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Quote from Ding Chavez:
I think if I have any hope of getting a descent single segment time, I should just go for consistency, and then slowly start to incorporate risky ticks to bring the time down as needed.  What do other Single Segment runners suggest?

I would simply suggest that you attempt all speed tricks that are not risky. By that, I mean only attempt tricks that will not really cost you anything if you mess them up. Tricks that cost you a lot of time if you mess them up are best to avoid, unless you're consistent with them or they save a lot of time. If you could get early Newborn, that would be really awesome though. Maybe you should put early Newborn off until you nail a good run without early Newborn. Then it won't be so bad to try to do early Newborn on your runs.
Thanks for the help smilingjack13

I think you’re right, doing risky tricks that only save a little time are just not worth it.  I think I am finally familiar enough the route and all the tricks to start eliminating some tricks that are not worth the risk.

The only help I need now with the run is with fighting Ridley.  I can beat Ridley fine using the Wave Buster, but I just can’t seem to recreate the way that Sparky does it.  I can never seem to hit Ridley in the face with the charge shot when Ridley rears back to charge.  Where exactly do I aim?  When exactly do I shoot?  I have YET to get it to work.  Also, is Ridley’s pattern of charging at you semi random?  The few times I got into a rhythm using missiles on Ridley’s heart, he would end up rearing back and charge me again.  If I could just figure out how to hit him when he’s about to charge, I would be fine, but as of now, I lose tones of time trying it with power beam and missiles.

On the flip side, using the Wave Buster on Ridley seems to be somewhat glitchy.  Sometimes I swear that Ridley’s heath is actually charging up, and because of this glitchiness, using Wave Buster can also turn into a lengthy battle (I have actually run completely out of missiles before Ridley dies).  Moreover, because I get so low on missiles during the battle, I need to take the time and recharge inside the crater, thus losing me more time. 

I think I could gain a minute or more in just becoming more proficient at fighting Ridley.
You should practise alternate ways to get through rooms fast. For example the frigate crash site dash jump, in case you fail but still manage to land on the other side of the frigate you can climb up from there, much faster than running back to the spot where you normaly dash of. There are a few more of these just make sure you know every way to get through the room and if its too risky use an easier slightly slower method.
Or, you could just practice the tricks untl you can do them consistently.
red chamber dream
Quote from Ding Chavez:
On the flip side, using the Wave Buster on Ridley seems to be somewhat glitchy.  Sometimes I swear that Ridley’s heath is actually charging up, and because of this glitchiness, using Wave Buster can also turn into a lengthy battle (I have actually run completely out of missiles before Ridley dies).  Moreover, because I get so low on missiles during the battle, I need to take the time and recharge inside the crater, thus losing me more time.

hmm, I've never had a glitch like that happen while using the WaveBuster. It's been awhile since I've tried it, though. About the missiles thing, it's probably only useful in a 100% game. You definitely won't run out of missiles, and it's the easiest way to kill him (though not the fastest).
if you are playing a north american version of the game, your aim to hit ridley in the mouth with a charged shot must be extremely precise. you want to aim quickly and accurately and release your shot confidently. it will probably take a huge amount of practice for you to get it consistent. the worst part of it for me was getting run over by ridley if i failed, because i didn't have time to get out of the way ... and that fact scared me into having bad aim. sparky and company really deserve a lot more kudos than they receive ... but i guess c'est la vie.
Beware: off duty ninja
that glitch with the wavebuster is bizzare. I've done worse in other games, but this one is still kind of interesting. as for the aiming for ridley's pie hole when not locked on, it is truly a pain in the ass to do. I did a battle trying that out and managed to hit ridley's mouth twice, but talk about the nightmare that involves getting the shot in so few frames consistenly enough to be used in a speed run.

ding chavez: paitence is also a key factor here if you have the NTSC versoin like me. also, if you could stay on ridley's left side to do the shot it may hlep you out a little as ridley raises his right arm before charging at you. and paitence. this is a very precise trick like nate said, and you will probably want to make gamecube shaped holes in the wall after a while
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
You should practise alternate ways to get through rooms fast.

