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No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get the Ghetto Jump in Temple Assembly Site. I even thought I may have found another way to do it, but you can't get on top of those red crates. I have watched the video and read the description over and over, but I just can't seem to do it. <_<;
red chamber dream
Are you trying for the early Missile Expansion? If so, you can either keep trying the ghetto, or you can just do a laddered DBJ up to the ledge. I've found the DBJ a lot easier than that ghetto. The ladder doesn't need to cover that much horizontal distance, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
Is the Temple Assembly Missle Expansion during the time before you get attacked by the Ing, or after, and if so, then how would you get bombs before then?
You get the missiles before the Cut scean.

You can use the 101% trick to get over the leadge and grab the missiles , jump over again meet U-Mos Go get the Bombs then come back.
So, if you get the Missle Expansion before the cut scene, then the cut scene happens, wouldn't you lose the missles?
No other wise you wouldn't get 101% now would you?

I suggest you seeing these pages . There both pretty helpfull .


I can't get the Roll Jump[WSA] right. I can do the unmorph just fine, but afterwards, samus doesn't jump, she just falls. I've tried this so many times I already feel like selling Echoes. :(
Quote from Jack:
I can't get the Roll Jump[WSA] right. I can do the unmorph just fine, but afterwards, samus doesn't jump, she just falls. I've tried this so many times I already feel like selling Echoes. :(

Me too, I can't even roll jump anywhere, or bs jump. I instant unmorph, but I can never jump. I've never ever bs jumped or roll jumped. I've tried pushing back and holding L and holding R but nothing has worked. I need help on that, too.
Here are the easiest to hardest types of jumps out of instant unmorphs.  The timing for X+B is something you'll have to get used to from practice.  Even now I get Roll Jumps less than a quarter of the time.  Do what you will with this "advice."

Holding the controller:  The way I do it is by putting the middle finger over L and curling the index finger over X to keep the hand flush with the controller.  When the BS jump was first discovered, people were proping their controllers against something (a leg, say) and holding thumb&index or index&middle over B&X.  Dunno how other people are doing it now, it would be neat to know.

The BS Jump in the Ing Hive Gate room (and it's light Aether equivalent, Temple Access) is the easiest in the game, and is in the room where the technique was discovered.  At the top of the room, roll to the end of the ledge with the camera facing away from the door (so that it is in the alcove).  Near the peak of a single bomb jump (or even a DBJ) press X+B.  The timing doesn't seem so stringent here, so you should be able to make this nearly 100% of the time.

The next easiest are single bomb BS Jumps against vertical walls.  Stand with your back against the wall, hold L, twitch forward and immediately press X.  I like locking my view downward before doing so to get the same camera angle as after the morph and also after the BS Jump.  You don't need to hold L, but it makes it easier (it's only bad for one BSJ in the game because it forces you to take a step).  If you did it right, the camera will be right over the morphball (which will be visually large).  If the camera starts drifting, you should have no problem correcting it by rolling around, or doing the jump quickly.  Near the peak of a single bomb jump, press X+B.  I find it easier to do if I start pulling back on the stick at about halfway through the bomb jump (to force the morphball into the camera's way).  Skipping the Alpha Blogg is a great use for this.

Roll Jumps are of moderate difficulty only because of getting jumps out of the instant unmorph.  WSA is a great place to test this because of the quick turn-around.  Do not boost into a roll jump because the morphball will have no chance of being eclipsed by the ledge.  Some ledges you will have to experiment to find where you can trick the camera to get instant unmorphs when you roll off (eg. right side of WSA).  Hold R, roll forward, and press X+B in time between when the morphball is just about to be obscured (earliest and best time) to when it is about half covered.  Soon after, but not immediately, hold L (so it registers).  Keep R and forward held throughout.  All I can say about X+B timing is that it gets easier with practice, and is easier if you have experience with the easier BS Jumps. 

There is a more difficult (timing-wise) variation of the roll jump by silent ((((echo)))) which proports to get greater height/distance.  It's the jump he used to reach the robot in Grand Abyss.  The change is that one pulls back on the controll stick somewhere at or between X+B and holding L.

By far, the hardest are the DBJ or 3BJ + BS jumps against vertical walls.  Which is weird as the same jump in front of an alcove or like with sparky's fast DarkBurst are not that difficult.  Getting the instant unmorph isn't too bad (again, try pulling back soon before X+B), but jumps out of the instant unmorph aren't so easy.  Other than practice, I have no idea on how this can be made easier.
Quote from SkippyJr:
There is a more difficult (timing-wise) variation of the roll jump by silent ((((echo)))) which proports to get greater height/distance. It's the jump he used to reach the robot in Grand Abyss. The change is that one pulls back on the controll stick somewhere at or between X+B and holding L.

