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Oh, sorry, misuse of term there.  I always thought a cameo was a general reference to something unrelated partially or completely.
defrag in progress
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
And it makes sense that when Samus hooks up with the feds (Corruption) they'd then ask her to go and commit speciocide on SR388.

Not that much sense, because from Prime`s point of view metroids are only a minor threat. Phazon and space pirates create much more trouble.
So why not eliminating the remains of the pirates instead of cleaning a lonely planet from an unknown lifeform that anyway cannot leave it on its own?
Now coming from M1, if metroids are the big issue, why the GF send Samus to investiagte the friagte above Tallon IV (some other troops would de), instead of immediatley sending her to SR388 to eradicate all remaining metroids?
Direct connection or not, the subplot needs something to hook up to the main plot and therefore interferes with it.

But if it`s necessary to get more kick-ass games, so be it. I`m pragmatic after all.
Quote from horscht(i):
Now coming from M1, if metroids are the big issue, why the GF send Samus to investiagte the friagte above Tallon IV (some other troops would de), instead of immediatley sending her to SR388 to eradicate all remaining metroids?

Don't mean to send the thread into Metroid Database territory, but Samus went to Tallon IV of her own accord after, much like SM, picking up a distress signal.
defrag in progress
Oh...sorry for messing up this fact.
But on the other hand this makes things even worse. Why she is distracted from her main mission (to defeat the metroids) by a simple distress signal? Ok, that`s maybe to much details, but in general we have a closed plot that is now sliced, padded and glued together again.
I`d rather prefer a real sequel.

Anyway, if necessary...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
It should be assumed that she had nothing better to do at that very moment than check out the distress signal, If she was on a mission she'd have been doing that. Also it should be noted that a distress signal in space would be a pretty fucking big deal. Being that it's space.

IIRC Metroid 2 is supposed to occur some months after Prime 1, so I doubt she was on some great Metroid murdering crusade.
Indie Lover
as far as i know, the order to erradicate the metroids on sr388 is given to samus AFTER metroid prime 3, and with the destruction of phaaze the phazon threat was already over...
According to IGN this is now scheduled to be released august 31st. :(
red chamber dream
nice. maybe then it won't be a shitty game.
I don't think 2 months is enough time to save ANYTHING from being "a shitty game".
One shall stand, one shall ball.
A Nintendo game delayed?! Inconceivable!
yeah it's not like it happened with metroid prime ... owait. or prime 2? owait. or certainly not prime 3.!?
Definitely disappointed a little with the delay since there would've been only two months left to wait for the game rather than four, but I'm not that surprised really. Having to wait an extra two months is certainly a lot better than an entire year, so it's really not that bad in the end. At least a delay will give them a little more time to polish everything if they need to, which is certainly a plus.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
More time to fix glitches = less sequence breaks. Just saying.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Haha you were expecting sequence breaks. That's adorable.
So how bout next time they just don't even debug it?
Quote from tomatobob:
Haha you were expecting sequence breaks. That's adorable.

This made me laugh.

I don't really give a shit about delays. There's more than enough games already in my possession to keep me occupied until Other M.
red chamber dream
yeah i've got like ... 1940832483521 games to play in the meantime. gonna try and finish them all by summer's end but we'll see heh.
That's part of why I'm not as upset with this delay. I have at least Galaxy 2 and ModNation to keep my attention, and I'll be checking out that new Transformers game in June which would've been out right around when Other M was supposed to arrive. Then there's everything else I have in my collection.
I'll have Monster Hunter Tri and Galaxy 2 to occupy me.
Indie Lover
everyone should be occupied with MHtri, at least everyone with a Wii...

Quote from tomatobob:
Haha you were expecting sequence breaks. That's adorable.

man, i am your fan...
Club 27 Goals
Quote from kesvalk:
everyone should be occupied with MHtri, at least everyone with a Wii...


I was going to buy a wii next weekend actually, but my mom said that I shouldn't buy one, because she heavily implied that I'm going to be getting one for my birthday (which is another month away). I've really enjoyed the MH series, so it kinda sucks that by the time I finally get it and get into it everyone will have moved on :P
red chamber dream
i won't be getting it till it drops below $20. so maybe i'll see you then.
I don't even know what it is really, so I have no intentions of picking it up. I've heard of the series before, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes with it.
Quote from Prime Hunter:
I don't even know what it is really, so I have no intentions of picking it up. I've heard of the series before, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes with it.

This: Is all you need to know.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
That footage looks insanely dull. Maybe it's a bad example but from that it looks like total shit.