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does that work on the gc version?
Quote from BioSpark:
does that work on the gc version?

He only killed the Omega pirate that fast because he is on the lowest difficulty so you wouldn't beable to kill him in two rounds in the GC version.

Anyway, those are some nice segments. Some small errors but nothings big. Elite research is always a problem for me but you made it through before anything disasterous. Very quick Omega pirate fight and a close call in PPC. The only things left are Meta Ridley and Metroid prime.
Yes! Finally i've done early space jump. I had no luck bomb jumping off the back of the ship so I tried other things. If you look back, a few posts ago I mentioned another way that I've come very close with. Well I continued with this and with a new bomb jump I found, I can make it up. You place a bomb and then right before it explodes you springball. If timed correctly, you'll just barely hit the top of the bomb giving you an extended bomb jump. This bomb jump also increases speed so your unphorph goes higher it seems. I used this in a dbj and I made it up. I tried some more to see if I could get it again or if it was pure luck and I managed it another couple of times. I'm so happy, I really wanted early wave possible but this might save even more time. My next project will probably be sjf but I don't see that happening any time soon.
Edit history:
Zyborggian: 2009-07-25 03:15:20 pm
Disguzting homosapienz!...
OMG YES Thats awesome t3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think you could post a video of this spring bomb method??? 
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
woo. nice find!

at this rate, when i replay this game, i'll have a lot of speed tricks to try to lower my time a lot.
Great find! So should we get space jump after bombs right away or after flaahgra or maybe after Nature? Edit: T3, you didn't already had space jump when you did this right, space jump gives higher unmorphs after a bombjump.

Segment 19. Should be finished in a few hours.

I finished the run! And the final time is...


my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
heheh that time is a legend in metroid prime speedrunning.
also, your run was an hour fster than mine. i wasn't that good anyway since i have 1:47 in the GC 0.00 version.
congrats on finishing the run. do you plan to make another one or will you wait until the trilogy is out for more speeduns?
Do you think you could post a video of this spring bomb method???

I dont think it would really matter because it looks identical to a dbj except it goes higher.

T3, you didn't already had space jump when you did this right, space jump gives higher unmorphs after a bombjump.

Well that would explain why I couldn't do it when I was doing it for real. When I pulled off the trick I did have space jump but I never knew about the extra height. I tried for an hour when I didn't have space jump but couldn't succeed. I thought I was doing something wrong and had forgotten how to do it. I've come extremely close though even without spacejump so it's probably still possible but a lot harder. I was getting so excited about this but I guess it still needs more work...Sorry for getting peoples hopes up.

I think the bomb jump gives equivalent height to a 3bj because I can make the hote bomb jump with this new technique.

Good job with the speedrun. 1:37, wow. When I saw that I just laughed.
This has probably already been discussed somewhere in this thread but im too lazy to look for it.  Is rapid-fire missiles possible in the wii version ?
Thats bad news, hope you can still get the space jump this way. I'm not trying a run anytime soon. When I'm going to do a run it will be a single segment run. A segmented run would just take to much time and I'm not motivated enough to do it.
Quote from Opium:
This has probably already been discussed somewhere in this thread but im too lazy to look for it.  Is rapid-fire missiles possible in the wii version ?

Yes (I think).
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2009-07-27 08:33:03 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from Opium:
This has probably already been discussed somewhere in this thread but im too lazy to look for it.  Is rapid-fire missiles possible in the wii version ?

that still works the same way as before. i even did it in my ridley vid.

