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Aside from maybe Weavel, who doesn't even need to wait for a bomb to go off in order to jump... Or Spire...

But then again, those are slow. I would NOT want to face off against a Sylux or Samus user with deathalt... that'd hurt.
Ready and willing.
Um... that's total spam. It contributes nothing to anything at all. Please don't do that.
Sylux can get up to some of the smaller ledges when he has the deathalt, so he's got an advantage too. Whenever I get the deathalt in head shot, people stand on the pillars to avoid me, but I can usually just bomb my way up to them.
In Fuel Stack, the level with the levitation beam (thing) in the middle of it, there is an alcove at the top, above the part where you would be crushed from being levitated, that has the Imperialist.  Anyone know how to get to it?
Spire of course reaches it easily enough, but I've seen Sylux up there, also, and it's a normal gravity room.
Try as I might, I just get crushed each time, looking like a new player thinking "I wonder what this big beam of light does?"
You have to leave the beam thingy just before you hit the top, then go towards the ledge. The further down you start, the earlier you have to leave it cuz you're going faster. You should practice it to get the hang of when to leave.
Ok, I need some help, I've won like one percent of my games and need a good strategy.  I've tried freezing people with Noxus's Judicator but they always get away.  I've tried Trace but I'm not very good at sniping.  Not good with Samus, or really, anybody else.  Can someone tell me a good strategy for a noob?
Ready and willing.
I haven't played in a while, so if the metagame has shifted some of this could be wrong, but I'm sticking to the basics which shouldn't change and I have a great memory so I'm not rusty or anything. Plus I played a couple test games to bring this to you.

Actually, I'm not all that great; I deserve every bit of my two star rating. However, I can certainly win my fair share of games, so I can help you get out of your bad streak.
  • Always keep moving in a combat situation. ALWAYS. Just about the only exception I can think of is sniping or activiting Trace's invisibility abilities. Run around like an idiot and jump every once in while too. Change directions.
  • Get to know the stages, and more importantly, where the Imperialists are, as those are the places most likely to have snipers. Also figure out where other items of intrest are too, especially stuff like double damage and death ball.
  • Whenever you have to cross the path of a known sniper, MORPH. This avoids the insta kill head shots, so if you do get hit you'll only take around 50 or so damage.
  • You do NOT have to be Trace to snipe well. In fact, IHMO Trace's affinity is almost useless; the only real advantage he has with sniping is that he can get the Imperialist with the affinity weapon pickup.
  • To avoid a morph rush, where somebody morphs and runs toward you and whacks you with their weapon, keep in mind that the only morph that can jump quickly is the head part of Halfturret, which is generally a very unthreatening morph without the turret around. Some morphs can't jump at all. So, jump around and try to get to higher ground. You can also morph and go right back at them. Kanden is great for this as you can lay homing bombs behind you as you run away. Definitely try Kanden, as his morph is generally a great anti-morph tool all around.
  • The only morph that attacks differently from a rush (besides the turret part of halfturret, whose solution is "get the heck outta the way") is Sylux's. The Lockjaw will try to make a triangle around you, which will close in and blow you up real good. Jumping like a ninny is the best way to apporach this. You can easily jump over the closing triangle if the enemy doesn't put enough pressure on you.
  • To avoid the Shock Coil, morph rush your opponent. The Shock Coil just can't hit morphs that close for more than a fraction of a second every once in a while. Just be ready for them to change tactics counter attack if they're more than one star. (One stars will often just sit there and try to Shock Coil you anyway.)
  • Weapons:
    • Power Beam: Worthless. Maybe someone better than me has a use for it, but if there is it's few and far between. If you're out of ammo, attack with your morph instead.
    • Missles: Generally a decent weapon. Certainly usable when you run out of UA.
    • Battlehammer: Not that great. There are some uses, but they're mostly for Weavel who's a little too complex for beginners.
    • Judicator: If you're using Noxus, freezing people is the plan. Otherwise only useful when you're shooting into a curvy corridor for it's bouncy properties.
    • Volt Driver: The Power Beam, only worthwhile. A great standard weapon. The homing factor of the charge shot is better than it looks, although don't expect miracles. Use regular shots though whenever you'll hit with them.
    • Magmaul: Useful against morph rushes, otherwise worthless.
    • Shock Coil: Great for pissing off people fighting each other, and for those who don't know to morph rush you. Affinity helps a lot too, and when the weapon was good before...
    • Imperialist: You've got to know where the sniper spots are with this sucker, especially the less used ones where people don't expect you as much. Using it in closer quarters is usually not a good idea.

So, really good people... did I do well?
I use the imperialist all around it does tons of damage and is a sniper beam, but you have to get good with it. Play lots of bot matches, start with 1 two star bot then upgrade to two 2 stars and so on until you are good.

