first tank on my GCN disc.  I know it is because I usually scan the metroid before the cutscene.

I shit you not it isn't
Well, I made it through the game and there are two major sequence breaks that you can no longer make in this game.

The first being that there is no early ice beam seeing as they've placed an invisible block at the top of the spider ball track in furnace, which goes away once you get spider.

The second is that you cannot hop over the GTH bars. I tried for like 30min and couldn't even come close when in the gc version I could make it almost every time. I'm pretty sure you can't make it but other people will have to try it out before this is confirmed.

I managed to make it through the frigate without gravity suit and finished the game 26%. Cargo freight lift to deck gamma was very tricky because of the 1 bomb in midair rule but you can boost up the slant of the room.
There's a series of tricky jumps and enemy smacks that can wind you up at the top of the room.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Quote from Opium:
I shit you not that it is indeed in the first tank on my GCN disc.  I know it is because I usually scan the metroid before the cutscene.

I shit you not it isn't

I don't expect anyone to take my word for it.  I will provide pics at some point.
Lol, go for it :D But check that link, GC version, last tank.
I found more differences, but this time I checked the main site before commenting.  One difference is apparent and not listed.  Sorry if it has been mentioned in this thread already. On my GCN disc, one charged ice shot followed by one missile will destroy an ice pirate in both difficulty settings.  I'm playing veteran on my trilogy disc and the ice pirate's are much tougher than that.  I freeze them, but then it takes alot more missiles and/or even a second freezing to kill them. 

Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Lol, go for it :D But check that link, GC version, last tank.

Which link?  I'm confused.
Quote from Opium:
Which link?  I'm confused.
Ah yes, he's definitely in the further tank in that vid.  Definitely in the first one on my game.

I think there's a couple of grapple points that have been added to the game, unless I am mistaken.  One is in the hunter cave and the other is in the big room where the entrance to the wrecked frigate is.  I'm pretty sure that in my game there is only one grapple point over the water, and in my new version there are two of them.  I may be crazy though, can't rule that out.
FCS has always had 2 grapple points. Also, pics of the metroid being in the first tank pl0x.
Quote from T3:
Well, I made it through the game and there are two major sequence breaks that you can no longer make in this game.

The first being that there is no early ice beam seeing as they've placed an invisible block at the top of the spider ball track in furnace, which goes away once you get spider.

The second is that you cannot hop over the GTH bars. I tried for like 30min and couldn't even come close when in the gc version I could make it almost every time. I'm pretty sure you can't make it but other people will have to try it out before this is confirmed.

I managed to make it through the frigate without gravity suit and finished the game 26%. Cargo freight lift to deck gamma was very tricky because of the 1 bomb in midair rule but you can boost up the slant of the room.

Would IBBF still work since early sj is possible?

For the GTH bars did you try it using the new spring bomb jump?  Maybe it just requires a bit more hieght.
HOLY CRAP!  I was totally NOT expecting that ridley fight!  I have to totally redo how I fight him now, the battle was very different.  There were at least three new attacks, and hitting his open mouth with a charged shot was not that easy without being able to lock on.  It took me like 15 mins to kill him as opposed to about 5.  Need to rest before fighting prime, my hand hurts.
Wave Beam has quickly become my new favorite beam because of the fact I can now angle shots around corners using it's homing capabilities.  It's freaking awesome. :D