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a quick glance at english seems to indicate that "valuable" is an adjective meaning "having value," and "in-" is a prefix meaning "not," as in "incomprehensible, invincible, inopportune," therefore "invaluable" means "not valuable."

Unless you're talking about "Flammable" and "Inflammable".  Or "Infuriating" and the non-existant root word "furiating" which would probably mean "changing to the form of of fury" or somesuch.

Stupid English.

Of course, the "valuable" in "invaluable" doesn't mean "valuable" as in "having lots of value" but "valuable" meaning "being able to be valued" - making "invaluable" mean "not able to be valued" - basically "priceless"

You know, I think "Furiate" should be a word.  There are a lot of things that should be words but aren't.
doesn't it come from fury?
"Furiate" would come from fury if it existed.  There's a missing step here, since there's no "Infury" or "Furiate" word to make the jump to "Infuriate" from "Fury"
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Added a FAQ. Hopefully that clears up some things.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Also new today, Ask Houston. We've been busy bees today, we have.
Yay, updates! I find this comic to be hilarious...well the G-rated ones at least. I like the screw attack one, but that's just cause I say screw you a lot...yeah.
Yay! It's the first Ask Houston!

Congrats to ShadowMagus, for getting your name in Maru Mari.
I feel so special.

Wait... no... feelings gone....
Also, there wont be a "visual aid" for each Ask Houston thing. some will just be a responce. A visual ade isnt really needed for every one. only the best questions will have visual aids. so magus, you SHOULD feel specail :P
I did like the Gin though.  That was great.

I didn't know Ki Hunters (at least, that's what it looks like to me) knew how to play cards.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
That was from a different game entirely, actually.  There's kind of a reason for using that particular thing, but I won't say anything about it just yet.
Ready and willing.
Hey, the little title logo's back up. Ah, the memories...
That comic is cool. Getting better each one!
Quote from skynes:
That comic is cool. Getting better each one!

I agree with Skynes.  I have no idea where you guys come up with this stuff.  :?
Is it possible to e-mail me when it is updated?
If not, thats okay.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
2 new asks for the price of one.
paper, or plastic? hehehehe 2 nices ones!
"They can't say no if they're inflatable."
XD  Too much funny!
Ready and willing.
BTW, what game or source does that space station background come from? It might be a Metroid source, or you might just have edited it with Metroid stuff. *shrug*
Call me an ignorant, but I didn't quite get the last Ask Houston. :? Can somebody enlighten me? :P
Ready and willing.
Quote from DominicanZero:
Call me an ignorant, but I didn't quite get the last Ask Houston. :? Can somebody enlighten me? :P

Which last Ask Houston? Mine?
"Dear Houston:
Paper or Plastic?"

^--- That one. :P
If you look at the bottom of the frame... you see Houston with a paper bag around him (Seems he has fallen)....
Great work, guys.
Nice work guys. Hilareous stuff as always.

Quote from Yoshi348:
BTW, what game or source does that space station background come from? It might be a Metroid source, or you might just have edited it with Metroid stuff. *shrug*

If you're talking about the background for the Ask Housons, it's not from any Metroid game. It's edited from Megaman 7