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I never knew people had so much angst against 5-second cutscenes (20-30 in the case of bosses). >_>
Probably something about speed running and cut scenes taking time....
Quote from Master ZED:
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
That only happened to me after I formatted my memory card :\.
I was referring to how Corruption does that.  The very notion of cutscene skipping being a reward angers me, but the way MP3 did things makes my blood boil.  You have to earn the right to hit fast forward, and then continuously play the same file over and over to keep that right, and the damn feature doesn't even work for the first two seconds of every goddamn scene.  It's total bullgunship!  I don't give a flying flickerbat that you can copy the file, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT IN THE FIRST FLICKERBATTING PLACE!  Besides, that limits me to two save files, and I only have three.

Why the flickerbat you only get three when the Wii's internal memory could support probably a hundred times that amount of saves is another story.

That could possibly be the most swearing I have ever seen in a single post.  I myself never was that annoyed by unskippable cutscenes unless they are really lame, annoying cutscenes, like the elevator cutscenes(especially in MP1!) and the Echoes portal cutscenes(EXTREMELY ANNOYING!).
Four? Really? I've seen much more. Cutscenes don't count towards total time.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Four? Really? I've seen much more.

Yes, but MasterZED has never exploded on cutscenes like that before.  Cutscenes are that bad....
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
hm i have replayed the same file so far but when i copied my original file and played again some parts of it, cutscenes weren't skippable. seems that it is locked to individual files and not like in the gc version.
Well, there goes my interest, rolling down the hill in a wheelchair heading straight for the interstate.  May those oncoming 18-wheelers make its death quick and painless.

Quote from FirePhoenix0:
I never knew people had so much angst against 5-second cutscenes (20-30 in the case of bosses). >_>
You haven't seen my anger toward Final Fantasy 6 on the PlayStation.  Thankfully, Nintendo would never let a disaster like that happen to Metroid... but I guess there could be a CD-I game or something I don't know about from the past.

But bringing up that game mandates a clarification on my part; it isn't the cutscene itself that is bad, but being forced to wait without good reason.  FF Anthology doesn't have new unskippable scenes, but a horrifically coded loading routine that makes a SNES game's loading time as bad as FF7's.  There is no good reason why I should be staring at a black screen for five seconds every time I enter or leave the subscreen (a total of 10 seconds if I wasn't clear) in a game that "somehow" ran a helluva lot more smoothly on a  technologically inferior machine.  There's no excusing that, and if you dare try to, I have more evidence against the programmers behind that port that will prove the entire team's incompetence.

And the PS2's fast loading feature?  10 seconds becomes 9.  SOOO much better. Rolling Eyes

Quote from Phazar:
I myself never was that annoyed by unskippable cutscenes unless they are really lame, annoying cutscenes, like the elevator cutscenes(especially in MP1!) and the Echoes portal cutscenes(EXTREMELY ANNOYING!).
Those don't anger me in the least because they have a purpose; they take the place of loading screens.  I can tolerate that because the alternative is NOW LOADING..., which should be buried with the PS1.  When it's something like Metroid Quarantine A in the Phazon Mines in the original NTSC, then I get grumpy because there's no fucking point to making those unskippable (I like to think that was a bug though).  When it's something wretched like Final Fantasy X, I don't even look at the game again unless the storyline is part of why I'm replaying.  It's OK then, I want to see them, but if I just want to rape and pillage as one typically does in FF, then for all I care, the game might as well freeze up for several minutes before and after a significant fight.  In fact, why bother with any game if I'm forced to sit through a damn YouTube clip every couple of minutes?  That's why I don't replay RPG's very often, unless they're like .hack or FFXII, in which case I can say skip and resume the bloodshed.

But Corruption?  No.  That is an insult to all gamers everywhere, and a surefire way to make me as mad and out of control as Michael Savage.  Retro can forget getting any money from me if this is how they intend to treat the Echoes port as well, which sucks greatly for me because I was really looking forward to it.  If there's no good reason to wait, I shouldn't be waiting in the first place.  Maybe Retro saw that one rental store commercial that had a hole-in-the-ground renting games like "Let's Wait In Line" and thought "Dear God, that's brilliant!" because I have no better explanation for why they or anyone else would do this.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
I do:  Nintendo's  subversively worrying about gamers' health.  The manuals for PS2 games (likely many others) say to take breaks (for PS2, 15 minutes per hour (aw, can't it be between hours? *puppy dog eyes*)), and since whenever all Nintendo-published stuff gives those warnings, but with THIS, with THIS you're FORCED to rest!  It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you!  Genius, is say!
red chamber dream
is retro even handling the wii ports?
Metroid Prime, what else?
Quote from Master ZED:
But Corruption?  No.  That is an insult to all gamers everywhere

am i the only one not feeling myself insulted?
you might have some good points here but i think you're going too far.
Edit history:
Boris: 2009-03-04 01:19:31 pm
The Overlord of All Acorns.
Quote from bizzi:
Quote from Master ZED:
But Corruption?  No.  That is an insult to all gamers everywhere

am i the only one not feeling myself insulted?
you might have some good points here but i think you're going too far.

