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Oh, that is so....    Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad

I hate my life...  :emo:

We need an emo smiley for people like me.
in the name of justice!
Heh, pagebreak.

This is why I'm almost glad I can't do the Sun Tower...at least this way I won't destroy my file by picking something wrong up.
I figured this would go here. With Player's Choice MP, is the only way to get SJ first to use the Seedling in the corridor leading to the Artifact Temple? If not how else can it be done?

That's the only other way and it's much, much harder.
Heh. My first post here, n00bie as I am...

Although I've tried to search through a couple of topics, I cannot find an answer to my issue...

In the Frost Cave, where you're supposed to shoot down the spike hanging from the roof so it makes a hole in the ice so you can get the missile... Is it possible to do a L-Lock SSJ or another type of a jump to land on the spot where you're supposed to shoot down the spike? I am asking because I "accidently" managed to shoot down the 2 other spikes in that room, so now I cannot use the same jump/method as in the video(s). So, is it possible to JUMP from the edge (from the purple door) to the spot as shown in the videos? I don't have any targets available, so yeah... Is it even possible to jump from the edge on the flake (where the purple door is) to the spot?

Any tips?

Thankies in advance.
If I'm remembering this right, you could do a scan dash off the flying grapple beam guy. That's assuming you have the original NTSC version though.
Pardon me. Forgot to tell that I have an EU version of the game. Meaning that I cannot do the scan-jump technique. Is there another way..?
Quote from smilingjack13:

That's the only other way and it's much, much harder.

Damn. Ah well, I'll focus my attention on MP2 instead. Thanks for the info.
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
Quote from smilingjack13:

That's the only other way and it's much, much harder.

Damn. Ah well, I'll focus my attention on MP2 instead. Thanks for the info.

What's wrong with this..? It's not that hard to do this... Or is it supposed to be hard to do this, perhaps? You get to the missile in 26secs. Darn quickly, indeed.

Btw, no idea how to the that Frost Cave missile I wrote about earlier?
You can make it onto the ledge with an r jump. You have to learn that one, cos you need a good one to make it across. Comming from frost cave access you have to stand on the far most left at the edge and perform the jump.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
You can make it onto the ledge with an r jump. You have to learn that one, cos you need a good one to make it across. Comming from frost cave access you have to stand on the far most left at the edge and perform the jump.

Roger that. However, the R-jump... That's when you lock onto a target with the R-button and then push left/right to jump very far, right? Well, I don't have anything to lock my target on. I've already shot down the other pillars hanging from the roof, so I cannot target those with the R-button. Should I try targetting the flying monsters when I first enter the room, perhaps? Also, can I jump to the ledge with the L-Lock SSJ method, or isn't that possible?

Oh! I don't have the Grappler Beam yet. I want to try to get there without it. Which is why I am asking this weird question...

Thankies for the help so far! I appriciate that, obviously.
Quote from Shoo:
Also, can I jump to the ledge with the L-Lock SSJ method, or isn't that possible?

That was the one I'm talking about but you have to press R then L and B to spacejump in midair to get a greater jump. I don't blame you cos the r jump (or whatever its called) is not on the techniques page. I can write a description for it, though I'm sure someone else can do it better. Then again new video's have to be made (all the L-lock spring space jumps have to be replaced with the r jump) but thats the fun part anyway.

Once I started using the r jump things got a lot easier, for example escaping life grove.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
Quote from Shoo:
Also, can I jump to the ledge with the L-Lock SSJ method, or isn't that possible?

That was the one I'm talking about but you have to press R then L and B to spacejump in midair to get a greater jump. I don't blame you cos the r jump (or whatever its called) is not on the techniques page. I can write a description for it, though I'm sure someone else can do it better. Then again new video's have to be made (all the L-lock spring space jumps have to be replaced with the r jump) but thats the fun part anyway.

Once I started using the r jump things got a lot easier, for example escaping life grove.

Ah. I see. So there's a jump technique that's not even in the techniques list... Anyway, I'd appriciate if you could help me to explain the jump, if it's not too much trouble, of course. I can _almost_ reach the ledge by first moving to the very left as possible on the ledge where I must jump from, I make Samus look down with R-button, then use the L-button to lock the target so Samus is looking down and when I jump, I quickly release he buttons while I move forward in the air, and before the 2nd jump, I do the same as with the first jump. I can _almost_ reach the ledge, but I don't manage to jump far enough...

So yeah, explaining the jump would help me a lot. Thankies again for the help, SvD.
Just before you think you should use your space jump hold R, then when you want to space jump press B and L while still holding R. Release all buttons (except the control stick) after the space jump. Hold the control stick up left or up right after the first jump, keep it there until you are landed savely on the ledge.

Practise it, it will give you some more distance than the l-lock ssj
Have been having problems with my overall time.  I can do tricks and that kind of crap, but the best time I have accomplished is posting in the TMTB (Total Metroid Time Board), and there are a few parts where I would like tips from people in:
1. Getting through the Ore Processing hassle-free (getting grapple early, without PB's)
2. Omega Pirate beating his ass quickly. Have tried all tricks, still a pain in the ass to beat with only 5 ET's.
3. Ridley Battle (Need help pulling off the Easy Ground/Air part)
4. Tips for Prime battle


Those are the areas that I could use help with.


