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Quote from tomatobob:
idk and ark need to have a Tekken fight to determine who is the wrongest person on the forums.
Quote from tomatobob:
idk and ark need to have a duel to determine who is the wrongest person on the forums.

I've never Tekken in my life, lol. Does losing make me the wrongest or second wrongest?
Yoshi is back
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
The upper part of Sector 4 probably has my favorite Sector 4 theme in the game:
Definitely man, Sec 4 (AQA) Had the best upper theme and! My favorite boss, Serris 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from tomatobob:
idk and ark need to have a Tekken X Capcom fight to determine who is the wrongest person on the forums.
red chamber dream
i don't really care about any of fusion's music lol.