You can also inverse the Y-axis. I tried, it's much easier and works well.
Beware: off duty ninja
*raises hand* have a question. what would be an average time for a low percent game in echoes with sb's?(normal difficulty, have a hard low% slot and it's kicking my ass all over the place) I don't think I can use kip's hard low% as a way of comparing as it wasn't a true run in the speed sense (as he said with his commentary about it)

edit: didn't know where to put this questoin, and don't think it warrants its own topic. so it goes here.
everybody knows it's true
DJgrendola says that people shouls aim around 2:30 for fast low%s without the emerald visor.
Beware: off duty ninja
ummmm. .. . . slight problem mr. aran. . . . . skipping emerald translator means using secret worlds. speed runs don't use SW's as they break sda's rules(which are how I run my games). . . . thanks for the time(even with SE's it should give me a marker to judge by), and if it works out that's cool, but I'm just saying no SW' ing for me
I need help with bs jumps. I can do roll jumps quite well, but I never got even an instant unmorph off a bs jump. Is there any tips/tricks I should know that are not on the site?
(user is banned)
Well I made it to get to Quadraxis without Spiderball and without Echo Visor. So my problem is I don't know how to bash the second form (this flying head)

Btw. I made early screw attack, got early power bombs and then did directly with DjGrenolas Echo Visor skipping Secret World to Quadraxis, I did neiter got to the Energy Controller in the Light world, nor I have collected any Ing Hive keys.
Quote from Jack:
I can't get the Roll Jump[WSA] right. I can do the unmorph just fine, but afterwards, samus doesn't jump, she just falls. I've tried this so many times I already feel like selling Echoes. :(
same...no grapple?
hey can anyone please help me finding the last 4% scans in echoes? i've got 100% items and 96% scans. but i can't find the rest. and i have no idea where i should go look.

which of the scans are typical to be hard to find?
Here is the 100% items & 100% scans walkthrough by Radix: http://radix.metroid2002.com/echoes100_100.txt [link corrected by Radix]

There are more than a couple one-time scans out there that will trip you up (like the barriers over the doors that only appear the first time you fight Ing Warriors).  (P.S. The PAL Prime runs were great.)

For BS Jump issues, can people do the Ing Hive Gate skip?  If you can do those, the BS Jump against walls aren't too much trouble.

Quaddy no Echo Visor:  Jump up the legs to SA the main antenna on the body.  Then get under the dazed head and fire charged light shots at the antenna.  Without light ammo it is hard to manually aim at the antenna.  Quaddy no Spider:  when the 3rd form is dazed, jump and morph at the head to get into the bomb slots.  It's not so easy.  Plus, after defeating Quaddy you will be stuck as there is no way to escape the room.
hey skippyjr. thanks for the link. it helped me a lot. i just found all the 100% scans in echoes very quickly yesteray. Radix's help was great. and i was lucky i didn't miss any one of the one-time-scans so i hadn't to start a new game.

now i will do a 200% game on hard-mode and then i have finished 100% everything in echoes.

and....who knows.... maybe after that i would start to think about "speed runs" in echoes.

Quote from Miles:
hey skippyjr. thanks for the link. it helped me a lot. i just found all the 100% scans in echoes very quickly yesteray. Radix's help was great. and i was lucky i didn't miss any one of the one-time-scans so i hadn't to start a new game.

now i will do a 200% game on hard-mode and then i have finished 100% everything in echoes.

and....who knows.... maybe after that i would start to think about "speed runs" in echoes.

did you start?
How do I get the Dark Torvus key in the Dark Torvus Arena with out boost ball. I don't have the dark suit. Trying to do Agonlast.
Unless I'm just sorely mistaken... you can't get that key without the Boost Ball.
Quote from Tim:
Unless I'm just sorely mistaken... you can't get that key without the Boost Ball.
awww... :(
Quote from Quadraxis203:
Quote from Tim:
Unless I'm just sorely mistaken... you can't get that key without the Boost Ball.
awww... :(
actually... check page 3 of Boost guardian killed in 1 round!
In Agon Wastes, at the Portal Site, the first time you come into the room and there are the Pirates there you have to fight and after you fight them the two that come get possessed.  Has anyone managed to take out one of those Pirates before the cut scene where they get possessed?  I've managed to get in a fully charged shot and a missile, which is enough to waste any other standard Trooper, but it didn't kill him.  Has anyone else managed to kill one of them?  Or do they have infinite health before the cutscene?