That is most definitely a good idea.  I have started developing a list of contingency plans that all hinge on the completion of various tricks.  If the trick fails, I can quickly recover without much in the way of time loss.

Quote from graveworm:
Or, you could just practice the tricks untl you can do them consistently.

Yeah, there are a few ticks that I immediately eliminated from my run, but after giving them some solid practice time, I have reincorporated them in the route.  I think I am going to forgo recording the route for a while, and reevaluate the route trick for trick.  Each and every time I play, it seems like I get better at this game.  Just today, there where a whole slew of tricks that I originally thought were too risky, but after some practice, I now plan to use them all in the route.

Quote from njahnke:
if you are playing a north american version of the game, your aim to hit ridley in the mouth with a charged shot must be extremely precise.

‘Extremely precise’ were not the words I was hoping to hear. lol.  I will keep practicing at it, but if this trick turns out to be too difficult, I might just use wavebuster (even with its glitchiness, it’s still pretty fast).  On the whole, wavebuster and recharging my missiles will only cost me about a minute (maybe less). 

Quote from SamuraiSamus:
ding chavez: paitence is also a key factor here if you have the NTSC versoin like me.

You are right, patience is definitely key.  Learning most of these tricks has required a lot of patience.  I guess I just need to keep at it.  I’ll try your advice on Ridley to see if I can get it more consistent.

Thanks btw to everyone for the help and advice, I really appreciate it. :D  I hope to get this run done before October.
Maybe it was asked before, and I did'nt search for it. So anyways.
I've been trying for weeks that damn Bomb Jumping to get the Artefact in the Sun's Chamber. I Know it's written on Metroid2002, I've read it again and again and again. Maybe I missed something in the description, and I would most likely a more Detailed Description to get it, specially at the Un-Morph Parts.

Thanks for reading
Quote from Z_M:
Maybe it was asked before, and I did'nt search for it. So anyways.
I've been trying for weeks that damn Bomb Jumping to get the Artefact in the Sun's Chamber. I Know it's written on Metroid2002, I've read it again and again and again. Maybe I missed something in the description, and I would most likely a more Detailed Description to get it, specially at the Un-Morph Parts.

Thanks for reading

That one is hard, I can't even do it so don't think that theres anything missing. Although you should unmorph right at the ledge because if you have SJ, you'll propel a little higher. You will eventually get it after a while so keep practicing.
Z_M wrote:
Maybe it was asked before, and I did'nt search for it. So anyways.
I've been trying for weeks that damn Bomb Jumping to get the Artefact in the Sun's Chamber. I Know it's written on Metroid2002, I've read it again and again and again. Maybe I missed something in the description, and I would most likely a more Detailed Description to get it, specially at the Un-Morph Parts.

Thanks for reading

Let's see...  I find it easier if you use ten bombs exactly, as opposed to trying another to gain extra height.  You want to get that tenth bomb to blow up right under you and then move up right in ball form and un-morph.  Hopefully, you'll land it.  If you use an extra bomb, then you'll be right in front of a wall when you un-morph and have to move right very quickly.  If that works for you, then go for it, but it's always been easier for me to move the morph ball after the tenth bomb to the ledge and then un-morph. 

Space Jump does make it easier because you'll go higher.  This is one of those tricks that takes practice.  I'm not even sure I got it down really.  could have just been getting it by pure chance alone.  Practice makes perfect!  Good luck.