I'm a three star and thats how I did it...
Here's my opinion on each weapon:

Power Beam: pretty good weapon if you can aim good. or well. use charged shots a lot if you can get good at predicting where your opponent is gonna go to shoot em. Rapid fire close up headshootin also does massive damage.

Missiles: Good, especially if you can predict where your opponent gonna go and hit em. I can beat samus users sometimes in a missile match even though they have homing missiles (and I'm not just talkin bout 1 stars). Charged missiles don't seem to help that much though.

battlehammer: crappy IMO if you're not weavel. I still don't think its very good even if you are weavel cuz it never seems to hit. But if you're using weavel, the longer its in the air, the more damage it does.

volt driver: pwnsome weapon if you're kanden. If you can stock up on ammo and you can aim decently, rapid fire shots can stack up to do major damage. Also, the charge shots home really well. As long as you aim close enough for it to start homing, it'll keep chasin em til it hits something. But its slowness makes it pretty easy to dodge  if you're far away. Up close and it can hit even if it looks like it went right past you. And its still good with other people, its just better with kanden.

shock coil: annoying as hell if sylux is usin it and you're not sylux. But just go into alt to avoid it. And, its really only useful if you're sylux since it gives you health. But don't use it in to gain health when you're running low. I tried that before and it was a complete disaster.

Imperialist: awesome weapon to use if you can get good at aiming. And especially if you're trace. I would use it tons more, but I personally think the insta headshot thing is cheap and I don't wanna annoy the heck outta people by getting a headshot on em as soon as they respawn. Anyways, its not that bad to use in close combat since you might get lucky and get a headshot, its just that they're are other weapons that are much better for that. And if you are gonna use this, hide behind those barriers that make you not be able to see into the room. Its better than bein invisible. And from my experience you don't want to stay in the same spot, you should probably move around some, especially if you shoot and miss or during 3-4 player battles. During 3-4 person battles its fun to headshot a person while they're fighting someone else. especially if it looks like they're winning the fight! ;) Practice on bots in alinos gateway if you wanna get better. I usually do a 100 kill battle in that stage. Unfortunately, sniping bots isn't much like sniping humans, so it'll only help to some degree.

Magmaul: awesome weapon for close range fighting. it bounces off walls and does tons of damage. it also works well against alts. but it has some downsides too. lotsa times it'll bounce off a wall and right back at you and hurt you. There's not much you can do about this except be careful. Also, the paths of each magmaul is curved, so you have to get used to aiming higher than usual. Because of this you definitely don't want to use it as a long range weapon. And I might be making it sound like this weapon sucks, but the damage it does pretty much makes up for it. along with the the satisfaction you get when they burn when you're spire and you hit them with a charged shot...  8-)

judicator: awesome weapon if you're noxus, especially using shadow freezing (if you don't already know what it is just ask). Freezing people and headshotting them over and over with the judicator does TONS of damage. And a noxus with double damage is a friekin monster! Freezing can also be good for attacking deathalters. Lotsa time they dont get health before they go for the deathalt (especially in ice hive), so if theres a double damage around, grab that instead and you can probably just take em out. If you not noxus though, the judicator is somethin you'll only wanna use in close quarters. It has a really small shot and its really hard to hit people from far away.

I'm not gonna explain each character unless you REALLY need help. But I will explain my strategies for sylux.

The main reason sylux is awesome is cuz of his alt. Use it often. If you can press the L button fast enough you can jump across huge gaps in a stage to get to places a hell of a lot faster. A lot of people say that you can only use this to get to places lower than where you already are, but if you're fast enough (like me) you can actually gain height. But if you're already high up in the level you might wanna watch out for an invisible ceiling. His bomb jumps are also useful in low grav stages since you can get around a lot faster (especially in weapons complex). His alt is also awesome cuz of how fast it is (again, speed). Definitely use it to escape when you're running low on health. Its also good for fending off other alts, including kandens. With kandens alt, I make a big circle thats just out of range of his homing bombs and attempt to triangle kill em, but they usually run into a tripwire before I can finish. Also remember to set tripwires in common places during 3-4 player matches. I've gotten plenty of random kills in combat hall by just stickin a tripwire in the middle of the stage. And of course you can't forgot the triangle kill. If you can get it right (which is often times quite hard, and lag certainly doesn't help) it does 180 damage. Enough to kill anyone most of the time. Practice it on bots to get better. They'll start jumping up and down just like a human would so it should help quite a bit. A few other things you should use his alt for is to avoid being headshotting, travelling in general, and collecting health and ammo at the beginning of the battle and whenever else you need it. It can also be pretty hard for you're opponent to get you with the death alt, unless they're good with samus' alt.