i think i should add a section with the unchanged stuff.
I have finally gotten through the 3rd floor of phazon mines without grapple beam. Fungal Hall A is tricky. I jumped on the glider with a ghetto jump off the highest mushroom and then got to the door. Fungal Hall B is easy. I just ghetto jumped up to the door. Metroid Quarantine B is quite hard. I used one of the pirates there as a dash point and then used the new dash to clear the gap. It was perfect because I got him stuck in the perfect position and he didn't move making it a lot easier. I haven't tried coming back after Newborn but I suppose you could just use a metroid as a dash point. So all that's left is geothermal core before grapple beam is skippable.
For geo core what part can you not get past without grapple. Is the ice door locked at the top or can you just not get to the first spinner? If it is getting to the first spinner that is the problem then you could probably do something like this.
The problem is that there is no spire to jump on, only the metal box. Since there are no R-jumps and L-lock spring space jumps in this version, you cannot make the jump from the box to the first spinner. I have tried the new dash off the box but the stalagnite in the other room gives a bad angle. I have also tried the new bomb jump off the puddle spore but I don't get enough height. Even if someone finds a way, the door at the top of the room can still be locked which would really suck. 
I suppose if all else fails you could try the burning trail secret and go all the way to geo core from there in secret world state. Would be a pain but maybe the only option if you can't get to spinner one at all. It is strange that they would change or remove that one spire Think
Well, this is the japanese version after all so maybe it's only removed in this version like in the gamecube version. I hope that the spire will be there in the version releasing August 24, if so, the grapple beam will be skippable. I'll continue trying but there aren't many options.
Good news, grapple beam is now optional. Took me a while to find a way to make it to the first spinner in geothermal core but i've finally made it. Pretty much, you hop on the puddle spore right as he opens up. Immediately after landing on him morph into morph ball. Now, you just wait until he pops you straight up in the air then you hold forward to get on the spinner. It's not really that hard but it's random so you'll need to save before attempting.

Well, there's now early plasma beam and there's no use for grapple so no need for the early power bomb expansion. That means a low % game of 26%, skipping thermal visor, gravity suit and grapple.

btw, only a few more days until the trilogy pack.
Ready to internet!
I've got my copy of the trilogy pre-ordered from GAME. If I'm lucky it'll get there on thursday :D
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
nice find.
grapple was messing up the route heavily. good thing it can be skipped now.
Ok, i've done early space jump. This time without the extended unmorph that space jump gives. Surprisingly, this only took like 10min worth of attempts. I was on my way to getting space jump and decided to give it a shot. I tried for 10min and got it. The bomb jump really has to be perfect though but i've pretty well mastered this new bomb jump so it wasn't that hard.
Good finds T3, did you get through lower phazon mines without grapple? MQB will be the hardest room I think. Also Charge, supers and spiderball can be skipped too with a wallcrawl from main plaza to after sun tower so only boost ball to go.

Congrats on your 3 major discoverys so far!
Yeah, actually I made a post about the lower mines somewhere on this page. MQB is by far the hardest of the three. You need to lure one of the first two space pirates into the phazon. You then climb to the top platform and try dashing across with what I think is called a freez dash. The thing is, when the space pirates in that room go in the phazon, they get stuck and can't move and become excellent dash points.

Wow, another 3 percent drop. I can imagine that it would take very long to do that though so it might not be useful in a speedrun. Yeah, only boost ball left, even though i really can't see that being skipped in this version because of no dashs, L-lock jumps, R-jumps and hbj.
Jagger ftw
I think this is most appropriate place to post this...
Does any one know any online sites (that DOES NOT have the word "game" in it) which I can pre order metroid prime trilogy off?
I just got my credit card, but my dad have the card. He said I could buy stuff online, as long as its not video game-related (like my AP calculus AB book..etc), I know the number and every thing, but I just can't let the bill shows something like... (EBGAMES->49.99).

Also amazon and ebay won't do.
Ready to internet!
Quote from Gu3st:
I think this is most appropriate place to post this...
Does any one know any online sites (that DOES NOT have the word "game" in it) which I can pre order metroid prime trilogy off?
I just got my credit card, but my dad have the card. He said I could buy stuff online, as long as its not video game-related (like my AP calculus AB book..etc), I know the number and every thing, but I just can't let the bill shows something like... (EBGAMES->49.99).

Also amazon and ebay won't do.
If you were in the UK, I'd suggest

Try searching "Game Retailer" and avoiding sites with game in their title?