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Well, in the first heated room you'll be going into after getting the Varia there are some blocks just past the door with a one-block gap at the top leading to the rest of the room.  You can be like me the first dozen times I went in and bomb-jump up to that space to go to the rest of the room, or you can shoot the floor you're standing on and go forward the easy way.  Your call.
Ill remmber that, thanks.
I'm having some serious trouble glitching through the zebetites. I've done it twice over multiple attempts, and each time I've done it,  it seems to be random as to why I was able to get through.

From the videos I've watched on it, here's what I do:

Run through the door, jump and land next to where the rinka spawns. Aim downwards, freeze the rinka just as it spawns, space jump forward and get hit by the rinka coming down.

Most of the time nothing happens; I just end up jumping up and down for 2-3 seconds and then reload the state to try again. Only on two occasions have a I acutally gone through the zebetite.

I need a good description on how this is done, or simply tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
urgh. Lemme go see if I can just copy and paste what I've said before from something...

Glitching through the Zebetite with the ice beam:
First off, screw attack must be de-equipped. Freeze the bottom Rinka before it moves. Now you need some invincibility time. You can spin jump onto the Rinka and get hurt for 0 damage, so it's free invincibility time. After you're invincible, you need to spin jump onto the Rinka again. Then just jump and hold left. For some reason, low spin jumps seem to work best.

The reason this works: The collision detection detects the frozen Rinka before it bothers to detect the wall, so Samus is placed on top of the Rinka, slightly inside the wall and Zebetite. Normally, the Zebetite will hurt Samus and push her away, because Samus is now in the Zebetite's hitbox. This is why you need to be invincible.
Once you're inside the Zebetite, the game no longer blocks Samus from moving around inside of it, so you're able to simply jump right through it before the invincibility runs out.
Screw attack must be de-equipped, because you lose your invincibility time when you use the Screw attack.
Thanks for the explanation.

I was able to do it in one try after reading it, and can now do it consistently on my first try.
This is about the space/time beam. Howdo you get it to reset the game? I go to the Old Tourian shaft where you're supposed to, shoot the door, then shoot into the room. Instead of allowing me to get to a save point (very slowly) it instead makes Samus sink through the floor and then the game crashes. What am I doing wrong?
So you're on the other side of the orange door off the old Tourian escape shaft?  Well, I'll just list the steps as read from the Glitch FAQ at GameFAQs...
Equip space-time beam (I'm sure you know how to do that), then make sure the wave beam is off if you have it.  Now, shoot the door at point blank range.  Turn around and fire again, causing a massive game slowdown, but you should still be able to move through the door you opened.  If you enter a mist filled room and the door closes orange behind you, the glitch was successfully executed.

Something I've noticed is that you do not need to save, and in fact if you quit after saving, it will put you back on Ceres Station with everything you had saved before you quit except your missiles.
I did it exactly the way you said to, and it gave me the result I mentioned. Maybe it's the emu?

I tried again with the area leading to the Wrecked Ship. Instead of resetting the game, the planet started to explode. I jumped into the ship and flew off, and it said I had completed the game! WTF!?!
This is detailed over at SCU.  If you're on emulator, do the reset glitch in the room near the Wrecked Ship entrance.  If you're on console, then do the one in the old Tourain shaft.

http://www.samus.co.uk/super_metroid/reset_glitch_console.shtml  Console.

http://www.samus.co.uk/super_metroid/reset_glitch_emulator.shtml  Emulator.
I tried the bomb thing in the Wrecked Ship entrance but nothing happened. The game just remained totally normal. Perhaps I just have a dodgy emu.
simple question:
i try to get a 100% to this game but i miss 1 Misc Upgrade

i already go Moprhing ball, Bomb and Screw attack

which one is missing and where i find it ?!?

Spring Ball,

You can find it in Maridia.  Go down the uberly long door and keep going right until you get to a room with a broken grappling point.  Break it by hanging onto it and space jump your way up.

THe rest is self explanatory.
Or you can do this.
Yeah, I was going to post that link but got lazy.
thx, i got it :D
only 4 more missile to get 100% ^-^
Q: I'm not very good with all the technical stuff with metroid games, but I know people on this board are. How many frames are there in a second?
soaking through
In NTSC 60 Hz, 60.  In PAL 50Hz, 50.  Or roundabout there, anyway.
important to keep in mind that those are only half-frames, i.e. half the resolution of the tv. various forms of fakery are used to make those look like whole frames, interlaced scanning on your analog tv or smart bob for hq/iq progressive scan video being two.
Quote from Sasuke_Kun:
I tried the bomb thing in the Wrecked Ship entrance but nothing happened. The game just remained totally normal. Perhaps I just have a dodgy emu.

I think I figured out your problem.  First, do everything that SCU tells you to do.  Charge a shot, tunr on Space/Time Beam and turn around, and with a charged Space/Time shot, shoot the door open.  Shoot again, and hold the button down.  Normally a plainly fired Space/Time shot will crash the game.  But if your gun is actually inside the sprite for the door so you can't see the fired Space/Time shot, you're alright.  Since you're holding the button, you're charging the shot.  Turn around, and morph to drop the bombs.  Nothing will hapen.  Yet.  But what you got to do is keep the shot button held down.  After you morph, even.  When the bombs come out of the Morph Ball, keep the shot button held down.  Now stand.  Samus will fire a Space/Time shot, which will cause the game to go weird.  Then she'll start charging a Space/Time shot.  However, it will be a pale blue, as to where a normal Space/Time charge is purple and black.  Now just walkthrough the door.  Just don't forget to turn off the Space/Time beam after you get in the next room.  If you accidently let that charged Space/Time shot go in the next room, it's start-over time for you!  If the item bar is green and screwed up like SCU says it should be, while you're doing the trick, everything is fine.  Don't forget to check for the Missile expansion to have returned.

The important thing is after you let a charged Space/Time shot go to open the door, hold the shot button down and don't let go of it!
Quote from Bp_:
thx, i got it :D
only 4 more missile to get 100% ^-^

Do you have 230 missiles or 210?  There are only 230 missiles in this game, contrary to most other Metroid games.
Thanks DeathNoble, I'll check it out and see if it works.
Quote from Random Zelda Person:
Quote from Bp_:
thx, i got it :D
only 4 more missile to get 100% ^-^

Do you have 230 missiles or 210?  There are only 230 missiles in this game, contrary to most other Metroid games.

215 and 45 super missile :)
well, i watched the 100% speed run f this game since i wasnt able to find the last 2 missile i miss and i saw this white ball will behing in moprh ball O_o duh what is that ??

i already hear of crystal ball ?? is it that ?? and how you do it since i watched the video 5-6 time and still dont know how :)

ty as always
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
If the white ball was also blue, then that was a mockball done while those 'blue echo' things were behind Samus.  It's just a mockball with the speed booster going at full speed.  I think it's generally called a 'speedball'.
Or you might be thinking of Crystal Flash, which exchanges weapons (uses up 10 each of power bombs, missiles, and super missiles) for energy (fills up all e-tanks and reserve tanks).  It also resets Samus to a kneeling position even in a tunnel, from which she can then fire, and is therefore used to get the super missile tank normally found after fighting Spore Spawn.  It does start from morph ball form and has a graphic of a silhouette of Samus floating in a glowing white circle while the transfer is taking place.  Let me see if I remember how to execute it...you have to be < 50 energy with all reserves empty and have at least 11 power bombs and 10 each of missiles and supers.  Morph and lay a power bomb while holding L, R, and down on the d-pad.  Keep holding these and after the bomb goes off the crystal flash will start.

Is that the right procedure?  Did I leave out a button?