Corruption wasn't a bad game.

It was a shitty metroid game, but it wasn't a bad game.

So, from what I've read:
-Bomb Jumps are gimped MP3 style, but replaced with the ball jump (a shitty replacement, but one nonetheless)
-Dashes aren't working
-Games are re-made beginning from the initial regional versions
-Secret Worlds still exist (LOL)
-everything normal except boost&spider are still skippable (except that gravity is questionable due to that one artifact)

The tower artifact still works with missiles instead of supers, right?

Have you tried Genius Flaahgra or early Wild?

Also, even if the old early wild trick doesn't work, assuming that secret world is still in play, we can do it easily (get floaty, go down tower, go up tower, grab wild, do whatever else in the ruins).
We magi are a slippery folk...
Is it just me or is it no longer possible to jump off of enemies (namely Stone Toads)?
Quote from TJF588:
I do:  Nintendo's  subversively worrying about gamers' health.  The manuals for PS2 games (likely many others) say to take breaks (for PS2, 15 minutes per hour (aw, can't it be between hours? *puppy dog eyes*)), and since whenever all Nintendo-published stuff gives those warnings, but with THIS, with THIS you're FORCED to rest!  It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you!  Genius, is say!
Nice try, at least.  Now if a commercial appeared in the cutscene's place, then I'd believe you.

And if we have a crazy MMO player die in a 'net cafe here, it will happen.

Quote from arkarian:
is retro even handling the wii ports?
I assumed that was the case, but I haven't heard a thing.

Quote from bizzi:
am i the only one not feeling myself insulted?
I was obviously referring to the cutscene handling in the context I presented that statement.  If that's what insulted you, then I don't think I could say anything to you in this topic that wouldn't be a proverbial flipping of the bird. :\

Quote from Boris:
Also, even if the old early wild trick doesn't work, assuming that secret world is still in play, we can do it easily (get floaty, go down tower, go up tower, grab wild, do whatever else in the ruins).
It won't work after one room though.  Only in the original NTSC is FJ usable.

Quote from Magellos:
Is it just me or is it no longer possible to jump off of enemies (namely Stone Toads)?
I think we covered that already.
Metroid Prime, what else?
Quote from Master ZED:
Quote from bizzi:
am i the only one not feeling myself insulted?
I was obviously referring to the cutscene handling in the context I presented that statement.  If that's what insulted you, then I don't think I could say anything to you in this topic that wouldn't be a proverbial flipping of the bird. :\

Quote from Boris:
Quote from bizzi:
Quote from Master ZED:
But Corruption?  No.  That is an insult to all gamers everywhere

am i the only one not feeling myself insulted?
you might have some good points here but i think you're going too far.

Corruption wasn't a bad game.

It was a shitty metroid game, but it wasn't a bad game.

lol? i said 'am i the only one NOT feeling myself insulted'

it seems that some of you understood "i felt myself insulted", however i said 'NOT' :/
negation, right? (have i got some important english problems? im french so explain if it's the case :S)
We magi are a slippery folk...
Sorry about the enemy thing. I didn't see it before.

Addressing an earlier post about unskippable screens, the elevator cutscenes are actually loading screens for the next area.

Sorry if you already covered that, too.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from arkarian:
is retro even handling the wii ports?

they are. in the wii version credits, there's a section for their staff. it's a small staff btw.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Retro has to be credited for their work on the original, that doesn't mean they handled the port.
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2009-03-05 06:40:33 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
hmm, you didn't get my post very well.

there's 2 credits sections, one for the original game and one for the wii port. the original game section has the same staff credits seen in the GC version. the wii port section has a different and smaller staff from retro that handled the conversion.

edit: i just beat the game in hard mode 100%. there was no extra reward. this means you can unlock almost everything on the easiest difficulty.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Not even some ZMy indication that you're cleared that mode?
Disguzting homosapienz!...
Is there any evidence of any sequence breaking still being possible in the wii version of Metroid Prime?
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from Zyborggian:
Is there any evidence of any sequence breaking still being possible in the wii version of Metroid Prime?

damn, did you read the very thread you posted in?
i worked hard to assemble a load of evidence here bud :(
Disguzting homosapienz!...
I read some of it... Embarassed
Sorry about that.
I Have learned since I made that post however, that letting go of everything after pressing b to dash doesnt exponentially elongate Samus's jump distance anymore, from another site. It doesnt matter for me though... Im not getting it anyway, because I'm content with my v1 copy lol
Wasn't what I'd call 'exponential' before.
It actually was. Dash jump + moon jump = infinite fun.
Super Metroid Addict
Is there any release date for europe? I've seen pikmin around
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Is there any release date for europe? I've seen pikmin around

Haha. There isn't even a release date for NA out yet.