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Quote from kelsin1313:
Ah, my first post.  Good Times

So I've just completed getting the Grapple and Gravity boost and I'm trying to access the Portal in the Forgotten Bridge room, but it is way too far for me to jump. to 

It seems like there is a raised platform to the right of it, but I don't see how to lower it.  Was that something else I was suppose to do first time I was in the 'Dark' version of the room?

I've tried looking at all the faqs on gamefaq and through the forums.  (Probably finding out way too much storyline in the process), but by how there is no mention of this room, I'm definitely overlooking something.

There should be mushrooms, or something like that, right below the ledge with the portal.  You can jump on those and climb up.
I have a question concerning low % and grabbing the Sky Temple keys: Is there any way to get through that room with the stupid Ing Swarm (It's the key near Sanctuary Entrance in Temple Grounds where you pass through the Dark version of the GFMC Compound) before you get the Light Suit? Cause I could've sworn that the route someone made for the keys has you grab it before you head into the Temple.

Edit: This is without energy tanks btw on Normal

Edit 2: Nm, I found the page where it was listed, and I guess not...
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Kip said if you use the screw attack, that stuff doesn't hurt you.
I could never pull it off fast enough to avoid the damage long enough to get to the door. (If that makes sense) It really doesn't matter right now anyway, since I finished that run about 1/2 an hour ago  Wink
Help! I can't beat the Bosst Guardian! He keeps on killing me. Have any tips that are useful? I always seem to get hit by him in boost form................
You can go here:


and download part 8 to watch Kip murder the thing with no tanks or missiles. 

Go here:


for some written tips.
Thanks for the tips but i beat Him this morning after finding out that trying to avoid his boost attack in morph ball is really hard. Double jump worked better. Then agin at the end of the fight i had 50 energy left so I was almost dead.
red chamber dream
Okay, I've beaten the game multiple times, both on Normal and on Hard, but I never really bothered to get 100% items. I don't think I will actually take the time to do that yet, but I was wondering how to get a specific energry tank which I passed a few times, but couldn't get. I forget the name of the room, but it's a tall, circular room that is mainly a morph ball course cut into the wall. At the bottom is a Seeker-Missile door, as I recall. You can go around and around in a circle if you want to.
Anyway, there is an energy tank stuck near the top of the maze, which I never seemed to figure out how to reach. Anyone know where I'm talking about, and how to get the tank?
I'm stuck at Main Research... I accidentally exited before destroying all the sonic emitters... I've tried to kip dash across WSA but still no luck.... any alternatives?
Ark:  If it's the room I'm thinking about, then first, do some bombjumps to the very top.  You'll reach a point where you have to drop down, and hold the stick to the left to land on a ledge.  The drop right before the energy tank is the tricky one, because the ledge itself is hidden, and is only one morphball width wide, so if you drop, and keep holding left, you'll only fall to the beginning.  So as soon as you land, you have to stop moving immediately, then just bombjump your way up the rest of the way to the tank. 

Hope that makes sense...
red chamber dream
Yes, I got it, thanks.
Oh, it's that guy
This may be early, but in the argon wastes, in the mining shaft, is there any way past the purple door? it claims that there are 5 orbs or something and i can't seem to "activate" these "orbs" that are supposed to be in this god-forsaken morph ball maze! gah! help me!

EDIT, ok, so they are enegry pods, and that i have to destroy them, not activate them, i can't remember everying in one go!
The purple doors are for seeker missile, you must get it then blast it with seeker to access to the door.
Oh, it's that guy
Seeker missle? i haven't gotten the dark suit yet, so i guess i'm doing SOMETHING wrong...
You get seeker a little later in the game, so don't worry about, just follow the luminoth's guide or use the hint system if your stuck.
How do you get the missle expansion in communication area where there is a satellite thing,but it says weather conditions. There's no glass to break and i'm sure i haven't got an expansion here. A vid of where to look should help.
Just use a morph ball bomb on the glass and it will break revealing the missile expansion.
i also need 1 more missle expansion any unexpected places I should look Question
i"m not sure but just try to narrow it down, go the places the you think you haven't gone to;to get the expansion.
i made a list and checked everwhere! grrrrrrrrrr! Maybe some movies of people getting missle expansions would help.Is there limited time to get certain expansions? :x  :x
red chamber dream
No, you can get all the expansions, even after you've finished the game.
got it!!!!It was in dark torvus undertransit I went searching there before but thought i got it. Thanks for the help guys! Now to beat Emperor Ing and dark samus and get all 7 of the scans in hard mode. then I get 100+100 percent and see the special ending! :D
Mini-Boss Name: Caretaker Drone
Attacks: Electrical surges
How To Defeat: You fill in the blanks.

(Which means I need some tips on the Caretaker Drone if you're slow)
The Caretaker Drone eh? Let me crack open my guide.....................................Ah ha! Here it is: You have to avoid it's arms that skim the spider ball tracks and wair for a little red pole to come out. Hit it with the Boost Ball. Hit two more red poles that come out then hit the large cylinder with the boost ball. You must repeat all of these steps two more times on increasingly smaller sections of spider ball track. Hope that helps you.