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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Have you ever played or seen Shadow of the Colossus?  It's similar to that.  Essentially, you're questing after the huge monsters, and each one is a boss in its own right.  Some of the fights can be over half an hour long.  Like many games, it's not for everybody.
Nope, that's another game that I've only heard of but have never seen/played before. I do remember someone in one of my 3D modeling classes trying to make a character based on the creatures from that game, but that's about it.

The premise sounds interesting, but that footage didn't do it justice if that's what the game is about.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Hah, I can tell you right now that that is in no way similar to Shadow of the Collosus.
red chamber dream
doesn't look any more dull than shadow of the colossus ...

it also sounds very similar in concept to shadow of the colossus, although i assume there's much more to do in mh games. that said, mh doesn't look nearly as interesting as sotc, and i'm not a even a big fan of the latter.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, it's kind of a mix of games.  Think of a hub with quests given by the NPCs, most of which are killing / collecting, and you pretty much have MH - the latest incarnation at least.
Quote from Toozin:
That footage looks insanely dull. Maybe it's a bad example but from that it looks like total shit.

It's not the footage that makes the game. It's the attitude and awesome factor of the one playing.

Please note, this video is also all I know of the entire Monster Hunter series XD
Edit history:
Poision Envy: 2010-04-26 09:25:50 pm
Club 27 Goals
Monster hunter is 10000x more fun when you have friends to play it with.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I was playing with my friends, and it turned into 'hunt the monster'.  Arf, arf!  Oh, the hilarity. aiwebs_015
Looks dull. Big swords have one purpose - to be wielded by Soul Calibur characters.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
Looks dull.

As I say, it won't appeal to everybody.  It falls very much into the get equipment, kill stuff, get better equipment, kill stronger stuff thing, so either it's your thing or not.  I doubt there'll be many 'I think it's OK' people.  Most are either going to love it or hate it.  Marmite Hunter Tri, maybe?
In that case, I may like it on toast. But nowhere else.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
Big swords have one purpose - to be wielded by Soul Calibur characters.

Those are not swords, they are somewhat pointy clubs. It'd be neat if games actually gave you the option to use great swords as swords as opposed to lead I-Beams, though.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Arngrim's your man.

I've never really liked the oversized weapon setup that a lot of games are using these days. It almost never looks right to me. (Soul Calibur / Dragon Age are two of the few games where I'm okay with it, or at least enough to tolerate the idea.)

But I'm perfectly fine with the kill things to get better loot to kill more challenging things, since that's what the vast majority of Diablo is in a nutshell. Still don't think I'm going to be playing this game though.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I am currently killing monsters for loot AND farming crops in Rune Factory Frontier, so I don't need your smelly Monster Hunter.
Quote from Prime Hunter:
I've never really liked the oversized weapon setup that a lot of games are using these days. It almost never looks right to me. (Soul Calibur / Dragon Age are two of the few games where I'm okay with it, or at least enough to tolerate the idea.)

I blame Final Fantasy and Bleach.
Club 27 Goals
Just so you guys know, there are plenty of not extremely over-sized weapons in Monster Hunter.

But they suck.
Like Dawn of Sorrow. In all fairness, Death's Scythe, despite being fucking HUGE, is pretty epic.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
On one page of the Other M topic, I have mentions of these games:

Metroid Prime 3
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Super Metroid
Metroid 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Monster Hunter Tri
Shadow of the Colossus
Soul Calibur
Valkyrie Profile
Dragon Age
Rune Factory Frontier
Final Fantasy
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Somehow, that's actually quite impressive. Neutral
that somehow reminds me of Mass Effect 2
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Mass Effect 2: the Other Other M
Club 27 Goals
Now with 100% more space-chick boob.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Actually ME2 has about 100% less boob in comparison to the first.
But how much moob?
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
But how much moob?

No one wants moob. I think you're thinking of side-boob.