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Bangaa Bishop
Omega Cannon: The omega cannon is the 7th special weapon. It can only be found in the Oubliette stage (which only has it and no other weapons). It is similar to the redeemer in Unreal Tournament. When fired, it launches a slow-moving missile that obliterates anything in a huge radius where it detonates(including yourself) unless they find cover before it hits. (it moves REALLY slow).

- In survival, if you stand in one general area for too long, you 'll get called out for camping to the other players, and your location will appear on their radar. This render's Trace's stealth with the sniper beam next to useless. So chances are you dont want to use him in Survival, particularly since his alt-form is weak (though he sure is hard to hit when he uses it).

- In Nodes and Defender (king of the hill), the node ring has almost no vertical coverage. If you even jump (particularly if in a low gravity area), you will leave the zone breifly and either interrupt the capture of a node or give a nearby opponent a split second of ring time in defender. (in nodes, if someone is claiming a node you control, all you have to do is push them out of the ring and they will have to start over- this is particularly effective in the space station gateway level).

- In Capture (the Flag), If you go into your alt-form you will drop the flag (crystal thing or whatever you want to call it). You have to walk back on foot, and you can only score if your flag is at home. Also, you cannot pick up the flag in alt-form.

- in Prime Hunter, if you suicide, there will be no prime hunter and the person who gets the next kill will become it. You may want to not kill the prime hunter if your health is very low, because you will not be able to collect energy pickups and your health will gradually drain as prim hunter. (I've seen way too many people almost kill themselves in a fight with the prime hunter, and they get to be prime hunter for about 2 seconds before their energy drains away).

- in Bounty, as with Capture the Flag, You can't pick up the octolith in Alt-Form, and if you go into Alt-Form while carrying the octolith, you will drop it and someone else can pick it up if you're not careful.

- disconnects: Disconnecting was a major problem in Mario Kart DS, people would always disconnect when they're losing and so you rarely finished a match with the four players you started with. They still get losses but it kind of ruins the fun. In M.P.H., the game keeps track of your disconnects in a stat called your connection percentage. Depending on the cause of the disconnect (If you get disconnected from a game through no fault of your own, but not disconnect from WiFi Connection, it won't count against you-usually-) , it may or may not count against you. Your connection percentage starts at 100% and goes down if you disconnect on purpose (generally by turning off the power). So in other words, if you see someone's stats and their connection percentage is low, you might want to avoid playing with them as they might leave midgame if they're doing bad.

- Bot match: To play offline against bots, select Multiplayer, then Multi-card play, pick the mode, map, settings and your character, then on the "waiting for players" screen, tap the 'Add Bots' icon in the lower right corner of the touch screen. You can add up to 3 bots.  Tap the check box for each to make them ready. Bots can be one of 3 difficulties, * easy ** medium or *** hard. Tap the yellow box with the stars in it to change each bot's skill level. If there are no human players in the game, the wireless will stop draining battery power when the match starts. You can also add bots if you are playing against a friend but have less than 4 people in local wireless multiplayer.

- in matches that take place on space stations or lava fields etc. you have to be mindful of these hazards. Falling in space based levels will be instant death just like in single player and will take 1 point off your score in deathmatch.

SamusAranLuver contributed the following:

- Regarding Weavel: if you have 1 energy left (probably because your turret was destroyed) and you enter alt form, you will create a turret with 1 energy. If you return to normal form, that extra 1 energy will be added to yours to make 2  :D

- Unlocking the hunters: For most people, when you encounter a hunter in the single player game, it will then be selectable in multiplayer. However, if you play against a character you havent seen before in multiplayer, it can be unlocked that way as well.

Phazon Siphon contributed the following:

- Easy headshots: With Noxus, freeze the opponent then squeeze in some headshots. In the rapid pace of the game, you may forget to aim for the head, but it does considerably more damage if you remember to do so. Also, the freeze effect is only active when fully charged and at close range, so keep that in mind.

Wes contributed the following:

-Sylux can "fly" or rather stay in the air forever in alt form on low grav maps using his bombs. All it takes is rappid pressing of L, with any timing, and you can fly around the stage.  (wow, this is really cool!)

- keep in mind that using the scope with the sniper does much more damage than without. With scope headshots are instant kill no matter what amount of health the enemy has. (It also probably does more damge when Trace uses it, but it's hard to say)

-Being on fire from spires magmaul can make it so you cant use jump pads? (I'll check this out

-You may be able to gain extra distance on a jump if you walk off the edge of an object before you jump.

-You can rocket jump like in other FPS games if you aim at the floor, fire a missle, and jump  (You will take damage from this, of course).  Time will tell if this is useful in MPH :)

-To not take damage while falling change to alt form before you hit the ground (works in both singleplayer and multiplayer).
Thread title: 
I'm pretty sure Mario Kart DS does not record a disconnect as a loss, which is how players manage to get 800-0 win/loss records.

Also, in MP:H, I haven't figured out a way to view a player's stats unless you have that player registered as a friend or rival.

--Poiuyt Man
red chamber dream
How'd you manage to figure all this out so fast?

And I wouldn't really consider the disconnection thing in Mario Kart DS a "problem"; it's more of just an annoyance.
Bangaa Bishop
I played all of the modes against bots offline before I played online.

