Yeah, I found out Fate / Stay Night was a random hentai game about 5 minutes after looking for pics when I found out the name of Saber.
Like I said in some other topic, just look at my sigs; 1 is from a hentai picture and another one is too, but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you saw the full picture.
Doesn't bother me, I just saw Saber and thought 'hey someone who looks like Agrias from FFT and doesn't look like shit (like 99.5% of Agrias/Altema art does). Plus I doubt it bothers many people here anyway, either. :P
No real clue who your avatar is, if that's the one you are referring to (lancer?).
You stole my Ridley avatar and used it in that sig! :P
Yeah...sorry about that. I needed a good picture of Ridley and that's the best I found. I was actually gonna go with a Metroid but I liked Ridley better.
Um...ok...anyways, I just made my first sig. It's horrible, be warned:
That has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen, it nearly ties up with Magical Trevor...but I doubt anything will ever beat Trevor. The quality is very low which makes it even better in this case.
Actually it doesn't have much to do with Magical Trevor, I was stating that it was funny by comparing it with something hilarious. I couldn't think of something better to compare it with at the time and I still can't mind you. I do admit, however, that it was a bad comparison for this situation.
Not really an image, but something that I would like to make an image to go with. I don't know how to make moving images though, or whatever they're called.
Just a phrase taking advantage of the wave of hilarious commercials about Emerald Nuts.