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my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
check your disc for the number. if it is 0-00, everything should work.

check the controllers to see if they'r worn out, broken, or if you held a button while poweing on (L & R and the sticks get bad initialization if you hold them while powering on the system)

lastly, practice. the roll jump requires certain timing.
-_- Um Uchiha Prime 2 doesn't have any fixed glitches unless you're playing the Trilogy, you're thinking of Prime 1.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Speed boost? O_o you shouldn't be holding B as you rolljump. It is possible to rolljump after a boost, but I don't think it gives you any more distance, it just makes the timing more difficult because you have to release and repress it immediately.

I curl my hand around the controller so that my ring finger holds R, my middle finger unmorphs and my index hits jump. It's a lot easier than using my thumb to unmorph, then using my thumb to jump immediately after. Beyond that, it seems like certain parts of ledges don't seem to let me rolljump. I personally have better luck rolling off the extended left/right sides of that platform (assuming I'm thinking of the right room). Unmorph just before the ball is completely obscured. Also make sure holding L comes after the jump.

I noticed sometimes once I miss it once, I get hasty and miss it again immediately after. I get the feeling that you can't rolljump if your morphing animation doesn't finish before you fall. It seems I have to have a roll trail behind me first to make sure I'm actually rolling. And of course, make sure the camera's behind you.
Edit history:
playe: 2011-02-20 11:20:25 am
Really JaggerG? that seems like a very awkward way to hold the controller.
what I do is put my middle finger on R, index on X and thumb on B. I suppose you could get the same result either way I just find mine to be more comfortable.
JaggerG has the superior method by far, and that is not biased at all by the fact that it's how I do roll jumps.

(I'm assuming you meant B when you said Y)
lol yeah I meant B whoops. *goes to fix*
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
ok made the roll jump and just got light suit

and yay for needing more help now

i have no clue why but one of the sky temple keys isn't there (the one in the room where you fight DS1) i have dark visor and when i use it in light world  i can see the key but theres nothing there in dark world
It doesn't exist until you collect the main Power Bombs.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i use the "middle finger on R, index on X and thumb on B" method for roll jumps. the other one sounds more awkward but i guess that's because i'm so used to the one i use.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from MilesSMB:
It doesn't exist until you collect the main Power Bombs.

Edit history:
playe: 2011-02-28 01:52:40 am
Okay new problem.
I can get the Wallcrawl now and get in the elevator and all, but as soon as I get into Torvus a Seeker Missile door awaits me.

So... how can I bypass it? (this is for 7% btw)
Okay, new problem (involving the SW Miles linked)

How on earth am I supposed to load the next room? it seems like there's some invisible blocks keeping me from getting anywhere near the loading zone.
Can people help me with the aether jumps ? Im just not consistent. All I do is just spam the jump and sometimes its work and most of the time I fall. Thanks.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
i had the same problem but i find letting go of the thumb stick as you leave the ather really helps
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Dark Beam, Light Beam, Dark Suit, Screw Attack, Light Suit, Power Bombs, Dark Visor

is that the order you get the items in a 7%?
I would assume that the actual order goes Dark Beam, Light Beam, Dark Suit, Dark Visor, Screw Attack, Light Suit and then Power Bombs. Because why not get the Dark Visor while in Torvus? (You need to use a wallcrawl to get past that Seeker Missile door anyway)
First off, Power Bombs would be 4th, since they're right next to a Chykka key.

After getting that key, though, there's no way to get back into Upper Torvus; every path below Torvus Temple is blocked, the only SW there requires SA, and it's impossible to wallcrawl up the elevator without crashing the game. Your only option would be to take the elevator to Sanctuary. Since you're already in Sanctuary, you might as well do everything in it. Now, theoretically you could get Dark Visor before Light Suit, but I can't see any point in doing so.

So that means this alternative would be

Dark Beam > Light Beam > Dark Suit > Power Bombs > Screw Attack > Light Suit > Dark Visor

However, the other route is still perfectly fine and would probably be easier anyway.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
ok so i kinda wanna know how hard this really is, other then miles and paraxade has anyone done a 7% run (no matter the answer im still trying one XD )
RingRush completed one a few days ago.
I like turtles.
Why is the Dark Suit required?  Is it literally impossible to get through Dark Aether's atmosphere at times without it?
Have fun doing this with 0 tanks.
Quote from itsPersonnal:
ok so i kinda wanna know how hard this really is, other then miles and paraxade has anyone done a 7% run (no matter the answer im still trying one XD )

I've been attempting one for the past few weeks but the wallcrawl in Transport to Agon Wastes is hard for me to do.

If anyone can tell me exactly what to do (besides what I saw in Miles' 1:01 as that does help out but not with positioning.) that would be appreciated.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
ok just got dark suit and if a following this route (dark beam, light beam, dark suit, SA, light suit, PB, dark visor) does that mean Sanctuary next or do i need to go to torvus 1st too get to sanctuary