P.S-  still can't Geo Core without Boost Ball.  I am now on week five of trying it.  Evil or Very Mad [/quote]
Ok thanks for the help. I'll try these as soon as I get time.
I run this here hotel of an evening
alright, this is seriously driving me insane. and that is hard to do.

i can't get vent shaft to load. when it's not secretized, i can stand on the door. once it's secretized, i am pushed a little bit above the door, and from there i can't get the game to think i'm switching rooms. i can get right beside the door, but it still doesn't help me at all. what's worse is, i get stuck on the side of VS every once in awhile and can't move. i probably could if i had boost, but i'm skipping that. not to mention i don't know the no float route through that room.

i'm getting desperate. help! please!
(user is banned)
Quote from Z_M:
Ok thanks for the help. I'll try these as soon as I get time.

for the climb back up the sun tower, the only thing that helps me get it is to make sure that you dont go above the ledge in a ball. If you do that, you unmorph sideways and fall to the bottom of the room.
I'll thank again, now I got it ^^ I just finished the game and got 1:38 at final time. I hope it's not too bad :P
No man, that's great! 'grats!
in the name of justice!
Okay, I've been playing on and off a 22% for some reason.  I made it to Flaaghra and I CANNOT FLICKERBATTING KILL HIM WITH NO E-TANKS.  How do I avoid getting hit in midair?
You mean his attack cutter or something? He never does that to me except in the animation of a hit. But I think he never does that when you move, but I may be wrong, too.
in the name of justice!
Well, what I've been doing is, dash left then turn at the beginning and use a missile on the dish.  Then use the bomb slot as normal.

When I get Samus back, I dash right, turn back toward Flaaghra, then dash right again, turning at the end so I stop and he throws the vines to my right.  When he gets up I start jumping toward the slot.  Occasionally I can make it to the slot but most of the time he lunges forward or does some weird horizontal slash that hits me into the water.

This strat works like 15% of the time.  No good.
I suggest you stun flaaghra in the last round, 2 missles are enough if you're playing on normal.
in the name of justice!
I haven't made it to the last round yet.  I made it to the third round three times last night, but with less than 20 energy twice.  The other time I screwed up the jump to the bomb slot, which really sucked because I was really all ready to win.

Of course, the thing I really want is consistency because after this is going to be the horrifying practice for the suntower bomb jump.  Anything I could make work more than half of the time would be really great.
Quote from Spine Shark:
Well, what I've been doing is, dash left then turn at the beginning and use a missile on the dish.  Then use the bomb slot as normal.

Is this the 2nd or 3rd round? If its the 2nd round, don't shoot the dish. Jump towards the slot when flaaghra retreats from his attack in were he shoots bullets at you (wich he does almost 100%), 3rd round use the dish 4th round stun him.

Also I don't know if dashing twice really works, one dash is usually enough and if you perform a good first dash you can even extend the dash once you land from your first dash. This is a good example of how you should do the 2nd round:


If you have trouble with it and not going for speed than you can always beat him the traditional way but guess thats hard without charge. Or do the hardest round with shooting the two dishes. Good luck!
in the name of justice!
Oh, I was talking about the very beginning after the opening cutscene.  I'm really not sure why, since I think it's pretty obvious to me that I'm not doing anything wrong at that point.
ok, I made a video of how to beat him very easely. First round use power shots to take down the solar panel, you need your missles later on. 2nd round, use two missles to stun flaahgra wait till he comes out of his stun before jumping to the bomb slot otherwise he will probably smash you once you get back the control. 3rd round will be tough but you can chose to take down the two solar panels but I don't know how hard that is. 4th round, another stun.

This works always for me:

1st round: dash to 1st. panel, missile. Normal bomb slot.

2nd round: dash to right (bending), extend dash, missile to panel, SJ to bomb slot, falling to water almost inmediately after laying the bomb (or the tentacle hits Samus doing like 20-30 damage). [Cutscene, Flaahgra hits panel back to position, then 8 slashes].

3rd. round: dash to right (small dash), missile to panel, jump the vines, SJ to bomb slot...

4th. round: dash to right, wait 2 sec, then missiles to Flaahgra (sometimes she bends to attavk you and the missiles don't hit the target). Once stunned, SJ to bomb slot.

Then Varia, bomb jumping & wrong unmorph, dying and everything once again.