1.  Don't know.

2.  Power Bombs while he's invisible and quickly demorphing and switching to the X-Ray visor.

3.  Just Boost into his air form, then his ground form, Wavebuster him.  Also, cross your fingers and hope that the "Wavebuster on Ridley Health Refill" glitch doesn't happen.

4.  Second form, stand on the branch.  It's on the main section of the site.  First form, I've no help to give.
Quote from DeathNoble:

3.  Just Boost into his air form, then his ground form, Wavebuster him.  Also, cross your fingers and hope that the "Wavebuster on Ridley Health Refill" glitch doesn't happen.

Well, what is this Ridley Health Refilll Glitch?
It's been reported by a few (Although I'm not sure if enough people have reported it to call it "verified" yet) that when you WaveBuster Ridley, his actually refills.  So if you keep Wavebustering him, his health will go up instead of down.
Very interesting theory.  My favorite trick in Ridley fight is the part where you can zoom all around the ground with the boost ball :)
Quote from Razorflame:
1. Getting through the Ore Processing hassle-free (getting grapple early, without PB's)
2. Omega Pirate beating his ass quickly. Have tried all tricks, still a pain in the ass to beat with only 5 ET's.
3. Ridley Battle (Need help pulling off the Easy Ground/Air part)
4. Tips for Prime battle
1. Use the dash jump in Main Quarry to enter Ore Processing from the top, then use an R jump to reach the Grapple Beam (I always use an R Jump and I always make it, I don't know if you can make it with just an LLSSJ(.
2. Use the Boost Ball/cutscene skip trick to ambush him and blow up one of his limbs right away. Use SMs or charged Plasma to kill the other 3. When he invisibles, stand by one Phazon pool, and dispatch his thugs quickly. Looking through the X-Ray, charge the Plasma and wait for him to appear (I think that if you wait by the pool OP starts at, he'll always appear at the pool on the left), then nail him and aim away to charge another shot (the normal plasma shot you auto-fire can't hit him). Charge about halfway and nail him again. He'll fall and disappear. Stand next to the pool you started by and look at the pool he didn't appear at, that's where he'll be next. Repeat until OP dies in 3-4 rounds. Ignore any more thugs OP summons (jump arround a lot to dodge their shots).
3. Nail MR with charged Plasma when he hovers over the cliff. After a few hits, he'll fly around, then dive out of sight. He'll reappear,then fly toward you and try to stomp you. When he lands, Boost into his chest and he'll immediately take his ground form.
4. If you got SMs, Prime will be a lot easier, although overall it's probably faster to not get them. I recommend getting the Ice Spreader, it will make life easier and is hardly off of your path. When Prime recoils and charges to the other side of the room, quickly morph and roll behind him, then demorph and charge whatever weapon he was last vulnerable too. After he turns around, Prime will still be vulnerable to that weapon briefly. If it's Ice, you can nail him with an IS shot to skip the next round entirely. For Prime Essence, use the 3-pool trick (if you got the Thermal Visor).
I'm working on my 22% game right now, and having made it through Vent Shaft (2 weeks later...  Crying or Very sad ), I'm having a good time in Geo Core. See, when I did Vent Shaft I couldn't manage the dash jump because I could never get the height. Distance and speed, easy. Height? No. At least there was the bomb method to go to though... Geo Core, reversing the Y-axis just ruins my life, so I'm left with the dash jump. Height is now an issue though... is there some trick to getting mad height that I'm not aware of?
I can't help you with the dash but I can help you with the space jump. And you don't have to reverse the axis, nate should delete that from the page cos it gives no extra hight compared to the normal axis. What I can see in some video's is that a good dash jump gets you higher than a good space jump, but a space jump is easier, at least for me. Just use the method you prefer.

If you need all the details for the space jump method, this is what in my opinion is the best way to do it.

Quote from some time ago in some other topic smilingjack13:
Geo Core does become a lot easier though when you can make 2>3 consistently. The way I jump, which works well for me, is to hold L, then let go right after the initial jump. Then, just before I'm ready to space jump, I hold R, then hold upperleft or upperright, then tap B, then tap L, then let go of R, then I usually stop holding the control stick in whatever direction and straighten myself out. Try to do the R, stick, B, L combination quickly. With some practice, you should be able to make big gaps consistently.

Any tips?

Edit: Nevermind. I should have read the above post. Embarassed
anyone can say me what atcualy is the secret world :o

i never found something that look like a secret world, even if i passed this game 3-4 time and done it 100% :(

expalin or link me :)

nm... i saw it in prime site :/
i was looking for soemthnig better then just exit the map...
pretty crappy :(
I could've sworn that I once saw something about a wallcrawl that would let you get the Bombs before the Morph Ball...  Do I remember correctly, or is this not possible?