Sylux's biped is just your average everyday biped with just a small advantage with the shock coil. But the fact that he gets health from the shock coil can still be extremely useful. You definitely wanna use it on those 1 stars that just stand there and attack you. You probably wanna strafe around a little, but unless its a 3-4 person battle theres not much else to worry about. Shock coil pretty much works best on noobs  that don't know how to dodge it. Its basically a noob killer. If you're battling anyone who knows the basics of dodging the shock coil, its not very helpful. But it can be helpful against snipers. If you use it on em and strafe around like crazy, then they'll surely go into alt and temporarily stop sniping. You may be risking a headshot, but it can be pretty hard to get a zoomed headshot on someone when they're right up next to you. If its not zoomed, its not an insta kill. but it still does like 100+ damage.

And lastly, ALWAYS strafe during combat, whether it be close up or far away. The only exeption is when you're sniping, and even then you might wanna move each time you make a shot (unless you get a kill) since it gives away you're location. And if you're just goin around the level lookin for your opponent or whatever, you should do it in your alt form so you don't risk getting headshotted. And if you think someone may be sniping you and your alt isn't very good for what you're doing, jump around and just sorta move around to make it hard for you to be headshotted. If they shoot and miss, then you know where they are.
Bangaa Bishop
This is kind of a weird question, as i've never been able to test- Can you form human ladders in multiplayer? I.e. people stand on top of eachother? some fun but useless secret worlds might open up as a result.  And if you can stack people up, if the bottom person moves, will the other people stay on top of him or fall off?
Ready and willing.
I don't know about your whole question, but I'm pretty sure if the bottom person walked out everyone else would fall down. Jumping and platforming and stuff is a big part of the game, so the engine would probably be fairly rigorous about stuff like that.

I think that overall, perhaps you'd just sort of slide off people and never be able to stand on top of them, like they were a rounded rock or something.
From my experience, you can only stand on people when they're up against a corner. But either way, after two people, no more people could jump on top cuz it would be too high for them.
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from primetime:
From my experience, you can only stand on people when they're up against a corner. But either way, after two people, no more people could jump on top cuz it would be too high for them.

you can if you do it near a place with higher gorund though. Pretty easy in a map like "High Ground" (isnt it called something like that?)

Does falling on someone from a high place cause damage to them?

(Anyone wanna play and test this stuff? :D )
Yeah, but if there's already higher ground above them then it wouldn't get them anywhere they couldn't already go. And falling on people doesn't do damage to them I'm pretty sure. But I'll test this stuff out just for kicks if the friends/rivals glitch doesn't get in the way.
Bangaa Bishop
I havent had much trouble recently, though i'm curious if they've fixed people not being able to have 4 players in friends/rivals.
Its possible, you just have to get really lucky.
Bangaa Bishop
Do you mean lucky as in finding four people to play? or lucky as in the 4th person being able to connect to the game with 3 people in it? (or both? lol)
First you have to hope that there are three other people on (which is rare). Then you have to hope that they're all on the friends/rivals part. Then you have to hope that they can actually see you on. Then you have to hope that they all want to join you're game. Then you have to hope that they even can join you're game. And then you have to hope that it doesn't randomly d/c the host (or you if you're the host). And lastly, its often times really hard to get into a game if you're the 4th person, or sometimes even the third. Sometimes, wait, forget that. Most of the time I can't connect to a persons game even when nobody's in it!  ](*,)

And if you're having an organized tournament, you get to take away 3 steps! [end sarcasm]

Yes, as you can see, wifi sucks.
Bangaa Bishop
Should have made it client/server...

But wait, then nintendo wouldnt be able to "protect" its users from evil. buuut, this is getting off topic. :)

As spire (ya dont call that the problem) I have a real hard time dealing with weavel and the halfturret, particularly on maps where u can put it in an important spot that is hard to get to whiilst dodging the fire (like in processor core, plant the turret at the energy on the upper level. Go to the upper level and get fried [man, the turret seems to take more damage than it should have life], or stay on the bottom level and get ripped apart by the moving part of the halfturret. And if that doesnt happen, you just run around until time runs out, and get a tie if there was no kills, or lose if he got you once.) Do I just suck or is there some way to make these kinds of tactics more manageable?
weavel can be really annoying in processor core if you're not sylux or trace. if you're in processor core, you should grab the double damage and shoot the bottom part a bit but mostly attack the top half, cuz if you only attack the halfturret they can run around collecting health while you attempt to kill it.

If you're on a bigger level, try to use a zoomed imperialist shot on either half. Since it does around 100 damage, it'll either take it out or seriously weaken it. If an imperialist isn't around, use the magamaul to catch both halves on fire and just keep attacking em with it.

And its not that hard to dodge the turret if you have room to jump around. Just jump left and right between each shot, and try not to get too close to the turret and you should be ok.

and IMO, the other half isn't even a threat. Its extremely easy to dodge, and its hard to hit anyone with it in the first place. Just jump around while shooting it to get rid of it.