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red chamber dream
This topic is for everyone's questions on how to do something in Metroid II.
Any new (or recent) topics asking for specific help will be locked, so do not make any. Use this topic instead for questions on getting certain items or doing certain tricks.
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I don't know if it's just my copy that does this, but in the area where you first fight the Zeta Metroids, there's a platform where there are 2 Moto's marching back and forth, and there's a hole in the middle. When I try to go in, the sreen goes totally black except for Samus and the Stat bar at the bottom, and I can't move. What's up with that?
That part is tricky. The first time I found that area, I remembered the instruction manual said something about Samus having an x-ray visor, so I tried everything I could think of to use it. :p

Eventually I just found my way around by trial and error. Here's my mock-up of what the area actually looks like. I'm pretty sure these are the exact dimensions.

A general tip: use bombs when rolling around to tell when you stop against a block. Then use another to blow it up and progress.
And it's totally pitch black...why?
Because it's special.
Thanks, that helps a lot. I just thought it was my GBC messing up.
What is the max number of Missiles in M2? I think the most I've gotten is 260. Also, how many E-tanks are there? I've found 6.
250 missiles max (22 expansions).

6 e-tanks (though the extra one will only serve to refill your health).
Doesn't every metroid game have 250 missles? (well.. except for metroid where you can get 255)
MP2:E has 255 because the Seekers add an extra five to your total.

EDIT:  Also, Super only has 230, if memory serves.
I know I'm getting off topic, but why does metroid have 255 missles and why does your missle count go down when you get a pick-up?
Quote from The Dark Knight:
I know I'm getting off topic, but why does metroid have 255 missles and why does your missle count go down when you get a pick-up?
Because 255 is FF in hexidecimal, it is the highest 2 digit hex number. And if you are a bad cheater person and you give yourself 255 missiles, getting more will cause it to loop around backs to 5.

You sure its 250? I coulda sworn I got more... *goes to play M2 all the way through*
100% positive. If it were 260, I'd have to re-do my 100% run.

In order of collection:

1: Ruins 1, under bomb statue
2-4: Ruins 1, room next to spider ball
5,6: Ruins 1, room on way back from spider ball (above wall fires)
7,8: Ruins 2, on way to varia suit
9: Ruins 2, room past high jump
10,11: Ruins 2, high jump area, left portion, first room
12: Ruins 2, high jump area, left portion, last room
13: Ruins 2, hidden tunnel on way to alcove
14: Ruins 2, hole to right of spring jump
15: Ruins 3, trapped in shoot blocks
16: Ruins 3, mid-air gamma room
17: Ruins 3, room below mid-air gamma
18: Ruins 3, hole in shaft to right-most gamma
19: Ruins 4, in water on way to save
20: Ruins 4, in the dark room
21: Ruins 4, hidden tunnel above 2nd zeta entrance
22: Ruins 4, ledge under health refill gamma

Total: 250 missiles
Yeah, it's 250. I remembr now.
Y'know the part of the game with the Alpha and Gamma Metroids in the room with all the cobwebs in that you can shoot away, when your Metroid count is in the teens? The Gamma is behind a wall, and the only way I know to kill it is to get my missiles through a small hole in the top corner of the wall. Is there a way to get around the wall and hit it?
There's a hole in that wall? Huh.

In the room right before the gamma metroid, go into the metroid shell. It's an invisible entrance to the gamma's room.
Heh, the first time I played the game I didn't know how to get over there either... I also had to shoot him through that corner of the wall... it's not necessarily a ton slower since you avoid the cobwebs or whatever... you do take a bit of damage though
And since I only know how to get 2 energy tanks on the game it's damage I could do without taking.
Anywhere, everywhere
Good thing this topic is a sticky.

Alright I was doing a 3 item run since I heard it's the lowest percent possible. Well, I got all the way to the Queen's lair which was a major accomplishment for me. But in the Queen's lair, three of the Larva Metroids never showed up. WTF?!?! I was going crazy because I had gotten all this far, just to have 3 simple Metroids not appear. I know it's not a problem with my game because on my other saves they are there. Is there any way to get those Metroids to appear?
That must be a glitch in your game, because I've had no problems getting to the queen fight on my 3-item run.
Anywhere, everywhere
Damn, gottaa start all over again  Crying or Very sad
Jagger ftw
can any one gimme the link to download the musics from metroid 2?
Are you ready for some underwear music?
Quote from Gu3st:
can any one gimme the link to download the musics from metroid 2?

There actually is no 'original' music here, just some remixed ones but I hope that helps. :)
I feel a bit noob-ish asking this, but I just can't figure it out. How the hell do you beat the Queen Metroid? I know the method where you shoot the open mouth with a missile, morph inside, then lay bombs, but I seem to remember that being a way you should only use when you don't have Ice Beam, which I do have.
I EAT YOR cookies
Quote from uNsane:
I feel a bit noob-ish asking this, but I just can't figure it out. How the hell do you beat the Queen Metroid? I know the method where you shoot the open mouth with a missile, morph inside, then lay bombs, but I seem to remember that being a way you should only use when you don't have Ice Beam, which I do have.

180 direct hits with Missiles.