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Would you like it if the M2K2 links appeared at the top of forum pages?
Yes (11)
No (5)
At the top of every non-forum M2k2 page, there are a set of links that lead to the different games in m2k2.  I find them very helpful in the normal site, but always find it annoying that they aren't there in the forum itself.  Does anyone else share my annoyance/idea?
red chamber dream
Do you mean that you want links which lead to the actual site's page for the game, or to the specific forum for the game?

I never really thought about it before, but yeah, I think it might be useful to have the former, but not the latter.
Ready and willing.
Honestly, I wouldn't like it... seeing how the forum opens in a new window, the nav bar is still there on the m2k2 page you probably wanted to use for reference instead of the forum page. The only people I could see using it would be those who bookmarked directly to the forum, but I'm not sure those people would use it that often. And remember, this idea would add scroll time, which is almost as much of a major factor in website design as file size.
Quote from Arkarian:
Do you mean that you want links which lead to the actual site's page for the game…


And an answer to Yoshi, I type in the URL for the forum directly because the whole opening-in-a-new-window thingy is a bit annoying, though useful sometimes.  At the very least, it would be nice to have a link directly to www.Metroid2002.com.
Try clicking the random script underneath "Metroid 2002".  :P
for the opening in a new window thing, i command-shift click on the forum link, then hit command-w (i have tabs set to open behind).

and it could probably be done without adding scrolling, but it would look really cluttered/tacky.
Quote from njahnke:
[...]and it could probably be done without adding scrolling, but it would look really cluttered/tacky.

It could go right under the FAQ [...] to Log Out.
Cook of the Sea
Quote from Yoshi348:
Honestly, I wouldn't like it... seeing how the forum opens in a new window, the nav bar is still there on the m2k2 page you probably wanted to use for reference instead of the forum page. The only people I could see using it would be those who bookmarked directly to the forum, but I'm not sure those people would use it that often. And remember, this idea would add scroll time, which is almost as much of a major factor in website design as file size.

Quote from njahnke:
and it could probably be done without adding scrolling, but it would look really cluttered/tacky.

Well see, using these special powers that Purple Lizard gave me, I was able to come up with this.  Nate, try placing this in whatever header template document you have in SmartDark with this here code and then sticking that into a new test forum style to see how it works.  Just replace the header HTML section with this and make sure the javascript is there.  I merely viewed source to get the code, so the menu items are the php output and not the php code itself, but that is easily rectified.  Additionally, the title for the top of the window is showing whatever output for "Posting Reply" and the lgame-specific links I put in are not links but plain text. 
function blah(action)
     case "1":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="I"; break;
     case "2":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="Zero Mission"; break;
     case "3":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="Prime"; break;
	 case "4":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="Prime 2: Echoes"; break;
	 case "5":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="II: Return of Samus"; break;
	 case "6":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="III: Super Metroid"; break;
	 case "7":  document.all.myText.innerHTML="IV: Fusion"; break;
     default:   document.all.myText.innerHTML="2002"; break;



<table width="97%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" align="center">
		<td class="bodyline"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
				<td><a href="index.php"><img src="templates/smartDark/images/m2k2forum_black.png" alt="Metroid 2002" border="0"></a></td>

				<td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr><td align="right" valign="middle" width="50%"><span class="maintitle">Metroid</span></td><td align="left" valign="middle"
				 width="50%"><span id="myText">2002</span></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gen"><a target="_top" href="http://www.metroid2002.com/" style="text-decoration: none;"><script language="JavaScript" src="rquote.js"></script></a>
&nbsp; </span></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span onmouseover="blah('1')" onmouseout="blah('')">I</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('2')" onmouseout="blah('')">Z</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('3')" onmouseout="blah('')">P</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('4')" onmouseout="blah('')">P2</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('5')" onmouseout="blah('')">II</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('6')" onmouseout="blah('')">III</span>&nbsp;<span onmouseover="blah('7')" onmouseout="blah('')">IV</span></td></tr>
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http://www.paragonsigma.com/m2k2test/ to see how this works.  Make sure to mouseover the things.  The CSS for SmartDark isn't there, but I did hotlink the M2k2 logo for point of reference. 

Dammit, I love codemonkeying.
if you really wanna get fancy, you can add style="cursor:hand"  to make them look even more like links Wink
pretty cool, but implementing it would require me to decide that it's actually necessary to add links to every game to the top of the forum in the first place. ;)
I wonder... what if it was setup so that the top always redirects to the main page (like it does right now), but when you enter a specific forum, it links to the specific page.  For example, if you enter the Super Metroid forum, the top link changes to directly link to the Super Metroid page....

God, wouldn't that be a pain in the ass to implement?  :D
hmm. probably. afaik the global header is applied to every forum page, no matter what it is.
Cook of the Sea
Yeah.  Galaxian (my template) has a file called overallheader.tpl, and I think Smartdark probably does as well.  I still think the roman numerals with mouseovers are nice and snappy, though.  :P
oh, i didn't say they weren't nice - i just said that i think it's overkill for this site. come back in a week and we'll talk about doing a really, really arty site.
Ready and willing.
The white on black and no-caps probably come close enough to coming off as pretentious as it is...
Cook of the Sea

Disrespects the underprivileged.