PS: i must note that i read "mega demondrug" in place of mega mushroom the first time a read your post... i think i will have some days off Monster Hunter Tri...
PS: i must note that i read "mega demondrug" in place of mega mushroom the first time a read your post... i think i will have some days off Monster Hunter Tri...
Metroid+ monster hunter= good taste of games. Atta kid :D
So did anyone notice the new trailer from this morning, where we watch Samus turn on a hologram of the jungle around her / the room she's in? Probably it is all just a bottle ship. Or whatever, how does nobody have any interest? I think the new trailer's really fun looking, and I am finding myself more interested in how you can get her to walk around all stealthy, holding her arm up close to her with the camera just over her shoulder, even though it's so totally not a metroid thing to do. I wonder if those little corridors we'll be doing that through will have any interesting methods of moving through them quickly, yaknowhatimean? DO YOU? (here:
So did anyone notice the new trailer from this morning, where we watch Samus turn on a hologram of the jungle around her / the room she's in? Probably it is all just a bottle ship.
I had the same thought, not sure what I think about it at this point. Almost seems too Fusion and I'm not sure we need more of that.
Hey bob! Yeah there's a lot of stuff I dunno what to think about and a few things I like... most importantly it looks like it's going to be a pretty fun control scheme, to me. Not maybe the most fluid it could be, because they're insisting on no nunchuk, but it looks like she's fast and there's stuff going on and the world's big. I noticed a couple things, watching that again: You can go first person while hanging off a ledge; there's some sort of chain reaction effect with whatever ice weapon she's using; those red potato bugs - are those something I recognize or what? Okay that's all I got.
sup aj. i think most people here actually are interested in the game. i've been ragging on it but of course i'll buy it on launch day. would be nice if there were some sequence breaks.
I mean what do we know about Team Ninja's style of games? Retro was a new studio and they decided pretty quickly to fight sequence breaks, probably because they felt like that had to be done out of corporate integrity or something. I wonder if Team Ninja would have that same attitude. Yeah no I know Ark, I was just teasing because I have no right to, ha! And I expect other people to dissect stuff for me!
I watched the e3 10 trailer a couple more times and I have to say that this game looks really good. It looks just like the metroid game I've been dreaming of for years now. It appears that there's a run button just like in Super, but I could be wrong about that. Actually, the whole game kinda reminds me of 2D super metroid in 3rd person 3D. The part where the jungle turned into a holo-deck type room reminded me alot of the BSL station. I do hope they polish the wall jumping a little bit. All this talk about story and voice acting had me somewhat concerned, but this trailer shows what I want to see - gameplay - and it looks great.
Yeah that's totally true, the colors in this game are weirding me out a little bit. It's all some shade of gray, purple or green... but yeah the animations look a little clunky, but I always just try to attribute that kind of stuff to trailers.
edit: wow these forums are super fun, they update like a chatroom, I can totally see how these threads are suddenly 40pp long.
I like the colors though, the power suit looks pretty similar to it's Super Metroid color and we know the Varia Suit will show up to save us eventually.