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I actually had the idea for that one Shinespark long ago, but it is impossible,sorry. You cant save a Shinespar in Lava; you will instantly stop Speed Boosting. I think I tried that with frame-perfect stuff, but I'm not too sure. The last Spark is still impossible though. Blue suit or some awesome Gravity Jumping would be the only way to get the tank,I think.

Is there any difference with the Lava in NTSC/PAL or what are you talking about?
Figures I didn't think about that one detail. Well at least this time the developers did a good job on preventing us from getting an item, without using some lame thing like Adam or something.

About PAL, I was referring to the fact that the missile blocks stay destroyed after you kill them, so you could save time in room 'G'.

Thanks everyone for the ideas and trying this out, too bad it didn't work out. Maybe the next big thing that someone finds will turn out better.
You can destroy the missiles w/o slowing down at all (on Pal, at least....)

And sbing Zero Mission really seems impossible to me. The Pbs which have the best chance of being gotten early (after the Lava lake one) seem to be the Landing site/Chozodia pbs... You would just need to do an imposssible shinespark and glitch through some Pb blocks/ glitch through a Pb door to get them Rolling Eyes

Have you made it though room D btw? I could never to that and thought that there might be a way to get to Ridley from the Speed Blocks in room "E". Problem is that you would have to "jump" into the Speed Blocks because there are two of them, so I guess it won't wotk either. And it would be useless, but still cool imo.
No, I could never carry the shinecharge all the way through D, but I can get really close. Carlmii's method takes care of that problem though. I still can't believe I didn't think of that.
If anyone cares, here's a mock-up vid of my crappy run through the lava section without shinespark, and how much health is required for escaping ( [ ] 20 from the point of gripping morph ball tunnel for escape).

Seems to be very possible (if it wouldn't be impossible....)

Someone should check that frame-perfect shinespark in Lava thing. Chances are that I did it wrong because I can't really do frame-stuff -_-
The sequence break is indeed impossible. You cannot store a spark underwater without the Gravity Suit.
Ready and willing.
Wah wah waaaaah.
If it's impossible, then next project, everyone.

Try to get the Chozo Ghost to appear in some random hallway in the game so you can get Gravity Suit.

To be serious, though, too bad. This sounded like a really good idea. Now if only we could get some secret worlds in here, like in Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid Prime 2...  Twisted Evil
Quote from Mr Potter:
If it's impossible, then next project, everyone.

Try to get the Chozo Ghost to appear in some random hallway in the game so you can get Gravity Suit.

To be serious, though, too bad. This sounded like a really good idea. Now if only we could get some secret worlds in here, like in Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid Prime 2...  Twisted Evil

Chozo Ghost appear in some random hallway? How would this be more possible then what was just talked about?
Note that in the third paragraph, I began by saying "to be serious".
Quote from Kridly:
About the whole getting killed from lava thing, I can get to the spark point in room H with about 150 energy left. Now, that is enough to get the PB tank, but not enough to get out. The thing is that I am playing on Hard mode, and on Normal I would have twice as much life, and that would make getting out a peice of cake. So if you play on normal, the lava really is not a problem (damage-wise). On Hard Mode, a few more energy tank may be needed to get out.

And about the spark in room H, I have not been able to get there with a shinecharge so that is a rough estimate of where you would spark. You may need to be higher of lower, but you can walljump high up on the wall and just fall down lower, so that is solved too, provided that you have enough time. "Time" is the main issue here though, isn't it?  :P

EDIT: Changed room G to H, as I don't know my own map well enough.

This could stilll be plausible even after you get the Varia Early and you ALSO take the time to get every single Energy Tank you can so that way, you can easily get the PBT.  Just my opinion.
Well yeah, besides the whole impossible factor, that could very well work.
There MUST be a way!
That's like, very interesting! I tried it too. But a little too hard :(