This was actually decided a while back, but I'm just telling you now. I'll no longer be working on Maru Mari. No, nothing happened. Yes, Houson and I are still buds. I just won't be doing Maru Mari anymore. It's been fun though. Later.
Continuing from the MS "pain" topic, I think you should post them both anyway. Heck, Maru Mari needs some new comics and they're both reasonably good (even if 74 is better than 75).
Only problem, is nobody can really update the site. Toozin used to, but he now lacks the tools to do so. I make all the comic stuff already, and I'm busy enough as is (HAHAHAHA) so I don't want to do it. I also don't know how to do it, either.
I think I remember a friend of mine: "The Ace of Spades" wrote to Houston for "Ask the incredible Houston", so, when will questions be updated, in a matter of months or is it for members only?
Houston, what was the problem with not being able to update the comics? Was it just the HTML thing, or what? Because... well, surely there are people here who could back you up on the HTML bit (myself included, as Maru Mari's page is fairly basic).
I could help if you tell me what kind of update script or system you're using. I couldn't figure it out just by examining the filenames and such, but I have worked with a number of different kinds of comic update systems.