a quick glance at english seems to indicate that "valuable" is an adjective meaning "having value," and "in-" is a prefix meaning "not," as in "incomprehensible, invincible, inopportune," therefore "invaluable" means "not valuable."
Unless you're talking about "Flammable" and "Inflammable". Or "Infuriating" and the non-existant root word "furiating" which would probably mean "changing to the form of of fury" or somesuch.
Stupid English.
Of course, the "valuable" in "invaluable" doesn't mean "valuable" as in "having lots of value" but "valuable" meaning "being able to be valued" - making "invaluable" mean "not able to be valued" - basically "priceless"
You know, I think "Furiate" should be a word. There are a lot of things that should be words but aren't.