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Lemon Zinger Weapon
I think the better question would be "What will God say when he gives you that cookie?"

Is Maru Mari still going on? In the news it says it's discontinued...

Mmmm... correct me please. =P
Lemon Zinger Weapon
I believe it's just on hiatus.  But I might be wrong.
red chamber dream
It's indefinitely on hiatus (will probably never be continued) from what I can see.
Cook of the Sea
Quote from Toozin:
This was actually decided a while back, but I'm just telling you now. I'll no longer be working on Maru Mari. No, nothing happened. Yes, Houson and I are still buds. I just won't be doing Maru Mari anymore. It's been fun though. Later.
I thought Houston was working on it..
Cook of the Sea
Isn't Houston mostly on HBA and TMW at the moment?
Quote from SABERinBLUE:
Isn't Houston mostly on HBA and TMW at the moment?

Wait, thought this was the HBA topic.
Quote from Fyeten:
I think the better question would be "What will God say when he gives you that cookie?"

I think the better question would be, "Could God make a cookie He couldn't lift?"
Cook of the Sea
Quote from Hejira:
Quote from Fyeten:
I think the better question would be "What will God say when he gives you that cookie?"

I think the better question would be, "Could God make a cookie He couldn't lift?"

I think the best question would be, "Could God make a cookie He couldn't eat?
Continuing from the MS "pain" topic, I think you should post them both anyway.  Heck, Maru Mari needs some new comics and they're both reasonably good (even if 74 is better than 75).
Only problem, is nobody can really update the site. Toozin used to, but he now lacks the tools to do so. I make all the comic stuff already, and I'm busy enough as is (HAHAHAHA) so I don't want to do it. I also don't know how to do it, either.

Nate had some excuse, but I forget what it was.
i don't get why toozin doesn't tell you how to do it. it's probably not too hard.
I remember him telling me how to do it one time, and I attempted it... but failed miserably. >_> That kinda thing happens when you're  dumb.
I still find the comics pretty fun to read through. It's a shame that it isn't updated anymore (or hasn't been updated in a loooong time).

Hell, I would even put the comics together if houston wanted me to, as I am still looking for things to do in my free time.
I think I remember a friend of mine: "The Ace of Spades" wrote to Houston for "Ask the incredible Houston", so, when will questions be updated, in a matter of months or is it for members only?
Quote from Fyeten:
I think the better question would be "What will God say when he gives you that cookie?"

i wonder what good question $$$$$$$$ i want money
hey guys http://www.zeromission.co.uk/wallpapers/metroid_metroidhandler_800.jpg  nice site
nice website one of my favorites i am a metroid lover :D  :D  :D  :D
Don't post large pictures with the image tags, don't post things completely off topic, don't spam, and don't tripple post. :|
lol no way
Best three posts ever.


Houston, what was the problem with not being able to update the comics? Was it just the HTML thing, or what? Because... well, surely there are people here who could back you up on the HTML bit (myself included, as Maru Mari's page is fairly basic).
Cook of the Sea
I could help if you tell me what kind of update script or system you're using.  I couldn't figure it out just by examining the filenames and such, but I have worked with a number of different kinds of comic update systems.
lol. there is no such system. :P
lol no way
Yeah, as far as I can tell it's all manual, like Kabutroid's. Not really all that much work anyway.
Cook of the Sea
ell oh ell, he must be like, haggard from managing that volume of strips manually.