To play by yourself against bots, select Multi-card multiplayer, then just tap the Add bots button in the lower right corner of the touch screen 1-3 times after you select your character.
red chamber dream
Of course. I was just wondering how you managed to have the time to figure out all this stuff in such great detail within just two days of the game's release.
Bangaa Bishop
Played it way too much in those two days? Some of it is pretty obvious. :)

One other thing to add to the list- Trace's stealth is also not very useful if the option to have players displayed on the radar is on (its off by default in local / friends and rivals games). They wont be able ti pinpoint you exactly, but they can tell where you are.
Thanks a bunch i was trying to figure out how to play against bots. I never would of though to use the multicard play.
another thing to be careful of in multiplayer: the shock bolt specail weapon drains your opponents health into yours, and since slynx gets the specail waverbusterish addon to it....
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
This is dangerously close to a guru thread. Thin ice, my friend, thin ice.
Bangaa Bishop
Is that good or bad?

- Additional info added to original post.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
That's bad. Read the rules.

A guru thread is esentially saying "ask me anything about something." You haven't done that, which is why you haven't broken the rule and aren't getting a warning or anything. But you ARE giving a mess of information no one asked you to give, and in my opinion that's skirting the line. Your multiplayer analysis thread is useful stuff people want to know. This is hogwash.
Bangaa Bishop
I fail to see what the problem is. I'm trying to help by  contributing some beneficial information by reporting my findings with the game. (As with the character anyalysis thead). If anyone ese has things they want to add to this list, i'm all ears. I am in no way trying to simply be a 'know-it-all" (which is what I'm taking you mean when you say "guru" now). I'm simply trying to offer helpful stuff, which is the same thing as anyone else is doing when they submit some speed trick or sequence break to your site. I dont feel i'm crossing any line. If you want to make me feel unwelcome like this, fine, i'll leave. Your site contributed to me a lot in the past and now I wanted to contribute.
With the information here I'm trying to help people with their multiplayer experience by telling them things to watch out for, not be a jerk or ass or "guru" or whatever you want to call it.
You're overreacting, all he said was that this topic is close to a rule break.
l'appel du vide
...well, he also called it hogwash.

I think Toozin was being a bit harsh, because if the information here is not found in the instruction manual, I don't see much of a problem.  But don't take it to heart, Tahn.
Cook of the Sea
Toozin?  Harsh? 

I think this wouldn't be an issue at all if the thread was less like "here's my advice for everyone" and more like "hey everybody, post tips and stuff for multiplayer".
Bangaa Bishop
Well, then, I'll change the thread title.

Feel free to post your own multiplayer discoveries/tricks/etc. and I'll add it at the top (and ill also be sure to credit you :) ).
while playing aj i discoverd that if you have 1 hp for weval and split into alt then you get 1 for top and turrent if you morph back then you get 2 hp. Also if you killed a hunter online and if you haven't killed that hunter in single player it still gets unlocked.
With Noxus, freeze the opponent then squeeze in some headshots. In the rapid pace of the game, you may forget to aim for the head, but it does considerably more damage if you remember to do so. Also, the freeze effect is only active when fully charged and at close range, so keep that in mind.
Bangaa Bishop
I added both of your tips to the original post (with full credit to you)
heres some strange stuff might be useful.

-Sylux can "fly" or rather stay in the air forever in alt form on low grav maps using his bombs. Simply go to a stage such as Headshot, turn to alt form, and start rapidly pressing L.

- keep in mind that using the scope with the sniper does much more damage than without. With the scope headshots are an instant kill no matter the amount of health the enemy has.

-Being on fire from spires charged magmaul can make it so you cant use jump pads (not in all cases?)

-walking off an object and then using your extra granted jump usually gets you further than one single jump.

-Looking down and firing a missle boosts you up, leaving you another jump.

-Change to alt form while falling to not take damage from large drops.
A correction: the Shock coil always homes in on enemies. Only Sylux's, however, drains their energy into yours.

Also, Trace's alt goes invisible when motionless. Combine with those opaque doorways for easy losing of pursuers.
Bangaa Bishop
The trace invisibility is mentioned in the character analysis thread. I'll add the other characters there when I get a chance, as well :)
In the ice cavern stage, in the room you spawn in, there are two indents in the wall where you can't get back up to normally. You can go into either one by using the Jump Pad on the ground between them, and Will Jumping to either one. Makes a great sniping spot for Trace.

-walking off an object and then using your extra granted jump usually gets you further than one single jump.

Indeed. You can actually do some mild sequence breaking by WJing in the single-player game, as well.

-Looking down and firing a missle boosts you up, leaving you another jump.

...It...would be worth noting that you take damage from this. >_>
Quote from Wes:
heres some strange stuff might be useful.

-Sylux can "fly" or rather stay in the air forever in alt form on low grav maps using his bombs. Simply go to a stage such as Headshot, turn to alt form, and start rapidly pressing L.

that reminds me ..sylux can hover on super small not standable mini clifs if you move fast and hold the d-pad against the wall.
Bangaa Bishop
I added much of what was recently posted to the original post. :)