I was inspired to make this this past Saturday morning at work, but didn't get around to it until a couple days ago. I was thinking of a call of the wild or the jungle. Because of a strange phone call I got... hard to explain. And the language is Malay, which is what I thought of when I got that call that morning.
Because zero looks like an "o", and at first I thought it said "ok". Since he said the only vowels are "A" and "I" I noticed it wasn't an 'o', but actually a zero.
I think you guys are just looking into it way too much, it really didn't make it difficult IMO. In fact if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have noticed, so it really wasn't that stupid.
yeah, he got that too, but quietus made it much more difficult to understand by saying something stupid like that.
He really didn't. It was just the sort of roundabout clue that you get with riddles. You and ark need to just not be robots now and then, it would be a tremendous help!