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I got the Thermal Visor before the Super Missiles, and now in the observatory I cant' get across the large gap to save my life.

I've watched the video dozens of times, but it's not helping me. I think that I need to get higher in the air. I'm certain that if i could just get high enough that there'd be no problem, but I keep hitting my head on the underside of that platform. If only there was something to scan on that wall. That would make it so much easier. I'd just dash jump across.

Any tips or pointers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Do you mean  http://www.metroid2002.com/other_thermal_visor_glitch.php

There's a scan dash at the mid-point of the room...  Use that and press and hold B when you dash.  Holding B in a dash jump gives you more height and releasing it quickly gives you more distance...  Be sure to use that second jump quickly as well.

Or do you mean at the top?  With the L-lock Spring Space Jump?  You could try a rodeo jump. Or you could try using a scan point somewhere below your position to dash jump.  Sort of like in the root cave dash jump for the early missile expansion...

As for the person having problems with the Flaaghra battle...  Unless you're doing a speed run, just blast away at him with your Power Beam.  It takes maybe only fifteen to twenty shots.  Which you can get off very quickly with the Power Beam.  Then just beat him normally.  That trick to bomb the slots with the Space Jump always makes me die, so I never use it.

If you need to avoid his hits more often, then here's what you can do.  For the time when he blasts those energy balls at you, he always leads you.  So after you see each ball leave his mouth, just start walking in the other direction.  And walk, not dash...  As for when he launches out the balls at like, five at once, he always does a little swinging of his body before he blasts.  Just move in the direction he came from.  I.E., if he does a little sweep from the right to left then blasts at you, move right.  where he sends out the toxic plants...  Nobody ever gets caught by this...  Just be quick...  As for the slashing, what works for me is a single jump every time he swipes.  Just one, and time them well.

Unless you're speed running...  then practice makes perfect!  :D  Sorry for the long post...[url][/url]
What I'm used to do in Flaagra's fight, first hit, charge shot on panel, normal slot. Second i jump twice with a dash jump to the right, he'll put some toxic grass or something, i jump over, i continue right a bit, even passing the slot a bit so he make an attack other thanh slice (usually toxic grass again) i wait for him to regenerate from his attack than make the hit on the slot by the side. 3rd i make 2 dash jump, and then i lock on panel and dashing but normally this time. flaagra will be close of the panel, if not even on it, and i shoot the panel, meaning i distract him with the panel and I stun him by half (one other shot will do) while he look at the panel like an idiot, i make the 3rd hit. Lastly, 2 dash jump while charging. When he's recover from his attack, I shot and he's stunned, and got the time to make the final hit. If I could make a video, I would have done one, but I can't xD
in the name of justice!
I tried Stefan's method.  It worked; I got to slot four four times, but each time he hit me with a tentacle before I could get off.

So...I started freaking out and midair morphing.  Then I couldn't bomb him at all.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

Just out of curiousity, of those who have done 22% runs, which part would you consider harder-bosses or sequence breaks?

Okay...I got it...not really sure what happened, just got really lucky.  Of course, the trick is what comes next.  How exactly do you work it so that you don't move up over your bombs in Sun Tower.
I remember some days ago i asked that question, souvenir

You stick to the wall, i'm sure you know that part and you morph and land on the ennemy (can't remember his name >_<) than start some morph jump, holding the stick to Up-Left. Each time the bomb explode, put a bomb, but a bit later, like 1/10 of a second. When you'll reach the ledge, put a last bomb and right when it explode, hold up-right and unmorph and you should get it. Beware: You must not be too high because you won't get the good unmorph animation and it will result as a failure. Make sure to unmorph at, like, at the same level as the ledge. Except of that, it's a lot of practice, like people told me :) Good Luck with that parts
Geo core just takes time, I'd say Prime 2 is the hardest part of 22%, but that's just because I suck at Prime 2.
I have a question about the Artifact of Elder room in the Phendrana Drifts.  In Sparky’s 1:28 100% route, part 10, when Sparky reaches this area, there is a battle in this room that is supposed to happen, but it is never triggered.  My question is, what exactly causes the battle to not occur?

There are only two things that I do differently then Sparky before I reach this room, the first is that I fight Thardus on the first go, and the second is that I turn on the Solar System Holographic Generator thingy, to get the Super Missile.  Every time I enter the area with Artifact of Elder, the moment I jump out of the door to get on top of the boxes in order to shortcut the collapsing of the tower, the creatures spawn and start fighting me.

Any help would be much appreciated.
need to climb up on the door/boxes as sparky does. just need to avoid stepping in the area that starts the battle and you should be fine.
I'm having trouble with the Frigate Crash Site Dash. Seems like every time I do it, I end up running into a tree growing on the side of the cliff. Do I need to stand somewhere specific on the branch?
You should scandash from the point connected to the tree you are standing on, if you didn't already. The scanpoint on the other side of the frigate is pretty tough to dash off cos you have to bend forward then backwards the other is just bending backwards. The place to stand should be obvious, its as close to the ledge you're aiming for as possible and as heigh as possible.
I run this here hotel of an evening
don't forget you can climb the crashed frigate without the dash. if it's a speed run though, the dash is better
Well, I can easily climb it on the frigate side, but that dash is a pain. Screw it, I'll just take the long way.

EDIT: How can I get the hole in the window in Research Lab Aether to appear the first time I enter when I backdoor it? Last time I had to reload it twice before it appeared.
I run this here hotel of an evening
are you talking about the one where the pie rate jumps through the glass?

if so, that one is a bit random. if that's not the one you're talking about, then the one I'M talking about is still random :P
Yeah, the one where he jumps through the glass after you kill the first Metroid. On Kip's run, the hole was there the first time. It didn't work for me.
I run this here hotel of an evening
did you happen to pick up thermal before you came? for some odd reason, that seems to affect it
there is a lengthy discussion of this (with input by kip himself, iirc) somewhere else in this forum.

where, you ask? well, i'm pretty sure it's in the prime forum, to be more specific ...
I found it: http://www.metroid2002.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2375
I'll have to try messing around with it when I get there again. I'll do EXACTLY as kip does in the video so as to do whatever to trigger it.
I can't get into the secret world everybody uses for Ice Beam Before Flaaghra.  I get the land on that small strip against the wall.  I get the run on that strip towards the wall.  I get the whole jump into the hole in the wall and there we go.  What I don't get is how do I get enough height to get into that hole in the top of the wall?  What am I doing wrong that I don't get the height?
Is there anything that you can ghetto jump off of in order to gain extra height?
I have the same problem. It says you are supposed to get a running start then ghetto jump off the wall to reach the lowered grove on the wall. however I could never get enough height, even with the greatest ghetto i can get.
Yeah, the little strip is like this:  _____/ then wall.  The video shows you run from the starting point, stop at the bottom of the slant and jump.  I can get the ghetto, but I never land in the alcove.  I've gotten a ghetto that goes all the way over the top of the wall itself, but I still can't get into the secret world.
I run this here hotel of an evening
make sure samus doesn't stop for a split second when hitting the slant. timing is key here
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from Odylg:
make sure samus doesn't stop for a split second when hitting the slant. timing is key here

Also, you seem to get a better Ghetto boost if you push against the wall to your left, and as you get boosted, move right to make it out of the hole.
Gahk! I'm stuck right after you get the charge beam I can't get to the fire dome where the war wasps are. Help please.
always move fast
where exactly are you stuck?

after getting charge beam, return to gathering hall (the room with the adjacent save station), and climb to the top, and enter the door.  continue through the next two rooms, and when you get to the third, larger room, immediately turn left and follow the path to burn dome.