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Quote from bartendorsparky:
where exactly are you stuck?

after getting charge beam, return to gathering hall (the room with the adjacent save station), and climb to the top, and enter the door.  continue through the next two rooms, and when you get to the third, larger room, immediately turn left and follow the path to burn dome.
Yeah I've saved in the gathering hall but do I have to jump across the acid or what?
always move fast
after entering the room from the save station, look over to the left and you should see some ledges you can use to get across the acid.
Quote from bartendorsparky:
after entering the room from the save station, look over to the left and you should see some ledges you can use to get across the acid.
Ohhh ok thanks.
I'm stuck

I have all the beams, spider ball, all the suits, all the visors, power bombs, boost ball, no grapple and no super missle.

I need to get the artifact in the room you get the varia suit. But I cant reach the super missle upgrade and I'm not good enough to do this
Quote from The Dark Knight:
I'm stuck

I have all the beams, spider ball, all the suits, all the visors, power bombs, boost ball, no grapple and no super missle.

I need to get the artifact in the room you get the varia suit. But I cant reach the super missle upgrade and I'm not good enough to do this

The Suntower TBJ unmorph isn't THAT bad... just keep practicing. Or start over and do the IBJ up the Suntower.
everybody knows it's true
I think he's referring to the cool bomb jump you do to skip the gate.

red chamber dream
Why can't you reach the Super Missiles? They're not exactly a difficult item to grab.
everybody knows it's true
When you're entering backwards, of course.
I enter from the bottom and iirc, when you kill the pirates, you are able to scan something which starts hollogram or something. All I know is that everything is not active.
always move fast
(user is banned)
Quote from Arkarian:
Why can't you reach the Super Missiles? They're not exactly a difficult item to grab.

when he said cant, what i think he meant was that he didnt want to.

its easy to grab if you go through the labs backwards... so there is no point in really having to climb the area, unless you want to exit back through to front phendrana.
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2011-04-10 03:56:06 pm

Oh thanks, I thought I remembered seeing a way how to do it.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quick question.  My copy of Prime is the one that came as part of the GameCube + MP + MP2 demo deal that was being offered last year to promote Echoes.  Is that equivalent to the Player's Choice version?
Probably is the Player's Choice version.

...check this page to know for sure: http://www.metroid2002.com/version_differences_version_number.php
only thing they've been confirmed to be is player's choice (they've never even been reported to be 0-00 or 0-01).
It would be nice if they were.
Any tips for doing this? I keep getting an instant unmorph at the top, which I dont want.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quote from redding:

Thanks, redding.  (Shoulda been able to find that myself.  Yeesh.)  I do indeed have an 0-02.

The reason I asked is that I'm doing some real sbing for the first time this run, but the Geothermal Core tricks are so involved, I didn't want to waste time trying them if the door was just going to be Grapple-locked.  I'm having plenty of other fun, though.  (I still can't do SJF, but I managed to get the early Power Bomb expansion, and that's let me do lots of fun stuff like going through Phazon Mines the wrong way.)
I was messing around in quarantine cave and found an easier way of getting through (ntsc only). You don't even need thardus for this. This is based on the video that sparky has on his server in were he dashes allong the side of the room, though you only need one dash and its a lot easier than the thardus dash. Could be used in single segment runs too cos if you fall down the fight will not be activated and you can still do the thardus dash after that. If you have grapple there is also the possibility to grapple back up the ledge.

So no more excuses for not doing the thardus dash in a speedrun, too bad though that I think its inpossible in the pal version to reach any of the ledges aside the room.

I run this here hotel of an evening
which would be faster though? thardus dash or this method?
and it can be done in PAL if you have the grapple beam, because iirc you can grapple dash in PAL. i know you can in NTSC
don't think its faster. have to look into the grapple dash in pal, I once tried dashing of the grapple point from the tree in the frigate to see if I could get up to the top but the grapple dash works a bit different, you can't bend the dash and you descend earlier. So it will probably not work. Even if it would work it would only be something that would look cool, can't realy use it in any type of speedrun.
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Any tips for doing this? I keep getting an instant unmorph at the top, which I dont want.
If you instant unmorph, you're going too high. You should unmorph when the last bomb is about the height of the ledge.
Quote from LifeMega:
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Any tips for doing this? I keep getting an instant unmorph at the top, which I dont want.
If you instant unmorph, you're going too high. You should unmorph when the last bomb is about the height of the ledge.

Thanks. I shouldve looked through the topics a bit more.
So...  In a 22% game (Skipping Boost ball, not Space Jump) and the Elite Pirate case can't broken open with Power bombs until you get the actual upgrade...  should I be getting the actual Power Bombs or is there a point later in the game that I can blow it open with an early Power Bomb expansion?

Because I got an early Power Bomb expansion, and if you're supposed to get the actual Power Bombs instead of an early expansion in a 22% game and I have to rest, I'm going to be really  Evil or Very Mad .
Sorry, you're going for 23% now. I once thought about this too cos you can skip bombjumping back up in vent shaft. You need the main power bomb in order to fight the pirate and get the artifact.